Debate Russia/John Titor - coming true?


Active Member
The U.S. Is secretly bankrupt.
I am not permitted to answer your other questions.
I could cause mass deaths with my words.

The US being bankrupt is well known, heck I've literally known that for years. In one term Obama spent more money than all the presidents COMBINED.

Russia and the U.S. are secretly friends. Islam is the enemy. Time will tell what I mean by this.

Look at the Russian president, he absolutely hates Obama, whenever he has a meeting/conference with Obama, he gets a translator. But when he talks to people he likes he can speak perfect, fluent English. I have serious doubts that they are friends, that alone shows what you have said is not the case.

I agree with the second part of that though. One of your main enemies is Obama, who follows the Islamic ideology.
It is quite possible that in John Titors worldline Islam was extremely different, as for ours, they want a worldwide empire, and will kill anyone who gets in their way... (Assuming a WW3 is next year, I can see them attacking at our weakest points of the war)


That friendship is a illusion in my opinion. There all agains all to much of political Reasons and power


He won't do it.
Mmm yea I hope he won't. But he dose have courage to brake the international legislation and send troupes there .. Doing this he takes all the risks and that's amazing because he must count on something very strong if he dose that
You are in America! It's not China! Not Georgia, not Ukraine. And I live near the border. It's me who must be afraid of war.

I know, but the U.S. is sticking their nose in it as usual.


Russia and the U.S. are secretly friends. Islam is the enemy. Time will tell what I mean by this.

Did the cold war really end?

BTW, I can prove this to you if you need me to, but most of the visitors of my website are from Russia (and Germany). I looked up the IPs. It is most likely because they are mentioned a few times. Go away, KGB. (hehheheh)


Ukraine Crisis: China Backs Russia in 'Cold War' over Crimea

If China and Russia become allies, US is done for. The country is racking up debt with the only outcome being an overly aggressive military that invades at personal discretion.

Also a large portion of the Federal Reserve is being sold to China.
China to Purchase the Federal Reserve | philosophyofmetrics

If you combine that with our import dependency on China, we're soon to be taken over.

In theory, an attack from Russia timed by China makes sense, so that China could establish their own govt. in the US.

Also thought this excerpt was worth mentioning (from US v China: is this the new cold war? - ) -

"For the past 20 years China has been undergoing a rapid military build-up, and the navy has been given pride of place. More important, China has been investing in its navy in a very specific way. American strategists sometimes talk about a Chinese “anti-navy” – a series of warships, silent submarines and precision missiles, some based on land, some at sea, which are specifically designed to keep an opposing navy as far away as possible from the mainland. The implication of the investment plan is that China is trying to prevent the US Navy from operating in large areas of the western Pacific. According to Dennis Blair, the former Pacific commander who was head of the US intelligence services early in the Obama administration: “Ninety per cent of their time is spent on thinking about new and interesting ways to sink our ships and shoot down our planes.”

China’s new navy is both an expression of power and a means to a diplomatic end. By weakening the US naval presence in the western Pacific, China hopes gradually to undermine America’s alliances with other Asian countries, notably South Korea, the Philippines and maybe even Japan. If US influence declines, China would be in a position to assume quietly a leadership position in Asia, giving it much greater sway over the rules and practices in the global economy. Through its navy, China hopes to reshape the balance of power in Asia. The naval competition in the western Pacific will set the tone for a large part of global politics in the coming decades."

China is also currently in a dispute with Japan.

the US is committed by treaty to defend Japan.
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Junior Member
Russia and the U.S. are secretly friends. Islam is the enemy. Time will tell what I mean by this.

Did the cold war really end?

BTW, I can prove this to you if you need me to, but most of the visitors of my website are from Russia (and Germany). I looked up the IPs. It is most likely because they are mentioned a few times. Go away, KGB. (hehheheh)

You are right, we are closely watching you. "Russia is not angry, Russia focuses"


Junior Member
China to Purchase the Federal Reserve | philosophyofmetrics

If you combine that with our import dependency on China, we're soon to be taken over.

In theory, an attack from Russia timed by China makes sense, so that China could establish their own govt. in the US.

Regarding the Federal Reserve - a privately held firm, as you probably know. And it is unlikely it will give management a China. Even if China were to "buy" part of the debts of the Fed. So - debt repayment problems may occur in the United States, if all holders of U.S. debt will want to get their money back at the same time. Then yes - so much money will get nowhere and the U.S. government would be an absolute bankrupt. Then it may be a war for "repayment of debts." And not only from China. But this is a hypothetical situation. Or rather can only know time traveler.

P.S. Thus China does not gain control over U.S. foreign policy. So over it already gained control Fed)))


Russia and the U.S. are secretly friends. Islam is the enemy. Time will tell what I mean by this.

Did the cold war really end?

BTW, I can prove this to you if you need me to, but most of the visitors of my website are from Russia (and Germany). I looked up the IPs. It is most likely because they are mentioned a few times. Go away, KGB. (hehheheh)

You are right, we are closely watching you. "Russia is not angry, Russia focuses"

LOL!!!! Funny. Love it.

Dear Russia,

Can you please avoid nuking the state at which I live? Thank you!!!!!

Kind Regards,
