Debate Russia/John Titor - coming true?


It lists its self as unfair and bias news there on those videos (if you watch another one).
Ever played a computer game called Harpoon?
Anyway with all the submarines and anything else, that can be used (B2 bombers), remember Raygun (Reagan) and Libya. They flew there, refueling, and got Libya's leader (almost).
Don't need land-based missiles.

Matrix Games - Harpoon 3 - Advanced Naval Warfare

They all can just sit at the computer and play that game (including the Professional version).
Harpoon 3 Professional (H3MilSim) | Advanced Gaming Systems Inc (AGSI) Computer Harpoon Products

“Wargaming allows you to try out tactics and not worry about having to swim for it.”
- Sir John “Sandy” Woodward, Admiral (Ret) RN"


But it does not hurt to be aware of all the rhetoric going along with all the future time-telling people in the world or News!


Wrong thinking leads to the world reacting to the circumstances.
With some people it has been selfishness, arrogance, and adversity instead of thinking that what Rights and Freedom anyone may think they have is due to having it for all people, not just a few, or the one.
Wasn't that in a Star Trek movie?

The altered-world-line is returned to a more normal one but not without costs and circumstances that affects probably everyone.

From drones flown around by amateurs that should not be allowed to Nations bent on aggression or economic needs or whatever the reason, the rest is yet to come. Quicker action may have to be taken and now there is time to adjust to what can and may and always could have happened, but with that it seems to be the true intent for the future, not the stated one that they give out and people wish to believe. It's a narrow road then.


Hillary Clinton: ""I think if there were any doubt it should be gone by now, that Vladimir Putin, certainly indirectly -- through his support of the insurgents in eastern Ukraine and the supply of advanced weapons and, frankly, the presence of Russian Special Forces and intelligence agents -- bears responsibility for what happened," she told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday."

Agree? Disagree?


Temporal Engineer
I don't agree. The people that did it have not come forward. Looks like a frame job to me. Of course it takes money to finance that type of scenario. So the people responcible are probably those with money trying to start a war.

The solution is to take the money away from the rich.


Junior Member
Hillary Clinton: ""I think if there were any doubt it should be gone by now, that Vladimir Putin, certainly indirectly -- through his support of the insurgents in eastern Ukraine and the supply of advanced weapons and, frankly, the presence of Russian Special Forces and intelligence agents -- bears responsibility for what happened," she told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday."

Agree? Disagree?

I do not agree with Hillary Clinton for the simple reason that if the State Department so sure (that militias are fighting side by side with the "special forces" and get "modern weapons" (what? 5th generation fighter, the Gauss rifle, nuclear missiles? )), then where is the evidence? At least one small, for example, even though "satellite image" made in Photoshop ...

But there's nothing at all. So have not yet mounted and be directing "evidence": otherwise why procrastinate? In short, with the same success can be said: "I believe that Obama is an alien from another galaxy, which mimics a humans and with the help of an alien civilization manages conflicts in the world. And yes, we have all the evidence, the real truth.":D

Such nonsense that in the last days (especially after the downed plane) broadcast the vast majority of the world's media (as a blueprint), simply surprising: no evidence, no trial, no expert assessments have been filed, but "everything to everyone known. "

As the saying goes, "shouts the loudest - Stop Thief! - Himself a thief." Think about who benefits from fueling conflict and you can guess who the customer.

walt willis

Senior Member
I thing that Obama is just a useful idiot that is being used as the Piped Piper puppet because his being black will allow him to get the inner city blacks to get on the FEMA trains.

The only thing I see that is alien about Obama is his obvious detachment from reality.

A true Rambo with a bow and arrow can acquire the toys he would need to do the job necessary to win in any conflict.

Notice I did say "TRUE".
