Options To Take For Contacting Aliens


Active Member
According to Ingo Swann, he didn't find them, they were watching him.

If you don't know who Ingo Swann is he is considered the father of remote viewing. He was also a telepath and said his telepathic ability was nothing compared to the aliens. I think they started watching him more after he viewed the manmade structures on the dark side of the moon. He also believed the moon was a manmade (alien) structure.

Ted Owens actually had a method for contacting aliens. He gives it in his book.

I never tried any of these methods so you'll have to test them to see if they work.


I thank all of you who replied here very much for your feedback! :)

@TnWatchdog - Steven Greer has a doctorate? Wow, that's great news to me! :)

@PaulaJedi - Yeah, I figured that there are already aliens among us here on Earth. ;) The questions that remain are: Where could I go about finding an alien among us? And/or how do I search for one?

We'll have to brainstorm. Do they look like us? Do they morf? Are they in hiding? There are so many unanswered questions. To find an alien, we'll have to think like an alien. If you were an alien, where would you live? Where would you hide? Would you try to blend in with humanity and the culture in which you live? I'm guessing, yes. That's what makes it difficult. It still has to be easier than sending a message into space, though. I suppose the Law of Attraction could apply. You could, as you and Num have mentioned, meditate and "will" yourself to meet an alien, but would you know it when you saw it? I'll have to ponder this for a while.


@PaulaJedi - OK thanks. But what exactly do you mean by me "willing myself to meet an alien" during meditation?

It could be like the Law of Attraction --- you get what you think about the most, or it could be psychic, like sending out a signal. The only problem I foresee is that if an alien received this message, he/she/it would have to be willing to connect back with or meet you. He/she/it may refuse.

Maybe we should conduct an experiment. Some of us could try to connect with an alien in a psychic manner and then observe and see if we meet any strange people thereafter. Just an idea.


Active Member
One: alien by English language definition is basically something that's outside or foreign.

Two: Good and evil are subjective. So for all we know, we're evil to them.

Three: Refer to one and two and basically emit good vibes. The end.


As many of you on this site are well aware, I am keenly interested in contacting aliens (good ones) for the purpose of time traveling to change history in order to advance the human race for the better.

I know your motives are pure but that will not happen .

If you (us as a species) can not learn and grow from the past the future will not reveal itself .

It is only through spiritual growth that one can ascend .


@Dragonchaser - So what exactly are you saying? That I won't be able to come in contact with aliens, or that I won't be able to go time traveling? If you think these things can never happen to me, I strongly disagree. No one can tell me what I can and can't do, only I can decide that. If there were forces in the universe that were dominant over mine in regards to what I can or can't do, that would be breaking a law. A law of the universe, that is.


Active Member
@Dragonchaser - So what exactly are you saying? That I won't be able to come in contact with aliens, or that I won't be able to go time traveling? If you think these things can never happen to me, I strongly disagree. No one can tell me what I can and can't do, only I can decide that. If there were forces in the universe that were dominant over mine in regards to what I can or can't do, that would be breaking a law. A law of the universe, that is.

None of which exist. The universe doesn't make laws, only humans do as far as I know.

Alot of people out here don't understand the nature and reality of academia and assume Newton's laws of motion are universal when he never pushed for a universal or unified theory of motion to begin with. Alot of it is still up for debate to this day until disproven or otherwise.

Besides, I think you should take what he has to say with a grain of salt anyways. People who claim to have power and not prove it only show that they're indeed all talk and no show.
