QUESTIONS FOR JOHN TITOR: That we didn't get the opportunity to ask when he was here!


Senior Member
John Titor said that there was a civil war. That it was cities versus rural areas.
My question should have been - what cause food shortages in coming years?

Back in 2005 I predicted panic in our groceries. Shortages of food are coming.
Sadly, so are higher prices. :(

view on Expect Higher Prices at the Grocery Store - GIS, K, MDLZ - Foolish Blogging Network
The drought, perhaps the worst on record in over 50 years, has led to sky high crop insurance claims already approaching $11 billion, with the final total expected to reach near $25 billion.

So what’s the end result? The 25% decrease in available wheat crop could have a trickle-down effect on nearly every food company in the country. A basic supply and demand situation will occur, causing prices to increase across the board for products with a high content of wheat-based ingredients. Companies like Mondelez International (NASDAQ: MDLZ), the new umbrella corporation spun off by Kraft Foods to serve as parent to major snack brands like Oreo, Nabisco, Cadbury and Trident, will be forced to pay higher prices for supplies. Undoubtedly, that cost increase will be passed to consumers.


Senior Member

1) Please explain to us your definition of "Waco type events".
2) Was 'Superstorm Sandy' that happened in 2012 related to the story of the "Red Sea and the Egyptians" that you mentioned during your previous visit when asked what events happened in 2012 on your Timeline?


Senior Member
Sam, "John"s family just moved across the harbor. The bank finally foreclosed on his grandfather's house. I am going to look into attempting to purchase it for pennies on the dollar from the bank. He is still in town though, I just ran into his sister's boyfriend at the grocery store last night.

Hi TT_00, If you want to have a discussion on the possibility of this person being John Titor, please start a new thread. This thread is strictly to list questions for John Titor if he should return. Thanks. ~Sam~ :)


Active Member
I guess in a few years I'll be asking "John" which is his favorite color of classic corvette sitting down at muscle car city........


Senior Member
TO ANY MEMBER CLAIMING TO BE JOHN TITOR: This thread is exclusively for Members to post Questions to John Titor, and exclusively for John to reply If anyone claims to be John Titor and wants to posts replies, they will have to prove themselves first. We have had many Time Traveler and John Titor imposters on Paranormalis. If an imposter posts on this thread posing as John, his/her comments will be deleted. Consider this an 'Official Notice'. Thanks, ~Sam~


Junior Member
I am going to try to get this out without making my brain explode..... what i would ask john is the following: He knew and told some event's of the future such as the wireless internet and the CERN Collider. But the main question i want to ask him when and if he come's back is, did the war still happen? I know there are different timeline's and maybe he was in fact once a part of this timeline and maybe he still is (I'm talking about the time traveler John, not the one we know lives somewhere in Florida), But once he came back and predicted all these thing's, He may have ended up making this timeline split into two or more timeline's. I mean, he made many prediction's some of which came true, some that has yet to be seen and some that didn't happen. so, i want to know if by him coming in and giving us Future-Info, if the government got ahold of it and prevented the war, or if it is like i think and he made our timeline's split into two. I know that there are two thing's that he said would happen, didn't happen and could have been prevented if the government stepped in someway. the civil war in 2004 and the mad cow epidemic never happened..... He said he fought in the civil war, so i would like to know if he remembers the war, doesn't remember it ever happening or if he remembers two different timeline's. I would also like to know the same for the Mad Cow epidemic..... Sorry if this is a little long :)


Also, I need to know if they have good hair dressers in 2036. Could you bring back some red hair coloring so I can still be a red head? Thanks. :)
