People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

I have read some of the statements from other forums, and i am shocked, i hear about people talking about splitting up in the editorial and opinion sections of my newspaper, people saying that we have said goodbye to good economics, religious tolerance, etc, and saying hello to fiscal irresponsibility, and hatred. I hear that Bush is going to appoint two new judges to the surpreme court who have nazist-like views. This timeline really has taken a turn toward the worst, and the only thing we can do is pray, and stand by our loved ones. Bush is likely to start a war with Iran and N.Korea within this year or early next year, but i have a feeling that if he does, it will turn out really bad for us. Im also surprised that most of the country thinks we are heading in the wrong direction, yet elected the guy who put us in the wrong direction, its not only ironic, but dangerous. I think we can still survive this if we stand hard enough, if there is a civil war, dont fight in it because it may mean your family will fight in it as well, stand by them and your loved ones and hope for peace and a quiet solution.
Blessed Be-Malaki
People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

As an alleged Time-Traveller, I would have thought that you wouldn't be talking in ifs, buts and maybe's, rather that you would be telling us what would happen, to whom and why.

A TT'er who relies on newspapers to know what is going on, is it me, or is that a bit bizarre?
People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

Originally posted by Traveler Malaki@Nov 5 2004, 12:43 AM
I have read some of the statements from other forums, and i am shocked, i hear about people talking about splitting up in the editorial and opinion sections of my newspaper, people saying that we have said goodbye to good economics, religious tolerance, etc, and saying hello to fiscal irresponsibility, and hatred. I hear that Bush is going to appoint two new judges to the surpreme court who have nazist-like views. This timeline really has taken a turn toward the worst, and the only thing we can do is pray, and stand by our loved ones. Bush is likely to start a war with Iran and N.Korea within this year or early next year, but i have a feeling that if he does, it will turn out really bad for us. Im also surprised that most of the country thinks we are heading in the wrong direction, yet elected the guy who put us in the wrong direction, its not only ironic, but dangerous. I think we can still survive this if we stand hard enough, if there is a civil war, dont fight in it because it may mean your family will fight in it as well, stand by them and your loved ones and hope for peace and a quiet solution.
Blessed Be-Malaki

This is what they mean by "polarization." Using fear to set common people against one another; and using dehumanizing badge-words such as "faith-based" and "secular humanist" to avoid actual thought and discussion of differences. You are "pro life;" we are supposedly in a "culture war." It goes on and on...

It does look like the risk of social upheaval is greatest just where you'd least expect it: among those who support Bush. They apparently voted on some sort of "moral" basis, and woe betide the Bushwhackers if they betray these armies of the virtuous.

The fact is that Bush and his cronies will always run with their pals, the rich, the foreign rich, the powerful, the snide. Who actually believes that, if it came down to it, Bush would side with his supporters in "flyover?"
People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

No Grayson, it proves that he's both well read and able to predict events. It's a New Age time traveler thing. Weathermen have been doing it for years, thats how they manage a solid 50% with %50% intermittent Light followed by a 50% chance of intermittent Darkness.
People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

I have to read the newspaper every day to find out what happened the day before, so I'm a little behind. What exactly are you guys discussing?
People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

Originally posted by Grayson@Nov 4 2004, 07:50 PM
As an alleged Time-Traveller, I would have thought that you wouldn't be talking in ifs, buts and maybe's, rather that you would be telling us what would happen, to whom and why.

A TT'er who relies on newspapers to know what is going on, is it me, or is that a bit bizarre?

I know what you mean, i haven't done any astral TT for about a week, ever since Bush won i have been having dreams about disasters that are as vivid as some vision i have had, it could be warning me about whats going to happen, i will again astral to see what happens, and maybe find out if its similar to what HDRKID has said will happen if Bush wins, i never went to the timeline where Bush won, but since its this one now, i will check and get back to you in my thread, plus i need to concentrate better on my accuracy on hitting the correct timeline. I was always so hopeful that Kerry would win though, i never thought we would concede, he still had a chance to win Ohio, it may have been a small one, but he still had the chance. But now, both parties are horrible, both lie and spread rumors about the other, Republicans lied about Kerrys record in Vietnam through the swift boat ads, and the Democrats exaggerated about job losses. I have a horrible gut feeling that the Democratic party is going to collaspe, but it will be replaced largely by either the independents, the Libertarians, the Constitutionalists, Greens, or any of the other parties out there. I heard of a middle viewed Centrist party, if they are out there, they are more moderate politically, and will make good candidates, so i hope they replace the Dems. Thats all i have to say for now, as i have studying to do.
Blessed Be-Malaki
People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

Democratic party is going to collaspe, but it will be replaced largely by either the independents, the Libertarians, the Constitutionalists

This is a bad thing???????

Yes, It looks like the public face of the left has had it. They put everything they had into unseating the hated Bush Vador, and they came up many states short of the mark. They will probably make one more try by going hard left. As I see it they only have one candidate who will unite that side, and she will do anything to get into office. As things decend further into the outhouse, the pulic may go left as a last desperate attempt to keep the country in 08.
People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

Originally posted by StarLord@Nov 5 2004, 01:01 AM
No Grayson, it proves that he's both well read and able to predict events. It's a New Age time traveler thing. Weathermen have been doing it for years, thats how they manage a solid 50% with %50% intermittent Light followed by a 50% chance of intermittent Darkness.

You crack me up, you Rum Bugger. :lol:
People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Nov 4 2004, 05:30 PM
(and I think Titor was a Rep, not a Dem);

Titor sounded more like a constitutionalist libertarian.

Its not an issue of democrat vs. republican really. It is statist vs. individualist. The democrats have so far tended to be more statist, but the republicans are pretty bad too. I think the danger of a shooting war in the next four years comes if the rural conservatives feel betrayed by the administration. The democrats have too much of a dependant attitude, are against guns, and are crippled by a philosophy of pacifism.

I actually alomst voted for the Constitutionist party, except they were a bit too isolationist.
People talking of splitting USA (red-blue map)


I've seen this floating around since the elections....
It may be a joke, but it translates much of what many americans are thinking...the rest is to witness.
