Reversed engineered Titor's machine


Senior Member
There was a situation a few years back at CERN when it was believed that with the very high energy in the two beams which collided, there could be the possibility of a miniature black hole being formed or created, resulting in it pulling everything into it on earth at a very high rate of speed...The CERN scientists never argued that could happen, instead they just said that the pesky tiny black hole disappears immediately somewhere into a state of entropy...:eek:

Perhaps you should take that up with the CERN scientists Hartey, i feel certain they would love to have a tiny black hole secured in a box and floating happily in a magnetic field for everybody to see, and charge them to see it lol...CERN could even pay back the billions of dollars they took from the EU for making
that fantastic collider..I might even get a bit of cash to make a small particle accelerator in my back garden lol :D


Senior Member
A black hole created by CERN would be on the order of a single Planck unit. Not exactly useful, even if Hawking is wrong about black hole "evaporation" through Hawking radiation.
A Planck length black hole would weigh only a few milligrams at most - I say without trying the calculation (maybe much less.)



Active Member
A black hole created by CERN would be on the order of a single Planck unit. Not exactly useful, even if Hawking is wrong about black hole "evaporation" through Hawking radiation.
A Planck length black hole would weigh only a few milligrams at most - I say without trying the calculation (maybe much less.)

Really? When were you ever in possession of a mini black hole? any of you? You know the complete workings and behavior of what a micro black hole would do in any and all situations? Or if going macro things stay the same ?
Have there ever been experiments on them even now that the public is aware of at this time?

Funny thing is.....Cern thinks it could be possible. They are the ones with the higher education.


Senior Member
In fact, what CERN says about black holes aligns perfectly with what I've said about them.
I mean, they're using the same equation I am, so it shouldn't be a surprise.



Senior Member
Probably somebody at CERN was trying to say that something "similar" to a black hole could be created from their experiments and the media seized onto it, making it into a doomsday scenario lol ?...Therefore we could have a "real black hole" and an imitation one called The CERN Black hole,which can only draw in the amount of power thats released from the two beans colliding with each other (thats still a hell of an amount of power flying about) :eek: :D

9th Wave

Junior Member
Cern didn't create a "mini-black hole", what they did do, was tear a hole in of the paradoxial-matrix time-fabric.
There was video proof recorded by scientist's who can virtually harness gravity bending physical atomic nature against itself, thus a quantum gap occur's.
That specifically is it's own totally different dilemma concerning 'mini black holes'.

In it's own nature, it's similarities are one in the same, thus both create different dimension's of their own.


Temporal Engineer
Everything we know about black holes is just theoretical mathematical conjecture. And of course lots of astronomical phenomena that is being called proof, can be explained away with fact based explanations. This is a prime example of how the educational community is keeping us educated with pure fiction.


Senior Member
Probably somebody at CERN was trying to say that something "similar" to a black hole could be created from their experiments and the media seized onto it, making it into a doomsday scenario lol ?...Therefore we could have a "real black hole" and an imitation one called The CERN Black hole,which can only draw in the amount of power thats released from the two beans colliding with each other (thats still a hell of an amount of power flying about) :eek: :D
Actually, their postulation that a mini black hole could be created was a side effect of a theory they were testing. If a black hole was created at a certain specific (relatively low) energy level, it would support a particular theory about parallel universes.
Apparently no black hole so that theory was wrong.



Active Member
*sigh* nobody read what I mentioned. The gravitational field around titor's blackholes didn't have the same attractive force of a normal blackhole. Also nobody read what i said about a 3rd form of spacetime curvature existing that doesn't attract stuff or generat inertia like stuff moving near the speed of light.

There's 3 elements that emit this new curvature field but very weakly. It has to be conditioned to have that field amplified. So you can say the blackholes he used weren't blackholes in the normal conventional definition.

The have the spacetime dilation effect without the gradient in the field which causes tidal forces. The gradient is still there but it falls off much more gentle than the normal graviational field.

I can say with confidence that the blackholes he has produces a brand new gravitational field as yet unknown to science.

I'll ask again, can anyone guess what those 3 elements are?
