send my consciousness back in time


New Member
How can I send my consciousness back in time to my younger body? can I do that via astral projection?
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ive heard it is possible to do so via astral projection, but I don't know if its a fact or not.


Senior Member
@BlastTyrant then how do you know astral projection can't be used for sending oneself back in time ?.

Think about it, if you were to take your consciousness and throw it into your younger self what would happen?

1. Your physical body now would basically just be a shell, nothing in it and to it.
2. You'd basically overwhelm your under developed brain and most likely go mad. You're dumping a enormous amount of knowledge into a under-developed brain and body, the pressure would be extreme.
3. being as there are so many time lines and difference if at all possible you're not guranteed to even go back to the right time if it was even possible.
4. We've discussed this before anything past viewing is not possible time travel wise.

Learn from your past don't try and change it because you cant.
I don't know many people who wouldn't jump at the chance to go back to their younger self and keep all the knowledge we have now, i know i would! Punch that damn Alien in the mouth that was hiding in my closet.

But it simply isn't possible, the ramifications of something like that is again world altering, you could become a God, By knowing absolutely everything that possibly happened you could make predictions with pin point accuracy, win the lottery over and over, it just isn't possible.

To be perfectly honest even if it was you'd most likely start a whole new time line and anything you'd want to fix would be changed anyway.
