Debate One World Government

Aertnam Triticus

New Member
@ BlastTyrant,

Generally speaking, my perspective of religion and philosophy as it pertains to mankind, centers around discovery of truth. I suppose that's what I was trying to context above. How ignorant are we? Who knows the truth? Does everyone have as many questions as I do? There is a truth to be found, and I suspect it differs from what many believe.

I don't think there is necessarily a need for a Noah's Ark style event, but perhaps a need for a mass antithesis and subsequent synthesis in the direction of truth and righteousness. If we are to progress as a species, it stands to reason that we need to clear up any confusion, to know the truth, as it is somewhat prerequisite.

The question is if people are ready for truth. Truth would determine which are and are not. What if we, as a species, discovered universal undeniable truth that contradicts what billions have structured generations of their lives around? How would people react? Can people come together in search for universal truth found within most belief systems, or will people continue to take an aggressive competitive and/or defensive approach? How many people can be honest, reasonable and open minded?

Either way, whatever chaos may/may not erupt, some sort of a new order will eventually follow. Can we arrive at a conclusion or synthesis without all hell breaking lose? Is it worth taking the chance in order to find truth?


Senior Member
People are afraid of the truth, no one want's to hear the truth and that is why Media has such a hold on everyone, If all of a sudden the truth became reality people would go nuts, mass panic would insue shortly after.

The close mindedness is the main issue here, and so is change and real change that would alter the life styles we have now would never be accepted it would have to be driven into peoples minds and forced as no one would ever conform to it. I completely believe that if or when ET's show them self's it would destroy most of humanity as everything we are taught would then be wrong, all of a sudden the Alien threat is not actually a threat and the whole belief that we are not alone is now thrown out the window. people are taught to believe we are made in Gods image and then all of a sudden BAM little grey men from spaceships, people would not be able to handle the Truth of not being the center of the universe.

And i do believe we cannot evolve from this, it has been embedded in our Culture for Generations we're taught this and forced to believe this anyone who looks outside of the box is insane, it is going to have to take one hell of a event for us to move on, wether it be Jesus him self "or her self" to come down and say "Hey, time to change people lets grow up a bit, i am bringing some friends over to help ya'll get in shape and live better, say hello to the Aliens"
or mass eradication, perhaps WW3 will be the start of it all assuming it happens. Ether way

Aertnam Triticus

New Member
What you're suggesting through your words.. from what I understand is Communism minus the Dictator. You wouldn't need taxes if each person does their job. Everyone in the community has a job. Those jobs then relate to help out the community. Everyone is paid in sustenance.

Housing can be made new based on population needs. BUt I really like the idea of people living in apartments and demoing areas around them for farm land and parks. Do I personally have a house in the country surrounded by forest? Hell yes! But, does it make more sense to not waste the land and have everyone living in centralized locations? Yes.

And why do we need money if everyone is sharing? You pool resources as a community, that community trades with the other communities. Maybe have rail lines that act as mobile bazaars. Passing through multiple towns until you trade off what you have. You could have people that their job in the community is to ride that train and trade. Also have set trade routes.

Then you'd have to have education slots. Obviously the number of jobs people want to grow up and do will not be favorable. So you'd have to have "slots". So many children this year need to go learn to be doctors. So many need to go learn to operate heavy equipment. If there is no pay, it shouldn't matter. Then if you find out after a year or so that someone just isn't cut out for their training in medicine, there will be others that aren't suited for manual labor and some sort of "community trade" of specialists can be worked out where you trade "slots" with another school.

As for limiting people's rights. You have to. You cannot allow someone to go on a killing spree. Now I know most think it is common sense to not kill. But by your words, telling me that I cannot, means that you are limiting my right to kill people which I believe I have(for the sake of argument here only). You are going to get these arguments from some governments, trust me. So the only solution to peacefully bring everyone into the fold that I can think of is to allow communities to make their own rules. With the understanding that any and all forms of government will be brought down.

Now the question arises as to how to enforce anything wihtout having a central government to lord over the realm. That's not an easy one and something that we've been going back and forth here on. I think if you read above, you'll see what we've come up with on laws so far.

Commissions would need to still happen, but only on a voluntary basis cause you will need planning commissions for things like roads, sewers, things like that. and OUTSIDE people will need to do this. Not outside the community, but outside of that job category so there isn't any dispute over the water routed around some farm because the water guy doesnt like farmer john.

I'm sure I'll have more to say.. but keep it coming! that was an awesome first post and welcome to the community!

I rather like this post as it is all in the context of 'How?'.

I suppose you can work it a number of ways.

I believe there is a way to do it, so long as you focus on universal standards like human rights, mutual gain, etc, ...and keep force out of the equation except when confronted with clear and present danger.

You can still have planning commissions and roads and traffic lights, security force/constables, water and sewage system, etc. The difference would be in how it was managed. How many things do humans do in mass for mutual benefit? if you can do anything is mass, what can't you do? Do we need to be forced to do everything, or can we do it as a matter of avoiding true consequence?

I like using traffic as an example of human capacity to have order. Billions of people travel in cars every day with a relatively low rate of a chaotic ballet of sorts. There can be 300 cars lined up at a major intersection or stretch of freeway in a megatropolis, not a cop to be found, no one saying you have to obey the traffic 'laws'...and people still do. Why?

...Because everyone wants to get from A to B safely without incident. So we establish some universal system of organization.

How many people don't mind chipping in to buy traffic signals so they can get home faster and safer every day? Do you really have to make people? How many people actually drive with the intention of causing a wreck?

How many people get up and go to work every day, organize with many others, and without being forced?

Is there a way to manage everything harnessing the same concept of mutual gain in our nature?


Senior Member
But much like traffic everyone's goal is to get from Point A to Point B as fast as they can, this in return causes accidents, slow downs, Road rage. If people Cooperated on the roads it would be a Simple process but instead you have 300 people doing as they please and in the end we are all at the mercy of the lead car if he is going 30 we got no choice but to go 30.

So we throw in another lane so people can pass the guy going slow, now we got cars cutting each other off and butting into the other lane so they can get infront of the guy going 30 now we have a variable Flood gate effect of mass amounts of people going as fast as they can through the open hole, this in return causes a Accident due to someone not paying attention and cutting someone off and getting rear ended, and now we are back down to 1 lane as the opportunity we were given was then abused. And this is a never ending cycle, now we got the guy going 30 in one lane and a paranoid Mother with her children in the car going 30 as she does not want to be in another accident in the other lane, so once again we are haulted by greedyness and paranoia, the best we can hope for is another lane to open but in the end the same thing will happen.

So let's say the 3rd lane opens the one and final chance of reaching our goal, now people have learned their lesson and go every other car to get into this new lane but there is still 300 some odd cars doing this and it is very time consuming and the guy in the Corvette is tired of waiting so he proceeds to cut off the car behind him and make a run for the open lane, and he makes it but a mile down the road sits a Patrol Car who pulls the driver over and in return temporarly closes the 3rd lane.

Granted a lesson was learned but in the end the same results were shown just in a different form. so now people will be aware of the patrol car and the accident and with those 2 thoughts in mind will try to get ahead but avoid those 2 obstacles and in return cause a 3rd variable. So now we have several injured traffic time has now doubled and now the turkey dinner is cold all because people couldn't cooperate with one another. Now had we just stayed behind the guy going 30 and cooperated with one another when the other lanes opened all of it can be avoided.

But human nature and the mindset of today stopped that, so even though some had good intentions and were working with each other a handful of others ruined it for the rest of us and now we are back at square one, and this will ALWAYS happen.

Aertnam Triticus

New Member
People are afraid of the truth, no one want's to hear the truth and that is why Media has such a hold on everyone, If all of a sudden the truth became reality people would go nuts, mass panic would insue shortly after.

The close mindedness is the main issue here, and so is change and real change that would alter the life styles we have now would never be accepted it would have to be driven into peoples minds and forced as no one would ever conform to it. I completely believe that if or when ET's show them self's it would destroy most of humanity as everything we are taught would then be wrong, all of a sudden the Alien threat is not actually a threat and the whole belief that we are not alone is now thrown out the window. people are taught to believe we are made in Gods image and then all of a sudden BAM little grey men from spaceships, people would not be able to handle the Truth of not being the center of the universe.

And i do believe we cannot evolve from this, it has been embedded in our Culture for Generations we're taught this and forced to believe this anyone who looks outside of the box is insane, it is going to have to take one hell of a event for us to move on, wether it be Jesus him self "or her self" to come down and say "Hey, time to change people lets grow up a bit, i am bringing some friends over to help ya'll get in shape and live better, say hello to the Aliens"
or mass eradication, perhaps WW3 will be the start of it all assuming it happens. Ether way
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I can't disagree with much of what you convey here. There would be problems, of course. But does it have to be a catastrophe? Is there a way to avoid that? Can we figure it out without destroying ourselves? Can humans overcome or circumvent that part of our nature that enables us to do evil?

Truth is truth. It is universal and non-contradictory... so if we develop from truth, we are righteous. If we develop out of ignorance, we're missing out on our true potential. Maybe it is worth it in the long run. Maybe a modern day renaissance or enlightenment is what we need, serve as a correction of sorts, to readjust our focus with respect to philosophy and our long term development.

So how do we discern definitive truth? Who knows what the truth really is?

Aertnam Triticus

New Member
......But human nature and the mindset of today stopped that, so even though some had good intentions and were working with each other a handful of others ruined it for the rest of us and now we are back at square one, and this will ALWAYS happen.

Indeed you are always going to have issues in any society.

I was merely trying to demonstrate the ability to self organize for mutual gain verses the need for forced behavior.

Because of speed limits, road signs and police using radar and citing people for speeding, there are no more speeders? People don't care about wrecks, injury, and time delay, they follow the traffic laws because they are scared of getting a ticket? Because there are no police making people go to work and get along, people don't get up and go to work every day and accomplish a task? Because there are laws against victimizing others and police to enforce it, crime has been eradicated from our existence?

One of the primary flaws of our society is that everything is rooted in force. What good does it do, and is it necessary? ...or rather when is it really necessary?


Senior Member
If there wasn't police and road signs then we would have a constant mess, We do need rules and regulations without them we revert back to the stone age.

It may not need to be catastrophic or even mass elimination but it needs to be a truly wide awakening scenario, i am talking the skys open up kind of scenario because you cannot rely on the media, it needs to be something the world can see. A mass showing of UFO ships or a giant Vision of God regardless it has to be global


Senior Member
Christianity will be the religion of choice and any who oppose it will face the wraith of God, i don't think we have any choice unless of course we are shown something different, but keep in mind also if by some means ET's do show them selfs that throws a stick in the spokes of Christianity.

Actually, during the One-World Government, Christianity will not be the one-world religion. Revelation of the Bible prophecies that during the reign of the Antichrist and his One-World Government, Christians will be beheaded for their beliefs.

Aertnam Triticus

New Member
If there wasn't police and road signs then we would have a constant mess, We do need rules and regulations without them we revert back to the stone age.

Granted, you will always have to have some sort of standard for behavior in any society, something serving as a frame of reference to define what is mutually beneficial. But how much needs to be forced?

If force is so necessary, then how is it that there are countless examples of how people get along so well in it's absence? How do we do that? What is the motivation?

It may not need to be catastrophic or even mass elimination but it needs to be a truly wide awakening scenario, i am talking the skys open up kind of scenario because you cannot rely on the media, it needs to be something the world can see. A mass showing of UFO ships or a giant Vision of God regardless it has to be global

Again, I can't disagree that such an event would be almost necessary to make the difference.

Consider if you had a time machine and were able to record an interview with Jesus, bring it back and show the world. Would people believe it? If he started contradicting the modern interpretation of Christianity, would people accept it? If UFO's landed everywhere and Jesus or Moses, Abraham or King David walked out of one, there would still be at least some people ready to reject it as truth, people still believing what they want.

But what about the people that did see it as truth? How would they react? Would it cause jihad?
