Reincarnation true?


where the wild things are
I've never experienced a past life of mine. Though I do have theories on what I was in my past life, based on experience on this one.

I have a belief, that the people you know in this life, that are close to you and you are well bonded with, were with you in your previous. They may have not been the same character, but they were the same actor. Like in this life, your mother, could have been your sister in your previous life. I have two friends, who one I believe was my brother in a past life, and he agrees with it. The bond between us... its like a family bond. I have another friend, I think was my partner, I think I was a police detective in my past life and he was my investigation partner.

I'm a naturally born sleuth, I'm great with puzzles. I have a huge interest in unsolved crimes. I like to look up missing persons, cold and unsolved murder cases. I've always enjoyed this, even when I was a kid. I think the things you did in your past life, you carry to this life.


Junior Member
Intresting..... If memory is carried over to the next life.... Then what does our brain do..... Memory (as I know it) it stored into ones brain.... The thought of someone dieing then returning as someone else and being able to remember is hard to understand ... I'm on the fence with this one....

Orpheus Rex

I don't believe in reincarnation. I do believe in genetic memory. I believe that it is possible for someone to access that genetic memory to bring forth knowledge of the ancestors. This belief is based upon the idea that DNA can be used as super computer by "spinning the atoms." Scientists have been able to program DNA to solve complex equations. The DNA decays rather quickly in the laboratory setting, which impedes their progress in that field. But, I think that the same principle is the mechanism behind evolution. All the experiences of the person are spun on the DNA and passed down through the generations. This is part of how instincts develop in creatures. I would say that reincarnation experiences are actually caused by the mind trying to interpret the genetic memory.

Phil Wainwright

Junior Member
OK, little thought for you all..... I remember as a child coming home from school to watch an unfolding ecological disaster in a children's tv show called "John Craven's Newsround"

The disaster was related to a sinking oil tanker called the Torrey Canyon (hope that is spelt right). As a child, I think the most impressive thing was seeing the RAF sending out bombers loaded with incendiary bombs to burn off the oil (And yes, it is a long time before booms, dispersants etc were used)

So, I would leave school, run across the park, and watch the show on the family TV..... Black and White TV. But, although the house I remember was the house I grew up in, The fact that I would run across the park means I was at senior school... ages 11-16 But by that time, we had gone up-market and had a colour TV.

Also, the bigger problem is that the sinking of the Torrey Canyon happened about 5 years before I was born!!!!

ann holt

Junior Member
I have been through past life regression, and walked more than a few other people through it. I had a prior interest in doing it because as a child I used to tell my grandmother about being a nurse in the civil war and even went so far as to explain how early surgeries were done without anesthetic.
Since going through the regression, I actually was a nurse during that time and have strong memories of other times as well. The funky thing about past life regression, once you go through it and have the memories, you also have the education from those lifetimes. Well most of it anyway. For example, if you were say, an author in one lifetime, you may find creative writing to come very easy for you, or a prior nurse would find the medical field to be very familiar and easy to learn.

ann holt

Junior Member
Intresting..... If memory is carried over to the next life.... Then what does our brain do..... Memory (as I know it) it stored into ones brain.... The thought of someone dieing then returning as someone else and being able to remember is hard to understand ... I'm on the fence with this one....
Memory is not only stored int eh brain. The soul carries the memories of everything you have ever done in every lifetime. There is some debate though on if the memories are past life or somehow ancestral memories are handed down through DNA. If the latter is the case then I would have ancestors from all over the world.


New Member
I recently came upon a few stories of kids remembering past lives.... Have any of you had any experiencemotionalth this ?
Yes I have, when my now grown son was about 3 or 4 he told me that you go up to the light then come down again somewhere else, he also got very very emotional one day while watching fireman sam on tv (a kiddies programme) I told him he could be anything he liked when he grew up he suddenly started crying and said no mum you cant when you are a grown up you have to be what comes up on a big screen, ive never seen him so emotional like that since,
I recently came upon a few stories of kids remembering past lives.... Have any of you had any experience with this ?


Senior Member
it is said that our Bodies are only a shell and that when we die our Spirit Travels on to another new home, much like hermit Crabs. To be honest there is no way to explain it, we're able to Astral Project but at the same time eliminates the mind since we are out of body, people experienced waking up walking to the door then looking back and seeing their body and floating above their body and being conscious for it.

Really there is no explanation or reason behind it. But i remember story of a kid who said he was a old ww2 fighter pilot and could pin point his plane and give specifications and the whole 9 yards! its' impossible to know what he does, yet he tell you more about his old plane and how he died than the history books.

i have been curious to do a past life regression, maybe one of these days.


New Member
I recently came upon a few stories of kids remembering past lives.... Have any of you had any experience with this ?
A family member of mine used to dream about a big, gray building. One day they saw it in Mexico. Apparently it was storage right then, but before it was something else, I would tell you but I honestly can't remember. I know it's hundreds of years old, and my family member claims to have never seen it before. Later they came across by a practitioner of black magic. They were fine, but were a bit disturbed by what they had said.
Something along the lines...
You were a powerful church influence many, many years ago.
You got your head chopped off, by the way.

Yeah. Weird. I've tried to trace down the story, but all the leads have come up with dead ends. I just know I'm going to find it in some really obvious place some day. (I tend to do that a lot)
