Re: I'm done being a time traveller


Senior Member
Atleast for now, I am semi retired from time travel I cannot heal or save your father or mother. I'm not being rude or mean. I just don't like getting spammed in my messages. I don't help people with their problems. I cannot tell the lottery numbers or crypto currency crap. Please stop bugging me. My friend just passed away. Let it go we all live and die. Just for god sakes bug someone else.


Delusion begets delusion. If you've been around long enough you'll see 99% of all time traveler predictions turn into fallacy. The 1% explanation? "by going back and telling the future, you are changing the future, so you create a new reality where that future from the past you went to doesn't exist... which is the only way to change time or the past.... to create new futures".

And it is 100% impossible to go back in time to change your direct past. What you saw and have experienced is FINITE. It happened, it can't be erased, because it is on the record of time. It is like science. What has been seen and recorded, is data. You can't change it based on will or perception, it is what it is and whether you like it or not, that experiment has occurred and produced a result that is unalterable in that specific circumstance.

Given the plausibility of the multiverse theory and the "time knife" theory, every conceivable decision by any one entity or oneself is a potential branch into an alternate universe or reality or timeline or whatever you want to call it... regardless of how subtle said decision is or how un-impactful it may seem. Therefore, we create our own futures. People always say "If I can go back in time and do this and this" that's just hindsight. No one stops to think "If I do this and this, then in the future this will occur". How can one be so sure revising past actions will derive them the desired outcome, rather than performing present actions to shape their future?

steven chiverton

Senior Member
if someone did share there time travel experiences the risk in doing that would be everyone one who made a mistake in life and lost someone in life will coming to you like a ghost haunting a house looking for help by asking you that same annoying question that ive been asked so many times before that question is will you change my past for me . and thats a good answer why time travelers wont all speak out cause every looser wants to use you to change there miserable past for them and correct there mistakes and blunders in life. if your reading this harte did that unreadable members name in chineese ask you to to help him with your time machine if you have one hdr to, the list is slowly growing


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I'm sure that's a big part of why TT's wouldn't come forward. But I wouldn't call these people "losers", they're simply desperate. Maybe even hopeless... They have unconventional questions and this forum is the kind of place they turn to for answers. We should be kind to them as best we can. :)

steven chiverton

Senior Member
until they keep asking and making a niusence of it despite telling them ive never fully tested my hdr out and theres no vortex around to operate it over and so i haven't even time traveld yet but they still find me in the Paranormalis and ask the same question's and yet i dont know how to save them from across the world in amongst millions of people and its annoying to, i used the word looser as if it dosent go right trying with no real time travel experience yet as i would be a looser risking my life hanging on the ass end of an asteroid in outer space when i miss the time travel target area and after hearing about that kid who was teleported into space and back and died shortly after its a horrible thought of what can go wrong with no real time travel experience yet
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