Possible red haired giant from Afghan action

Witch Hunt

Senior Member

This is a very divisive topic, that is why I rather want to talk about politics, religion and Covid and try to avoid the topic of giants. :)

Some people believe in it and do not and there is also such a weird third group that thinks giants are proven because they are in fairy tales but do not believe that they existed but say that they existed (those are the most divisive people).

I watched a video from an women of my country who said there are giant graves in Italy or more exactly Silicy that is an huge island that belongs to Italy. She said that the people all know about the graves and some make rituals on those graves (she has ancestors there).

There seem to be reports everywhere on the planet. I also heard that the Chinese government found those people. But these report are manily consicered fake by mainstream science.
Exactly, there are reports of giants from all over the world. That's why people are so accepting of the story of the Kandahar giant. Even over-looking obvious red flags in the story.


Senior Member

This is a very divisive topic, that is why I rather want to talk about politics, religion and Covid and try to avoid the topic of giants. :)

Some people believe in it and do not and there is also such a weird third group that thinks giants are proven because they are in fairy tales but do not believe that they existed but say that they existed (those are the most divisive people).

I watched a video from an women of my country who said there are giant graves in Italy or more exactly Silicy that is an huge island that belongs to Italy. She said that the people all know about the graves and some make rituals on those graves (she has ancestors there).

There seem to be reports everywhere on the planet. I also heard that the Chinese government found those people. But these report are manily consicered fake by mainstream science.
One of our members in a different thread spoke about those so called giants, and he reminded us that back in the day when "giants" were on the prowl, they were more than likely men who were around 6 feet tall, and the standard height of the men of the day was about 5 feet tall, so yes, those 6 feet tall people could easily be construed as being "giants"..

I would certainly like to see some genuine videos of those "graves" that contained giants, and compare them to the size of other graves in the graveyards...Time permitting, i will have a search on you tube regarding giants, and see what i come up...Italy is a beautiful country with lots of fine wine, and i might be tempted to look for some of those alleged "giants graves"...


Senior Member

This is a very divisive topic, that is why I rather want to talk about politics, religion and Covid and try to avoid the topic of giants. :)

Some people believe in it and do not and there is also such a weird third group that thinks giants are proven because they are in fairy tales but do not believe that they existed but say that they existed (those are the most divisive people).

I watched a video from an women of my country who said there are giant graves in Italy or more exactly Silicy that is an huge island that belongs to Italy. She said that the people all know about the graves and some make rituals on those graves (she has ancestors there).

There seem to be reports everywhere on the planet. I also heard that the Chinese government found those people. But these report are manily consicered fake by mainstream science.
The keeping of giants may be politico-religious for certain concerns to maintain.

The golden question is and I feel that this is very germane and this is, have the red haired giants been in natural residency as family units for a very long time and not just temporally as the red haired giant's link suggest? A long time residency mean women and children, plus a social culture.
