Sending a Message to the past?

Does anyone have any methods/theories that I could try to send a message to the past? Preferably a physical letter. In the letter, I would include instructions on how to send the letter and when to avoid paradoxes. I am willing to try multiple things. Thank you!
Does anyone have any methods/theories that I could try to send a message to the past? Preferably a physical letter. In the letter, I would include instructions on how to send the letter and when to avoid paradoxes. I am willing to try multiple things. Thank you!
There is a way for time-traveling backwards … only, not a letter but information and not sending it back to the past but retrieving it from the future. Anyway, to “gain” time actually takes a lot of time.

Remember the nicolas tesla time travel experience with
copper tube, he send message trought a magnetic machine. This result on fire, and destruction of the machine. Maybe an internet legend ? Searching for more information.

Can give the letter to someone who sees the future and leave it in a visible location. Some future visions begin with waking up from bed. Then the person might have a future vision about it and getting curious about the letter when seeing it for the first time. I felt the sensation of pulling hair on my arm for the first time in a future vision, so finding a new letter where the mailman cannot reach would get all curiosity. If it is to affect yourself, you cannot change your own direct past, because you only sent it because you did not get it. An alternative timeline might however be derived from ours, where you don't send it because you got it.
Not the question per say, but the responses do they come from watching too many movies?

Is it possible first of all, then the process....
Not the question per say, but the responses do they come from watching too many movies?

Is it possible first of all, then the process....
I understand what you are saying my old friend, in the movie Deja Vu, Denzel Washington sends an urgent message on a piece of paper to his partner, three days in the past...The only thing needed was a huge amount of power to do it, that temporarily knocked out all the power in one US state!! :oops:
Does anyone have any methods/theories that I could try to send a message to the past? Preferably a physical letter. In the letter, I would include instructions on how to send the letter and when to avoid paradoxes. I am willing to try multiple things. Thank you!
Probably something like this if your'e going to try it. Anything said from future or past with reference to time travel can be questioned.
Does anyone have any methods/theories that I could try to send a message to the past? Preferably a physical letter. In the letter, I would include instructions on how to send the letter and when to avoid paradoxes. I am willing to try multiple things. Thank you!

My advice is to use Radio Waves, it is probably easier than sending a physical object.
