Creativity Ren's new predictions


Senior Member
Texas will be partially underwater though. I think he might be getting his predictions from Edgar Cayce. I also appreciate Edgar's predictions.


What will happen by Sept. 16th and or 17th after both political parties' convention will be lots more people will realize how screwed this Country is for the future.

(Rome was not built in a day.)


Senior Member
Well, yes. We do need to worry about tsunamis. And the world is going to flood. And a new island did appear near Egypt. But 2036 Isn't a time traveler.


Senior Member
What will happen by Sept. 16th and or 17th after both political parties' convention will be lots more people will realize how screwed this Country is for the future.

(Rome was not built in a day.)

What did 2036 say about it? I said that the US is already screwed. Look at Camden NJ. Look at Michigan this October. In my world Romney loses by a landslide and Obama presides during a civil war. People try to kill him. That is why he is called the Lincoln President. The Economist says Romney wins the American South. He might win in this world. He doesn't win in mine because he is a Mormon. Southern Baptists think Mormons are Satanists.


It seems the Southern Baptists are in the Old Testament, and well, it is the New Testament and the Two Commandments of Jesus, nothing else.

And it looks as if people who run for politics become weasels, so why is that Harvard University graduates weasels in the end. Obama may not win, because with him, I gone from broke to almost homeless. Some my fault, but mostly a big crap usually coming from Democrats who should sit on the pot (crapper) and should just stay there, along with the others in their one big happy, not happy meanderings on political issues that are affecting more people every day.

There is no reason with the oil reserves recently found along with the pipeline and refineries that should have been built that gasoline should only be at most $2 a gallon. No reason why prices increase to make it seem as if you make more money but in the end it buys less.

Warning, it may not be what anyone wanted to hear, and to 2063 a little proof would help. But Planet XII (nowadays) is getting old as is anything else that may happen - or not happen. I don't think that Sitchin (however it is spelled) can sell the book anymore (if he is still alive) because I think they (govmint) asked him not to or told him not to sell it anymore.

Fear mongering is enough already, more don't need to be added by stubborn heads from anyone.

Al, signing off.


Senior Member
Ren...What are your predictions regarding asteroids, earthquakes, and tsunamis? Do you see an earthquake happenning in the New Madrid Fault area or the west coast? Many maps show a future inland lake called the Mississippi. What are you thoughts on this? Do you have any thoughts on a Yellowstone volcano eruption? Do you see a massive population reduction due to these disasters or a pandemic? Is what is etched on the Georgia Guidestones telling us or warning us of a future population reduction? I would appreciate you thoughts on these items and any time lines you could provide. Thank you and sorry for all the questions at once.


Senior Member
Sorry, I don't check all the categories on this forum all the time, so I missed your question.
A New Madrid Fault earthquake and a West Coast earthquake will happen.
The Mississippi River will flood and it will cut the U.S. in half.
Yellowstone will blow.
Yosemite is just the beginning of these pandemics.
The water will be contaminated from toxic material in the earth as the tectonic plates crack.
Many people will die.
