Riots in Oregon


There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind

What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man comes and takes you away

this kind of stuff has been being pulled on the public at large many times before,, the sad thing is no one ever sees it,,
they just drink the kool aid and get in line... it kills my desire to inter-act with people


Active Member
Trump should still play it safe and make his own meals at the White House. Watch out for the shampoo also. It would be nothing to put hair removal in it. Red dye in the toothpaste..... the list goes on.


Active Member
I notice that most people that are rioting are very young and from various minority groups. Most have not done the research on the candidates but rely on what they heard from the news media, which are mostly lies anyway. They are uninformed and misinformed individuals who need to get a job or go back to playing video games in their parents basement.
I totally agree!! I'm so tired of seeing these young people that don't have a clue about what they're talking about. Like you said, they see stupid, one sided headlines on their social media feeds and then jump to conclusions. Or they just are following what other say without doing the research themselves. It's sickening. Listening to these rioters and protesters on the news makes my ears cringe. They don't even speak properly, let alone make any sort of sense.

For the record I'm 32, and I guess considered a minority ( South American Indian) .. And I'm a naturalized citizen of this country that I absolutely love. I've been to where I was born and we are so lucky here in America. My 15 brothers and sisters couldn't even finish school past the 4th grade because it cost them $1.25 every day after the 4th year of school. A $1.25 people. The average income for a man where I'm from.... $40 a month.

Yes... Those that can't respect our flag, our police officers or military or even the new United States President... Get the freak out! Good bye, see ya!




Senior Member
I notice that most people that are rioting are very young and from various minority groups. Most have not done the research on the candidates but rely on what they heard from the news media, which are mostly lies anyway. They are uninformed and misinformed individuals who need to get a job or go back to playing video games in their parents basement.

Police Calm Millennial Protesters By Handing Out Participation Trophies | The Babylon Bee
Good one Wind!


Senior Member
Trump should still play it safe and make his own meals at the White House. Watch out for the shampoo also. It would be nothing to put hair removal in it. Red dye in the toothpaste..... the list goes on.
I love your lateral thinking on all topics (y) :)


Ya'll should have seen the kind of riots we had in the "South" in the 50s, 60s over allowing African-American kids go to previously all white schools, not to mention the anti-war riots in the mid-late 60s and early 70s. Those were "real riots". One didn't go unless they were armed. These "riots", while interestin', when DT takes over, wonder how high the body count will go?
