Reincarnation true?

I remember some of my past lives and I have under gone hypnotic regression. Strange stuff to be sure.

Max PlancK once said that new ideas come to be accepted, not because their opponents believe in them, but because the old generation dies, and a new generation arises.
I recently came upon a few stories of kids remembering past lives.... Have any of you had any experience with this ?
A family member of mine used to dream about a big, gray building. One day they saw it in Mexico. Apparently it was storage right then, but before it was something else, I would tell you but I honestly can't remember. I know it's hundreds of years old, and my family member claims to have never seen it before. Later they came across by a practitioner of black magic. They were fine, but were a bit disturbed by what they had said.
Something along the lines...
You were a powerful church influence many, many years ago.
You got your head chopped off, by the way.

Yeah. Weird. I've tried to trace down the story, but all the leads have come up with dead ends. I just know I'm going to find it in some really obvious place some day. (I tend to do that a lot)

Unless getting your head chopped off and the church influence feels really familiar and like truth,I wouldn't put too much stock in the black magic practicioner. I have been doing past life regressions for people for more than ten years. The best place to start looking is into areas that strike your interest for no apparent reason. Like if you have an odd fascination with a certain type of car, you may have owned it and loved it at one time. Often irrational fears play a huge clue in sorting out past lives. People with an irrational fear of water that carries no explanation int eh current life often drowned in the past. People with a severe phobia of anything touching their necks were often hanging victims. Once you understand the basics of how the past lives can have an effect on current ones it isn't too hard to decode it.
it is said that our Bodies are only a shell and that when we die our Spirit Travels on to another new home, much like hermit Crabs. To be honest there is no way to explain it, we're able to Astral Project but at the same time eliminates the mind since we are out of body, people experienced waking up walking to the door then looking back and seeing their body and floating above their body and being conscious for it.

Really there is no explanation or reason behind it. But i remember story of a kid who said he was a old ww2 fighter pilot and could pin point his plane and give specifications and the whole 9 yards! its' impossible to know what he does, yet he tell you more about his old plane and how he died than the history books.

i have been curious to do a past life regression, maybe one of these days.
As a child, pre kindergarden, I used to tell my grandmother and mother all about having been a nurse in the civil war. I told them all about the blue and grey soldiers, even refered to them as johnny's and such and went into heavy detail about how the soldiers would scream when being treated and how we had them bite a leather strap or piece of wood. Also told them about how we often had to amputate limbs over broken bones and how bad the medical tents smelled.
I remember some of my past lives and I have under gone hypnotic regression. Strange stuff to be sure.

Max PlancK once said that new ideas come to be accepted, not because their opponents believe in them, but because the old generation dies, and a new generation arises.

I would like to hear some of your past lives. :) i have memories of having been in Sumeria, Egypt, Luisiana, Once I was killed by an ax to the center of my back in one life trying to run from a big viking looking guy on a horse during a raze.
Hi ann:
There are many memories. What is most frightening is that my sister told me about past life when we were together and it matched what I had seen. She was only three years of age. Also, I had never told her anything about my experiences.

Wonder what it all means. Here is a mechanism that could explain what is occurring.
Fearful memories haunt mouse descendants : Nature News & Comment

I just can't buy into the whole genetic memory thing. While it could explain some things, like fear of drowning, it cannot explain some things, such as my odd ability to correctly pronouce arabic and hebrew words on the first try when I cant seem to learn simple spanish. I took me a week to get a few cuss words learned in spanish, but arabic I seem to be picking up like it was nothing from a girl I work with.
Although I do believe in past lives. I've wondered about something. They say that the atoms in our bodies are constantly being replaced with atoms from our surrounding environment. So I've wondered if maybe these past lives aren't in reality a few atoms that are from someone else's memories. Who knows, maybe that's why 30 people can all claim to have been the same person in a past life? No proof, just a theory.
Although I do believe in past lives. I've wondered about something. They say that the atoms in our bodies are constantly being replaced with atoms from our surrounding environment. So I've wondered if maybe these past lives aren't in reality a few atoms that are from someone else's memories. Who knows, maybe that's why 30 people can all claim to have been the same person in a past life? No proof, just a theory.

Very good theory actually, another one given to me lately is that of souls time traveling in an attempt to alter a horrible future for humanity. Personaly, I think it is most likely those claiming to have been a famous person are either time traveling without realizing it like OBE style or they were connected to that person and cant differentiate the experience very well. It marks a persons need for attention and value really to convince themselves they were say, Copernicus rather that accepting maybe they were his maid. A lot of it is also mistaken identity, if you have a memory of Ben Franklin that is very strong because of his influence in that lifetime, one may believe they must have been him rather that simply accepting he was just a strong memory. It kind of runs along the same lines of the atlantians, many believe they were stricken down due to human sacrifice and all sorts of other things simply because that is what they believed in that lifetime. But anyone I have ever met who actually was an atlantian will tell the story a bit differently, they will tell you the project was shut down to due interior issues with failed experiments and undesired and unexpected results to those experiments.
I was once with my dad in the car. He reached a T in the road and did not want to turn the wrong way. I told him which way to turn and described everything in the road including a gas station that was near. However, the problem was we had never gone that way. Also, my descriptions were spot on. OK, here is where it gets crazy. The gas station was a brand that had closed many years ago. Also, the attendant offered to pump gas. Dad was puzzled by this and mentioned it to me. Place was new to both of us. How could I remember something I had never seen.
