Soviet or Russian time machine experiment


Senior Member
"Do a meta search..."! :ROFLMAO:

Why? Did someone put this on the internet or something?

Never try to catch a large old tool box. Let it crash to the floor. //Old mechanic's saying. We're talking about used condoms here.


Senior Member
@lamdo263 sometimes it just like this.

*Please do not drop violence in your answers to me again. I'm a reformed off world killer from another system and here under reform agreements. I know in Vietnam on how the Australians like to break out in fistfights all the time. The American soldiers were simply told, if they did same, the management would have their strips, so many Americans kept away from them.

Take the hint, because I'm still off world affiliated, no more violence to me, okay?


Senior Member
*Please do not drop violence in your answers to me again. I'm a reformed off world killer from another system and here under reform agreements. I know in Vietnam on how the Australians like to break out in fistfights all the time. The American soldiers were simply told, if they did same, the management would have their strips, so many Americans kept away from them.

Take the hint, because I'm still off world affiliated, no more violence to me, okay?
You claim a lot of things or so you say, i didnt fall out of the sky yesterday sunshine.


Senior Member
You should know by now that requesting any sort of confirmation - even the slightest - is an attack on the poster's very worthiness as a human being.

ETA: And you dare not in any way imply that a poster doesn't know what they're talking about - even if they don't.


*Please do not drop violence in your answers to me again. I'm a reformed off world killer from another system and here under reform agreements. I know in Vietnam on how the Australians like to break out in fistfights all the time. The American soldiers were simply told, if they did same, the management would have their strips, so many Americans kept away from them.

Take the hint, because I'm still off world affiliated, no more violence to me, okay?
In other words, stop attacking your very worth as a human being?
Why should we do that? You put your own obvious unworthiness out here in public view.
Maybe it's you that should stop doing that.

When the hole gets too deep, the first thing to do is stop digging.



Senior Member
In other words, stop attacking your very worth as a human being?
Why should we do that? You put your own obvious unworthiness out here in public view.
Maybe it's you that should stop doing that.

When the hole gets too deep, the first thing to do is stop digging.



Senior Member
In other words, stop attacking your very worth as a human being?
Why should we do that? You put your own obvious unworthiness out here in public view.
Maybe it's you that should stop doing that.

When the hole gets too deep, the first thing to do is stop digging.

TO MODERATOR OF POSTINGS: This thread seems to have taken an odd turn, as the issue was, what are the veracity values of the topic of conversation, which was a said and shown in the past Russian time machine. There's a problem here with the thread as not only is there evidence of topic posted in this website, but in quite a few others time travel websites, but possible video evidence as well.

Briefly put, I would venture to say that the posted topic values have ventured to the off-topic range. In other words the participants could be discussing flavors of ice cream, instead of said supposed, proven, or unproven, to exist Russian time machines?

I did not want accusations of topic wandering, placed against me in this interlude. Do as you will with the thread. Seems unmanageable and snarly, to me.


Senior Member
And people are asking me to support my statements!
I swear it's the honest to god's truth. We sat there and my friend wanted to make friends with this reddish colored chipmunk. We were sitting on the grass on either side of this eight inch concrete overflow drain.

This chippy was real nice to the both of us, but all of a sudden started to dig into the dirt, that was deposited from water flows at the mouth of the drain.

We both looked at one another in amazement, as this little guy was going to town, with mud-dirt flying every which way. Puzzlement over what it was just doing.

Finally he pulled out this toad from the mud deposit, that looked half a sleep from its rest. Then he nudged it towards the both of us, like we two were supposed to now understand what was happening.

I looked at Eric and he looked back at me with these stupid grins on our faces. Then both of us said, like it was from a cue card, " The toad must be the chippy's lawyer. If we want to talk to the chipmunk, it has to be through the toad first".

God we howled over this, as it was the funniest thing that we've ever seen. All the animals were odd at this Summer vacation village. I'll never forget it.


Senior Member
And people are asking me to support my statements!
What your'e not getting, is that there's not that much time left. Like I said I'm a guest here on this world and at times have no idea what's going on.

The stage we're at now, is like the 1920s cowboy movies where two guys are fighting in a boat, but one of them sees that the boat's due to go over a waterfall. If they both keep fighting, then they'll both be killed.

I've come out about myself in truth, even though the claims seem wild. Yes I even agree with you, but they're real.

I think Mayhem's biggest sin, is he smelled something in the air and really wanted the truth. What did broadcaster Art Bell call it, the quickening?

I don't have a direct dial to the idiots that are supposedly running everything. This is because I feel even they don't know their asses from a hole in the ground.

The example I have showed you with me, my friend and the chipmunk & toad was real. It was part of my life on a school visit stay for two days in a remote town in one of the national forest. Treasure the good times with friends, as those times are more precious than gold and remind us all, of just who we are.
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