Pioneer Renaissance Figures


☀️ Zenith
As promised, my next changing history/alternate history topic is Pioneer Figures of the Renaissance in Europe. As you can see by the dates that these figures are set to live, I have the Renaissance coming into full swing much earlier than in this timeline. Also, the spread of the Renaissance from Italy to other countries will occur much faster. Well, here's the list:

Some Main Early Figures of the Italian Renaissance (1300-1600)

  1. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Italian literary figure (the only one listed here that is not my creation)
  2. Giuseppe Abruzzo (1279-1340), Italian poet, playwright, and philosopher
  3. Giovanni Castagnini (1282-1354), Italian painter
  4. Giacomo Gabatti (1288-1367), Italian sculptor
  5. Francesco Bontadini (1296-1373), Italian architect
  6. Luciano Marrone (1340-1410), earliest composer of the Italian Renaissance (also a scholar, poet, playwright, philosopher, painter, sculptor, and architect)
Note: Other major, already existing figures, particularly Petrarch, Boccaccio, and Giotto are not included in this list because they were born in between Bontadini and Marrone, and are thus not considered as pioneer in their fields as the others. Marrone, who is born 44 years after Bontadini, is considered pioneer because prior to his developments leading from Medieval to Renaissance music, Medieval music is in vogue due to earlier composers such as Francesco Landini (already existing). Landini was also born between the birthdates of Bontadini and Marrone.

Some Main Early Figures of the Spanish Renaissance (1375-1600)
  1. Miguel Vasquez (1343-1418), Spanish scholar, poet, playwright, philosopher, painter, sculptor, architect, and composer (imported the Renaissance into Spain in 1375, and the first Spanish composer to compose Renaissance music)
  2. Jose Delarosa (1344-1406), Spanish poet, playwright, and philosopher
  3. Domingo Zorrilla (1345-1413), Spanish painter
  4. Pablo Escobar (1347-1421), Spanish sculptor
  5. Ramon Garriga (1349-1429), Spanish architect

Some Main Early Figures of the French Renaissance (1380-1600)

  1. Jacques Bonneville (1348-1424), French scholar, poet, playwright, philosopher, painter, sculptor, architect, and composer (imported the Renaissance into France in 1380, and the first French composer to compose Renaissance music)
  2. Guillaume Pelletier (1349-1413), French poet, playwright, and philosopher
  3. Pierre Letellier (1350-1423), French painter
  4. Jean Chagnon (1352-1429), French sculptor
  5. Jacques Echard (1354-1435), French architect

Some Main Early Figures of the German Renaissance (1385-1600)

  1. Heinrich Becker (1353-1431), German scholar, poet, playwright, philosopher, painter, sculptor, architect, and composer (imported the Renaissance into the German states in 1385, and the first German composer to compose Renaissance music)
  2. Johann Buckner (1354-1423), German poet, playwright, and philosopher
  3. Georg von Ehrhorn (1355-1431), German painter
  4. Wilhelm Treuherz (1357-1432), German sculptor
  5. Ludwig Burbach (1359-1442), German architect

Some Main Early Figures of the English Renaissance (1390-1600)

  1. John Taylor (1358-1440), English scholar, poet, playwright, philosopher, painter, sculptor, architect, and composer (imported the Renaissance into England in 1390, and the first English composer to compose Renaissance music)
  2. Richard Woodard (1359-1432), English poet, playwright, and philosopher
  3. John Seagraves (1360-1438), English painter
  4. William Prestridge (1362-1436), English sculptor
  5. Henry Palmore (1364-1448), English architect

Some Main Early Figures of the Russian Renaissance (1395-1600)

  1. Vasily Malikov (1364-1441), Russian poet, playwright, and philosopher
  2. Yuri Artamov (1365-1447), Russian painter
  3. Boris Kafelnikov (1366-1449), Russian sculptor
  4. Mikhail Obolensky (1367-1451), Russian architect
  5. Ivan Petrov (1368-1453), Russian scholar, poet, playwright, philosopher, painter, sculptor, architect, and composer (imported the Renaissance into Russia in 1395, and the first Russian composer to compose Renaissance music)
Note: The contemporaries of Petrov listed here are born before him because in this case, Petrov is what we would call a prodigy, and so the other pioneer Russian figures are considered to be the first to be influenced by Petrov and the Renaissance as a whole.

Any questions, comments, or concerns?
Yes Classical..Dont dare to say that you are bored with Paranormalis again, after your exhilarating posting :D
In 1963 Arthur Fiedler recorded a version of Tchaikovsky`s Swan Lake...
Towards the end of that movement in ballet form, a storm comes across a lake then a loud crash of thundering drums are heard as a lightning bolt hits the lake..2 swans are killed by that lightning strike which causes a vortex to open and the souls of the swans go upto heaven..:)

When Tchaikovsky first saw this ballet he was overcome by emotion which caused him to "envision" that vortex which became psychically
"encoded" into the music he created for Swan Lake ..The theme for the scene and finale are "vortex" music!!
Going back to Arthur Fiedler..The recording of him performing Swan Lake was done in a section of the Montauk Camp which dealt with time-travel and the recording was done with a white noise carrier being placed upon it...(White noise is correlated to time travel) :)

Some people believe that this music is the background matrix for our reality (dimension) that we are living in now..
It might be interesting for you to get a DVD of that performance and see if you can receive anything unusual from it..
Obviously you are an aficionado of classical music which will give you an advantage to feel or perceive these type of things :)

Uh oh, TF the BF, you have a duplicate copy of your post underneath your first!! :p

Yeah I know the server where you posted from was probably sluggish at the time. It's annoying, and it's happened to me here as well. ;)

I read all about that post, and I was curious if maybe the performance would be available on YouTube. (?)

Give You Tube a try Classical :)
The duplicate posting was simply a time anomaly caused by my small Delta T Antenna which is very near to me, and not the server lol :p:D
Did you notice the 6 minute time delay between the 2 posting? :XD::D
Sometimes my pesky little time antenna gives out 1 hour time dilations! :confused::D
