SmartLucider Lucid Dream Induction Device

Be careful with those meds. I remember reading about it, but they didn't seem to mention if there was any side effects if you took them without having Alzheimers.
Pre-sleep treatment with galantamine stimulates lucid dreaming: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study

From Page 3:

Exclusion criteria included asthma, taking beta-blockers, severe mental illness or cardiac arrhythmias. However, no exclusions were made for biomedical reasons as no participants presented with any of the exclusionary criteria. The details, study rationale, and possible side effects of cholinergic stimulation, as described above, were explained, including the possibility of unpleasant side effects such as insomnia or nausea. Participants were aware that on at least one of the experiment nights they would be receiving an active dose of an over-the-counter supplement.

One hundred twenty nine participants participated in the study. Eight participants were not included in analysis due to not completing at least two nights of the experiment or following instructions, including one participant who discontinued the study due to nausea, and one to avoid the sleep disturbance from completing the nightly procedures.
I was Impressed with Galantamine 4 mg

"Dream Re-Runs"

I took 4 mg of Galantamine at bedtime. The white pressed tablet was non-coated and needed to be taken with a small bite of food to properly ingest (a common occurrence with me and non-coated tablets).

The purpose of this test was to see if any undesirable side effects were experienced (nausea or insomnia).
There fore NO lucid dreaming aids or protocols were taken or used.

Prior to natural awakening (no alarm / natural sunlight) I experienced numerous vivid dreams of unique familiarity; I remembered having these particular themed dreams before: i.e. "Dream Re-Runs".

This surprised and impressed me; are these dreams of some important meaning or message or is my brain just accessing a "dream memory file" of standard "stock" dreams that I have collected over the years ("re-runs"). This could be similar to persons having recurring "nightmares" of the same themes.

Now were is that "wet-dream" brain file of my teenage years ;)
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@Doc 05 , I'll be interested to hear your results. I also placed an order for SmartLucider.

I, too, purchased Galantamine ("Lucidimine") a short while back and experienced similar vivid dreams with my couple test runs (with 2 mg). I, too, have not yet started lucid dreaming protocols.
@Doc 05 , I'll be interested to hear your results. I also placed an order for SmartLucider.

I, too, purchased Galantamine ("Lucidimine") a short while back and experienced similar vivid dreams with my couple test runs (with 2 mg). I, too, have not yet started lucid dreaming protocols.
Thanks @Sonix for your interest.

Of course my goal is develop protocols that involve Time Travel and the HDR.

My tentative "protocol" thoughts are:
1. 270 minutes of sleep (3 sleep cycles) aided by delta/theta music cd while lying in a bed or cot with bedding.
2. Waken by alarm (sleep cycle interruption), and rising from bed.
3. Ingestion of 8 mg of Galantamine and possibly a "dream tea" (requires further information/investigation -RFI)
4. Dress in "appropriate" attire; i.e. period clothing, uniform, street clothes, ninja gear, etc. (to include footwear and headgear). "Dress the part"
5. Receive/Watch a "Time Travel Mission Brief" via Power Point presentation or actual briefer (audio/visual being the important aspect of this "front-loading - pre-hypnotic suggestion" of the desired outcome).
6. During briefing include the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) technique.
7. Post brief conduct an HDR session (3 min) with "rates and frequencies" complimenting the Time Travel Mission (TTM).
8. Lay down fully clothed (shoes on) in a recumbent recliner with a DreamLucider and headphones playing a "lucid dream inducing - biaural beat" music. (RFI)
9. Record both audio and video of session; with the goal of narration of "dream-scape" (tell me what you see) similar to a Remote Viewing session. (RFI)
10. Upon awakening/end of session record results.

Also possible addition of Trans Cranial Stimulation after mission brief prior to session. (RFI)

We shall see.
Thanks again
Lets face it; most people don't want to physically Time Travel, they want to EXPERIENCE Time Travel.
Physical Time Travel is dangerous, requires vortexes, portals or spacecraft, and is cost prohibited.

Astral Time Travel, however is within the realm of everyone without all those pesky paradoxes.

I believe (and my goal) a combining of all these techniques, tactics and procedures in mind
"enhancement" will affect a "Time Travel Experience".

But for those who still wish to physically time travel, we just construct an artificial vortex under/around the recliner in a Faraday cage. (Ong's Hat device)
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@Doc 05 , I'll be interested to hear your results. I also placed an order for SmartLucider.

I, too, purchased Galantamine ("Lucidimine") a short while back and experienced similar vivid dreams with my couple test runs (with 2 mg). I, too, have not yet started lucid dreaming protocols.
Remember the Smart-Lucider just signals when you enter REM sleep; what you do after that is on you and your training.

So, when I programmed my device I set it on the loudest beep, mid to high LED level and rate, and Dream Alarm ON. I'm hoping on inducing a Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD), where you wake from the lucid dream, then immediately go back into the dream and control it. (RFI)

I have experienced this in the past without any device and prior to much knowledge about lucid dreaming. In these dreams (nightmares) I was able to "turn the tables" on attackers in the dream and have a favorable outcome.

I'm hoping at the time of signal from the lucid dream I am able to awake enough to "push a button" and start a pre-recorded, Time Travel Mission (TTM) question session, that would ask such things as:
1. Describe your Location
2. What are your Actions
3. What are you Wearing (footwear)
4. Etc.

Allowing enough time between questions (or with a live monitor/controller) hopefully the audio/video recorder will capture my responses. The use of a live monitor/controller (similar to a remote viewing session) a more detailed session can be accomplished.

Unfortunately, we have to develop protocols that can be accomplished solo; trying to get someone/anyone to participate in these ventures (time travel experiments) are next to impossible.
Most are afraid, non-believers, trolls, or just "all talk".
