POLL: John Titor related - What scenario would you choose?

Which scenario would you choose?

  • A) A Nuclear War that ends government corruption and NWO, restores Constitution, but at a high cost.

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • B) Live in Communist/Nazi type America with no Civil Liberties and end up being ruled by a NWO.

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Question at the bottom...please read this first.

John Titor's world had a Nuclear War in 2015 that stopped the New World Order agenda and brought down a very corrupt U.S. Federal Government. However, his presence on our Timeline altered events in our Worldline.

We did not experience the devastation of Y2K disasters as John's world did. This I believe was a direct result of John's contact with his Grandfather in 1975 over the retrieval of an IBM 5100 Computer. I believe the interaction between John and his Grandfather was somehow the beginning of the altering of our Timeline.

The Y2K disasters on John's Worldline caused people to become more dependent on themselves and less dependent on the U.S. Government. It changed the character of Americans. They did not trust the government after the devastating Y2K event, which killed a large population of Americans.

In John's Worldline, I believe Civil Unrest, the precursor to his Civil War, began over fraudulent elections in 2000 and 2004 during the Bush Administration, over the War in Iraq, which was based on lies, over the Patriot Act and other Unconstitutional Laws that stole our Constitutional Rights, Gun Control and confiscation of Firearms, and perhaps over 911 conspiracy theories, etc. Americans were much bolder after the Y2K disaster. They were no longer apathetic to the corruption in the U.S. Government.

In John's world, perhaps when the grid went down over Y2K, fluoride (poison) being added to water was disrupted, and the people awakened from their coma-like state of mind. This is just a guess, but it could have happened when the power went down in America.

JOHN TITOR: On my worldline, we are no longer afraid of the "NWO". Are you afraid of Nazis?

Our Wordline

On our Worldline we did not have a Y2K disaster, we have not experienced massive Civil Unrest on a national scale. (There were attempts with the Occupy Movement, but the U.S. Government put a stop to it. ) We are nowhere near a Civil War, even though this past year so many Government Cover-ups and Scandals have been exposed, i.e., NSA Spying on Americans, Fast and Furious, Benghazi cover-up, IRS targeting Tea Party and Conservative Groups, IRS squandering Tax Payer's money, Journalists being targeted and even assassinated, the list goes on and on and on.

On our Worldline, the U.S. Government has become a Police State and is more powerful than ever!

The Mainstream Media diverts attention from important stories, feeds Propaganda and lies to Americans to keep them ignorant and distracted regarding the corruption in the Federal Government and President's Administration. America no longer has a Constitution. It has been chipped away to nothing! MSM manipulates Americans into racial diversity, supporting Gun Control, accepting Unconstitutional Laws, and other harmful issues that are bad for our country.

Americans are being poisoned and drugged by the government, corporations, and pharmaceutical companies with fluoride in the water and toothpaste, pharmaceutical drugs, illegal drugs brought into the USA by the CIA, chemicals in food and water that cause cancer and other disabling diseases, harmful vaccines that cause Autism and many other physical disabilities, the list goes on and on.

Americans are engrossed in Entertainment, Movies, Celebrities, American Idol, moronic - violent and pornographic TV shows. Americans are fascinated with new technology, the Internet, and Social Websites that track our every move.

Only a small percentage of people seem to recognize how wrong all of this is. The people who do see what's going on and oppose it are labeled 'conspiracy theorists', mentally unstable, crazy, Doomsday Preppers, enemy combatants, etc. by the Mainstream Media and others in power.

John Titor warned us about these things.

*NOTE: You don't have to agree with what I have written above, but for the sake of this thread, let's imagine that it happened that way and answer the following question.


So I ask...Which scenario would you choose?

A) Have a John Titor scenario...A Nuclear War on American soil that brings down the Federal Government, stops the Corruption in the U.S. Government, stops the NWO agenda...and hopefully you will survive N-Day. *John's Civil War and the Nuclear War resulted in the restoration of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, abolished the IRS, eliminated the Federal Reserve, 5 Presidents represented 5 areas of the USA as opposed to 1 President as we now have (eliminating Dictatorship), and purged corruption within the U.S Government.

However, in the wake of Nuclear War millions of people died and the earth's resources were contaminated with Nuclear Fallout causing disease, starvation, and worse. (The Nuclear War on John's Worldline was started by China and finished by Russia. Russia was considered an ally by Americans for saving them from a tyrannical government.)

Or, would you choose...

B) For things to continue as they are (and it's going to get much worse), which is living in Nazi America, Communist America (that's where we're headed right now), and will end up being ruled by a New World Order. (This will lead to a Cashless Society that forces people to wear an Implantable RFID Computer Chip. Bible Prophecy foretells it, and it is coming true.) Read George Orwell's book, 1984.

Please Vote in the POLL at the top of this page to answer the question. Thanks. :)

DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: It is our Duty to throw off a corrupt government...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.



Actually I do not chose either one. The only think perhaps to be thought about it (same as in the late '50's, '60's, and early mid '70's) is Russia going to put up with it. And right now, it seems as if the USA is being aggressive again, because to me some older people still in the Government, still have those biases, prejudices, and belief systems that again to me are just wrong or I really do not see where it will be better in the end.

Perhaps another question one has to ask is if the Government is making a new department (get this - this is exopolitical - for spacealiens from outer space department) because of reports of flying saucers and lights in the sky, how long does that last and for what reason can it be ascertained for certain (because perhaps it can not be) to be a viable department.

Also Congress is disagreeing more about the Affordable Health Care Act and cancelling it out. Frankly to me, this Country just can not afford everything that some people want, and the cart before the horse is not really working out for jobs.

It's like an old Doctor Who (time travel show from England) episode, where hundreds of people (all went to college and graduated in mathematics) are working on a problem instead of using computers at all. I look at it this way, when there are only those type of jobs (because using more computer and robots whatever) it may all fall down, because that episode showed a society where they came to the conclusion that those hundreds of people (because the problem was that huge subdivided down so many people could work on it) could end up doing the problem faster than trying to program it all into a computer even a supercomputer and waiting for an answer. The people were working, and doing problem after problem and that was the way that society handled it because to them - it was better in the end.

Actually I would not have Pamela think too much about it also, because being human comes first and that means the ups and downs also, so feeling hurt or abandoned probably happens to more people than is thought of, so I take the JT story with a grain of salt (meaning that it is not real or unreal) because that is all one can do with any story anybody can have.

I probably won't post much either, too much other work to do, and whatever happens will happen, but the main jest perhaps is always being a bit ready in the first place because with Mother Nature and Father Time, perhaps anything can happen depending on how many people jump on such a subjective bandwagon in the first and last place.

I try and not jump at anything anymore, maybe because I am older, maybe because one might as well relax and meditate in the end and any of that which is and has been and will be life.

Only thing I can say right now, is that space is not an environment where it will be a piece of cake doing anything, and the Earth is a comfort zone (and a darn good one) but I am not of the belief either that humans can consciously screw it up so bad that it ends life or any extreme scenario.

You see, there is a mechanism to me that even if humans screw things up real bad, the only thing that happens in the end is like the dinosaurs, humans would not exist anymore except in the dust from whence they came from.

P.S. Oh, if the first does happen then I probably die from lack of medicine (for a health problem I have).

And the teenager saying that "Space is Big", remember that at the quantum level, your head has a lot of Space (and probably Time as in spacetime) already and it may never fill up.

P.S. Oh, and both scenarios have been going on for a long time now, ever since about the end of WWII.


I voted the Titor Nuclear War scenario, but while reconsidering the details, I'll add that I'm on the fence.

The Titor scenario would rid us of any corrupt institutions and organisms, but let's face it, at a very high price. The only positive thing that I can possibly see in this scenario is that in the end, we would be talking about freedom as it should be, rather than some kind of artificial freedom that we would "enjoy" under America or perhaps a whole world run by the NWO.

These NWO guys are all about deception, artificial freedom, to make us feel like we have actual freedom, control over things, but we don't. Although a lot of people would be comfortable in this situation though, which is why it may possibly be a good way to live. People would be a bunch of total sheep, but if they like their way of life and can enjoy all the comfort they need? That's why I almost voted for the second option.

The best choice is usually the hard choice.

I tried to ask myself what was the ultimate difference between the end result of both of these scenarios. The one thing that seemed to be very obvious was the kind of freedom people would be able to enjoy. Genuine freedom, VS artificial freedom manufactured by the elites. That's why I voted for the Titor Nuclear War.


Active Member
Option 2 is not possible due to the depletion of limited resources by overpopulation. Some sort of variant of option 1 is inevitable, possibly war, viral, climatological, or famine. Those 4 horsemen typically ride together.


Senior Member
Many thanks to those who are voting in my Poll! For a long time now, I've wondered how people would answer the question that I have presented here, especially because of all the changes that have happened in America over the last 12 years. As I said in my Opening Post:

*NOTE: You don't have to agree with what I have written above, but for the sake of this thread, let's imagine that it happened that way and answer the following question.

Personally, I choose a scenario with true freedom, even at a high cost. Once freedom is taken away, it is almost impossible to get back. Thanks again for voting. :)


Active Member
John's scenario is plausible, as well as possible. A population reduction scenario is inevitable. This planet supported less than 1 billion humans for over 1 million years. Why would it suddenly support 10 billion humans when it historically housed less than 100 million? This is the equivalent to seating 500 in a car designed for 5.


Option 2 is not possible due to the depletion of limited resources by overpopulation. Some sort of variant of option 1 is inevitable, possibly war, viral, climatological, or famine. Those 4 horsemen typically ride together.

Overpopulation is an interesting point. However, aren't the elites supposed to take care of that in the NWO? That's not something I thought about when posting my reply, but it makes me wonder what the elites would actually do about it.

If resources are become rare and shorter in supply, they wouldn't allow us, good sheeple, to jeopardize their total domination plans. They'll just adjust the specific resource output they want to give us and keep the rest. Perhaps like they're currently doing for gas right now?


Senior Member
Overpopulation is an interesting point. However, aren't the elites supposed to take care of that in the NWO?

The NWO elite are already engaged in some population control by poisoning Americans with chemicals in food and water (fluoride, arsenic, etc.) that cause cancer and other terminal diseases. All the while reaping in big pharmaceutical and medical profits from treatment.

The Elite have their elaborate underground Bunkers fully stocked with food and all other supplies ready for if/when we encounter N-Day...they plan to be safe in that scenario and hope that the larger population will be greatly reduced.
