SmartLucider Lucid Dream Induction Device

Doc 05

Active Member
OK, so this morning I had some vivid dreams; I didn't take control per-sea
but I did leave a situation take I didn't like Then had fun being drove around
in a remote controlled surveillance van, driven by my old team mates.

What stuck me was in the situation I left, someone was pushing a drill through a ceiling tile;
I could "feel" the debris from the ceiling tile hit my face.

And when my team mates showed me the van; I could "smell" the new car smell
and the carpet in the van "felt" new and "clean".

Now I don't know if there is a "residual" effect to the Galantamine;
I doubt it at 4 mg after four days.

So I believe it's a pre-hypnotic suggestion (for lack of a better term)
of all this lucid dreaming study and working through this course.

Almost an unintentional Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream (MILD)
that everyone talks about.

Just a really cool observation that I wanted to share,
and I was really impressed by the realism and recall of the dream.
I usually don't remember my dreams.

Doc 05

Active Member
Day 5 of a 10 day online lucid dreaming course I signed up for:


OK, things are about to start getting intense!

We've laid the ground work for you over the past 4 days covering the foundational principals of lucid dreaming (dream recall and awareness).

Yesterday we started doing daily reality checks.

Now we're going to start looking at hypnagogia and cover our first actual lucid dream induction technique.

Exploring Your Hypnagogia
Hypnagogia is the natural visual state that appears around the onset of sleep and dreams.

It's characterized by fluorescent visuals behind your closed eyelids - starting with slowly swirling lights and geometric patterns, advancing to familiar faces and entire landscapes.

If you've ever stayed awake that far into your hypnagogia, you'll have an idea of how complex and impressive these visuals can become.

You may remember doing this as a child. I know I did!

And if you remain conscious long enough (fully relaxing your body into sleep), you'll find that hypnagogic visions can take you all the way into the lucid dream world.

It's easiest to observe your hypnagogia when you're tired.

Lie down in a dark room and calm yourself.

Perform the relaxation technique we covered in Day #3 - and the fluorescent hypnagogia will start to emerge from the darkness.

When the hypnagogic imagery appears, gently follow it for a minute and then try to mentally will it into different shapes.

In your mind, tell the shapes to become horizontal lines, circles, squares, hexagons or grids. It really does bend to your will!

Now try for something more complex.

Summon the face of a loved one, or an animal. As you focus on these drifting visuals, you will begin to hypnotize yourself into a deeper meditative state.

Bizarrely, the hypnagogic state can also include physical sensations (like floating), sounds (people calling your name), and even fleeting imaginary sensations of taste, smell and heat.

Be prepared to encounter these sensations with more intensity as your body falls asleep.

When you feel your awareness is fully detached from the real world, go for the big one: shape your hypnagogia into an entire landscape!

Start with the horizon, then add in other elements as layers - like a painting you can touch. This demands visualization.

How to Visualize Your Lucid Dream​

My favorite dream scenes to visualize are big sweeping landscapes.

Imagine you're standing on a beach, for instance, and visualize looking out across the sand. Now will your hypnagogia to shape itself to this image.

Then intensify each aspect of your visualization - in stages.

Scan the horizon. Pick out vivid shapes, colors and textures.

Put yourself in the moment and relish the intensity of the imagined scene.

When you hit the sweet spot - in which your visualization becomes more convincing than your waking reality - you will fully "pop" into the landscape.

It becomes a fully immersive dream environment.

To an outsider you are officially asleep. But in your mind, you are wide awake... and dreaming.

How to Make Your Practice More Effective​

Some people need a little help inducing this "mind awake / body asleep" state from which the dream imagery develops.

I recommend a couple of lucidity aids:

Brainwave Entrainment:
I'm a big fan of these beautiful audio tracks. There's a lot of scientific reseach on the subject too. Just try listening to some gentle binaural beats as you carry out the exercise in today's lesson.

(you can grab some on YouTube for free - just search 'binaural beats')

Lucid Dreaming Supplements: There are natural herbs available that have significant effects on memory and dream recall. Galantamine or Huperzine-A taken around 4am is guaranteed to significantly intensify your hypnagogia.

Don’t worry - if you're interested, we'll cover this option in more detail tomorrow.


As you continue to explore the borderland sleep states, assume the mindset of an intrepid explorer of the inner realm (an oneironaut is the official name!)

Meditation can open up some strange new pathways - so be prepared for some new experiences.

Remain fearless... and keep probing!

Doc 05

Active Member
Day 6 of a 10 day online lucid dreaming course I signed up for:


The problem I get with most people is that they've become highly wary and desensitized to 'supplements' because of the body building industry.

Most therefore assume that dreaming supplements are 'bunk', a 'gimmick' or simply 'won't work'.

I know this - because I thought the same thing too!

Until I started experimenting with them.

In fact, lucid dreaming supplements are a completely different ball game.

The official name is 'oneirogen'. Which means a substance that creates a dream-like state of consciousness.

Others like to call them 'dream herbs'.

Exciting isn't it :)

Any complete course on lucid dreaming has to cover supplements – and so today we'll take a short history lesson and cover some of the options of you have.

To be clear, you don't have to take supplement to learn the art of lucid dreaming. Some people consider lucid dreaming a spiritual quest and prefer to do it entirely of their own volition.

But - for those more intrepid dream explorers - supplements can simultaneously give you the most intense and vivid dreamstates of all – and provide that first taste of true lucidity, that will inspire you to continue your practice.
Lucid Dreaming Supplements
So this has been going on for a long time!

Dream herbs are nothing new and many have been in use for thousands of years.

For example, the Xhosa of South Eastern Africa have dreaming deeply embedded in their culture. They believe when their relatives die, they travel to the spirit realm. From where they communicate ancestral wisdom to us - via dreams.

The Xhosa routinely consume a dream herb brew made from the roots of a plant called Silene Capensis.

This is taken as part of a ritual initiation ceremony (during which they rub a slaughtered cow with the mixture and drink it mixed with blood – had to add that!) and is said to produce long and prophetic dreams.

I'll assume, since their entire culture is based around this dream herb, that it works. :)

Similarly, Calea Zacatechichi was taken by Mexican shamans and has a like effect.

The list of oneirogens goes on. Popular herbs include blue lotus, entada reidii and mugwort.

The main problem with these more exotic herbs, is that they tend to be relatively subtle in their effects. This is compounded by the difficulty of finding a fresh and high quality source. The dried plant material you can order online tends to vary in strength – and in honesty, it's touch or go whether you'll notice anything at all.

Lucid Dreaming Supplements: Pros vs Cons​

There are some compelling reasons to try supplements:


In my experience they breathe color into my dream life on a whole new level. They can produce the longest, most vivid and intense dreams of all - that feel more significant or profound than regular dreams.

Even if you've never had a lucid dream before, ramping up the intensity can help you better understand the awesome power of your dreaming mind. It can give you the push you need to commit to lucid dreaming.

Promoting self awareness in your dreams gives you more chances to become lucid.


Lucid dream pills shouldn't provide the foundation of your training. They are a "treat". A once-in-a-while boost to your dream life. You should not come to rely on them to have lucid dreams.

As with any supplement, you should always consult your doctor prior to using. In some cases there can be side effects, contraindications and allergic or negative reactions.

Picking Your Supplement​

Most dream herbs work by elevating levels of certain memory related neurotransmitters in the brain.

When it comes to picking what actually works, there are two main contenders to choose from: galantamine or huperzine-A.

Both have herbal origins: galantamine being extracted from the Red Spider Lily and Huperzine-A from Chinese Club Moss.

And both are backed by a wealth of scientific studies proving their safety and efficiency. In fact, both can be used to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease - a memory related disorder.

But buckle your seatbelts! Using a strong supplement like this is an intense experience and will throw you directly into the deep end of the lucid dreaming universe! Treat these compounds with the respect they deserve and you will be rewarded.

Here are a few examples of the types of dream scenes you can expect:
  • Feeling the structure of a huge submarine flex and resonate under the pressure of water.
  • Existing as a tree. Experiencing its collective living energy and letting go of human ego.
  • Watching rows of nuclear missiles erupt in blazes of blue energy – and stopping them with a wave of the hand.
Just don’t forget – use dreaming supplements as a tool – in conjunction with the techniques I've taught you.

What do we recommend?​

As it happens, we have our own lucid dreaming supplement :)

We crowd funded this back in 2017, when we raised over $25,861 from 335 members of our lucid dreaming community.

The idea was to create a product that was completely transparent.

It's since gone on to be a huge success, selling thousands of bottles and receiving 169 customer reviews - which you can check out here.

It's even been pretty popular on Amazon.

So if you're interested in supplements, I'd really recommend you check it out.

Oh BTW, since you're doing 10 Steps with me, I generated you a coupon code:

You can use it to get 10% discount, but only if you purchase today - as the code is only valid for the next 24 hours.


Lucid Dreaming Supplements are real and can be a powerful tool in your dream exploration arsenal.

Tomorrow's lesson will look at a popular induction technique – which can be used in conjunction with a supplement – or without.

Until next time.


Senior Member
Day 6 of a 10 day online lucid dreaming course I signed up for:


The problem I get with most people is that they've become highly wary and desensitized to 'supplements' because of the body building industry.

Most therefore assume that dreaming supplements are 'bunk', a 'gimmick' or simply 'won't work'.

I know this - because I thought the same thing too!

Until I started experimenting with them.

In fact, lucid dreaming supplements are a completely different ball game.

The official name is 'oneirogen'. Which means a substance that creates a dream-like state of consciousness.

Others like to call them 'dream herbs'.

Exciting isn't it :)

Any complete course on lucid dreaming has to cover supplements – and so today we'll take a short history lesson and cover some of the options of you have.

To be clear, you don't have to take supplement to learn the art of lucid dreaming. Some people consider lucid dreaming a spiritual quest and prefer to do it entirely of their own volition.

But - for those more intrepid dream explorers - supplements can simultaneously give you the most intense and vivid dreamstates of all – and provide that first taste of true lucidity, that will inspire you to continue your practice.
Lucid Dreaming Supplements
So this has been going on for a long time!

Dream herbs are nothing new and many have been in use for thousands of years.

For example, the Xhosa of South Eastern Africa have dreaming deeply embedded in their culture. They believe when their relatives die, they travel to the spirit realm. From where they communicate ancestral wisdom to us - via dreams.

The Xhosa routinely consume a dream herb brew made from the roots of a plant called Silene Capensis.

This is taken as part of a ritual initiation ceremony (during which they rub a slaughtered cow with the mixture and drink it mixed with blood – had to add that!) and is said to produce long and prophetic dreams.

I'll assume, since their entire culture is based around this dream herb, that it works. :)

Similarly, Calea Zacatechichi was taken by Mexican shamans and has a like effect.

The list of oneirogens goes on. Popular herbs include blue lotus, entada reidii and mugwort.

The main problem with these more exotic herbs, is that they tend to be relatively subtle in their effects. This is compounded by the difficulty of finding a fresh and high quality source. The dried plant material you can order online tends to vary in strength – and in honesty, it's touch or go whether you'll notice anything at all.

Lucid Dreaming Supplements: Pros vs Cons​

There are some compelling reasons to try supplements:


In my experience they breathe color into my dream life on a whole new level. They can produce the longest, most vivid and intense dreams of all - that feel more significant or profound than regular dreams.

Even if you've never had a lucid dream before, ramping up the intensity can help you better understand the awesome power of your dreaming mind. It can give you the push you need to commit to lucid dreaming.

Promoting self awareness in your dreams gives you more chances to become lucid.


Lucid dream pills shouldn't provide the foundation of your training. They are a "treat". A once-in-a-while boost to your dream life. You should not come to rely on them to have lucid dreams.

As with any supplement, you should always consult your doctor prior to using. In some cases there can be side effects, contraindications and allergic or negative reactions.

Picking Your Supplement​

Most dream herbs work by elevating levels of certain memory related neurotransmitters in the brain.

When it comes to picking what actually works, there are two main contenders to choose from: galantamine or huperzine-A.

Both have herbal origins: galantamine being extracted from the Red Spider Lily and Huperzine-A from Chinese Club Moss.

And both are backed by a wealth of scientific studies proving their safety and efficiency. In fact, both can be used to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease - a memory related disorder.

But buckle your seatbelts! Using a strong supplement like this is an intense experience and will throw you directly into the deep end of the lucid dreaming universe! Treat these compounds with the respect they deserve and you will be rewarded.

Here are a few examples of the types of dream scenes you can expect:
  • Feeling the structure of a huge submarine flex and resonate under the pressure of water.
  • Existing as a tree. Experiencing its collective living energy and letting go of human ego.
  • Watching rows of nuclear missiles erupt in blazes of blue energy – and stopping them with a wave of the hand.
Just don’t forget – use dreaming supplements as a tool – in conjunction with the techniques I've taught you.

What do we recommend?​

As it happens, we have our own lucid dreaming supplement :)

We crowd funded this back in 2017, when we raised over $25,861 from 335 members of our lucid dreaming community.

The idea was to create a product that was completely transparent.

It's since gone on to be a huge success, selling thousands of bottles and receiving 169 customer reviews - which you can check out here.

It's even been pretty popular on Amazon.

So if you're interested in supplements, I'd really recommend you check it out.

Oh BTW, since you're doing 10 Steps with me, I generated you a coupon code:

You can use it to get 10% discount, but only if you purchase today - as the code is only valid for the next 24 hours.


Lucid Dreaming Supplements are real and can be a powerful tool in your dream exploration arsenal.

Tomorrow's lesson will look at a popular induction technique – which can be used in conjunction with a supplement – or without.

Until next time.
Please forgive me for interjecting into your excellent Lucid Dream thread...You will discover as i have over the years on Paranormalis, that our members are VERY cautious with their hard earned money and what they invest in...

However, i believe that almost all of our members will "not" show any interest in purchasing lucid dreaming suppliments...In light of this, when i have spoken about building projects in the past, i have usually finished off by saying Beg Swap Steal or Borrow, what you need...Although stealing something should be a last resort, that is literally a matter of Life or Death :eek:

Doc 05

Active Member
Please forgive me for interjecting into your excellent Lucid Dream thread...You will discover as i have over the years on Paranormalis, that our members are VERY cautious with their hard earned money and what they invest in...

However, i believe that almost all of our members will "not" show any interest in purchasing lucid dreaming suppliments...In light of this, when i have spoken about building projects in the past, i have usually finished off by saying Beg Swap Steal or Borrow, what you need...Although stealing something should be a last resort, that is literally a matter of Life or Death :eek:
Thanks @TimeFlipper ,

I really hesitated at posting this number 6 in this series due to the "commercial" aspect of the post.
However I decided to post it in it's entirety as opposed to "censoring" it's contents and leaving it up to the Paranomalis readers to make their own opinion.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your concerns.


Senior Member
Thanks @TimeFlipper ,

I really hesitated at posting this number 6 in this series due to the "commercial" aspect of the post.
However I decided to post it in it's entirety as opposed to "censoring" it's contents and leaving it up to the Paranomalis readers to make their own opinion.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your concerns.
Its not inconvenient to me, i only pointed out what our members feel about spending their money on anything paranormal..

Doc 05

Active Member
DISCLAIMER: The following is Day 7 of a 10 day online lucid dreaming course I signed up for:
It is developed, published and sent to me via email by: Chris Hammond, FOUNDER, WORLD OF LUCID DREAMING ACADEMY.

The posting of this course is for your information and entertainment only and in no way endorses, promotes, or suggests any purchases, techniques, or procedures.

It is up to you the reader to research, study, and understand any information presented and please make informed decisions prior to any action taken.

Thank you, enjoy, and please act responsibly.

In our last lesson we looked at dream supplements. Now here's a really easy lucid dreaming technique to try in combination with them.

It's called the Wake-Back-to-Bed Technique (WBTB).

This can work from day one, which is why so many beginners love it.
WBTB Technique
You can perform WBTB every morning, or just on weekends to fit your work schedule:
  • Go to bed as normal and sleep for around six hours (set your alarm clock to wake you up)
  • Get out of bed and become fully alert. Write in your dream journal, read a good book about lucid dreaming - or otherwise occupy your mind with something dream-related.
  • After 25 minutes, go back to bed and relax. Take your lucid dreaming supplement now, if you have one. Perform the full relaxation technique, and visualize your desired lucid dreamscape in detail.
That's it!

The Wake-Back-to-Bed technique will significantly increase your chances of having lucid dreams during your remaining sleep cycles.

And best of all... you can sleep in as long as you like. :)

So How Does WBTB Work?​

This technique manipulates your sleep cycles around a crucial time of increased REM sleep. This is when your most vivid dreams occur.

Your premature awakening tricks the body into thinking it will be REM-deprived. How sneaky of you... When given the chance to return to sleep, your brain will dive straight into long periods of REM sleep, lapping up the "bonus" REM time essential to healthy brain function.

It really helps to spend the awake-time thinking and reading about lucid dreaming. This conscious focus can carry on into the dream world - a reminder that you're dreaming.

The Hidden Bonus of WBTB​

What's more, when practiced over time, you'll teach your brain to release its "wake up" hormones after six hours of sleep.

So even on the days you don't practice WBTB, your conscious mind will start to rouse when you are still enjoying blissful REM sleep.

This creates even more opportunities for lucid dreams...

Best wishes

Doc 05

Active Member
DISCLAIMER: The following is Day 8 of a 10 day online lucid dreaming course I signed up for:
It is developed, published and sent to me via email by: Chris Hammond, FOUNDER, WORLD OF LUCID DREAMING ACADEMY.

The posting of this course is for your information and entertainment only and in no way endorses, promotes, or suggests any purchases, techniques, or procedures.

It is up to you the reader to research, study, and understand any information presented and please make informed decisions prior to any action taken.

Thank you, enjoy, and please act responsibly.

I'll tell you what's going to happen.

I'm going to predict the future in fact…

You're shortly going to have your first lucid dream (if you haven't already) and it's going to be absolutely incredible!

You'll be breathing so fast and your heart will be jumping out of your chest - in awe that you're actually conscious inside a dream.

You'll be in shock saying "OH MY GOD, I'M ACTUALLY INSIDE A DREAM!!!"

And then it will all collapse after less than a minute :)

But don't worry. An important part of the art of lucid dreaming is learning how to stop dream collapse and extend the duration of your lucid dreams.

Today's lesson covers just that.
How to stop a lucid dream collapsing
My first taste of lucidity was the same: an incredible experience - that collapsed after about 30 seconds. I woke up stunned... elated... and kicking myself I didn't make it last longer:

"I'm standing in an empty white room, completely bare like a new house. The lack of detail makes me wonder... What is this place? Suddenly I realize, this is a dream!

The room surges into focus. I become fully conscious of my body and my surroundings. I do my reality check and feel my fingers push right through the palm of my hand.

I am so excited, I run out the door looking for someone to tell. I find a woman who I don't recognize and shout in her face. "I'M DREAMING! I'M DREAMING!"

I'm so excited, I accidentally wake myself up."

I made the rookie mistake of getting excited and running around in the virtual dreamscape, telling a complete stranger that I was lucid dreaming.

I got completely caught up in the emotion and squandered the opportunity!

This is very common in beginners. But luckily there are some simple methods that will help you to:
  • Keep your cool and stay grounded in the dream (no waking up)
  • Heighten your lucidity (for the most intense lucid dreams)
  • Gain full dream control (so you can do whatever you want)
So here's exactly what to do when you next realize you're dreaming:
  • Stay calm. Don't run around telling everyone you're dreaming. Get a grip on what's happening and calmly observe your environment for a few moments.
  • Rub your hands together. The movement stimulates the conscious brain and keeps you focused on your dream body.
  • Look at your hands. Focus on your hands close-up and notice the finer details which aren't normally present in a dream. This produces greater self-awareness.
  • Do a reality check. Push your hand into a solid object and expect it to go through, while asking "Am I dreaming?" This cements your awareness in the dream.
  • Demand "Clarity now!" Tell your dream you want more clarity and your dreaming self will respond instantly by creating a more vivid environment.
These stabilization tips work best for me personally.

There are others which may work even better for you - like spinning around or falling backwards.

Experiment, explorer!

Best wishes

Doc 05

Active Member
DISCLAIMER: The following is Day 9 of a 10 day online lucid dreaming course I signed up for:
It is developed, published and sent to me via email by: Chris Hammond, FOUNDER, WORLD OF LUCID DREAMING ACADEMY.

The posting of this course is for your information and entertainment only and in no way endorses, promotes, or suggests any purchases, techniques, or procedures.

It is up to you the reader to research, study, and understand any information presented and please make informed decisions prior to any action taken.

Thank you, enjoy, and please act responsibly.

Today I'm going to give you some super specific tips on the most fun and liberating aspect of lucid dreaming: actually controlling your dreams.

Whether you want to fly to the moon, teleport to a fantasy world full of dragons and hobbits, summon your favourite movie star, or simply fly over the ocean like a bird – you'll need control to make this happen.

Remember, not every lucid dream you have will involve full control. Sometimes, you'll be aware you are dreaming – but will be merely a passive observer of the action. Like a movie.

This is OK! Enjoy these incredible dreams too.

Today we will learn how to take control of the dream environment and increase your chances of making the dream world take shape as you desire.
Controlling Lucid Dreams
Here's a classic example of a question from a newbie lucid dreamer:

"I was lucid and I knew I was dreaming. But when I tried to fly, I couldn't lift off the ground, not even by a few inches. My dream refused to respond no matter how much I wanted it. Why couldn't I fly when I really wanted to?" - Amanda, UK

If you've ever had a similar experience, you'll know how frustrating it is to be fully lucid, yet unable to control your dream.

What is going wrong here?

Well, it almost always boils down to one of two factors:

Lack of Lucidity​

Lucidity - or consciousness - can be a slippery devil. If for one moment you forget that you're dreaming, your ability to control the dream is diminished.

That's why it's so important to perform steps like dream stabilization

(which we covered in our last lesson).

Indeed, sometimes you become so preoccupied by distractions in your amazing dream world that you can forget you are dreaming altogether.

Sounds crazy? It's really not.

The sleeping brain presents an entirely separate state of consciousness.

There are different rules at play. Memory, language, cognition and self-awareness all function differently. So it's not hard to forget you're dreaming if you don't remind yourself regularly.

As a direct result, you can accidentally pass control of the dream back to your unconscious dreaming self! This is the part of you that produces all your normal dreams (and continues to co-create the experience even when you're fully lucid).

In Amanda's dream, her lucidity was weak and her unconscious mind had other intentions for her dream. Flying was not on the agenda.

Unfortunately, when you're stuck in this semi-lucid limbo, the unconscious mind tends to win over.

You must maintain awareness in lucid dreaming...

Which is a mindset you can entrain every day while awake.

The Expectation Principle​

Your underlying mindset defines the way you actively control your dreams.

If Amanda was fully lucid, then the problem was she didn't truly expect to be able to fly.

She had no confidence. In the back of her mind, her learned experience of gravity in real life blocked her ability to fly in her lucid dream.

All she had to do was genuinely expect herself to lift off the ground!

Note: expecting is different from wanting. It's like the difference between hoping you'll get a pay rise and knowing you're getting a pay rise. Confidence in a particular outcome means there is no doubt in your mind. And that makes dream control possible.

It also helps to voice your desires out loud. "I'm taking off into the air now."

Once you perform an impossible reality check in a lucid dream, it is much easier to expect other impossibilities too - like breathing underwater, teleporting across vast distances, and running through walls.

You can have a lot of fun finding out what's possible :)

Here are some other ways you could control your dreams using The Expectation Principle:
  • Change the scenery from a desert to a tropical rainforest - by turning away and expecting it to look like your desired location when you turn back.
  • Travel through time 65 million years by stepping into a time machine and expecting to greet friendly dinosaurs when you emerge.
  • Summon dream figures or personal heroes by saying to the dream "I'm going to meet Lara Croft around the corner" and truly expect to see her when you look.
  • Find any dream object by reaching into your pocket and expecting to find it, or drawing a crude picture of it with your finger in the air and expecting it to come to life.
This is a powerful lesson in dream control.

Use it next time you're lucid - and you'll find these techniques really do work!
