Surveillance Drone in the US!


Senior Member
Military Drones Prowl US Skies

December 6, 2012 - Military drones used to track terrorists or insurgents in Afghanistan have also been flying across the U.S. homeland. Newly released documents show U.S. drone flights by the Air Force, Marine Corps and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency for the first time.

The Air Force has tested drones in U.S. skies ranging from hand-launched Ravens to the larger Reaper drones responsible for targeting and killing people overseas — all recorded through the Federal Aviation Administration licenses required to fly in national airspace. That information became public through a Freedom of Information Act request from the nonprofit digital rights organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

"The FAA recently announced it wants to slow down drone integration into U.S. skies due to privacy concerns," the EFF said. "We are hopeful this indicates the agency is finally changing its views."

But the advocacy organization noted that the FAA documents don't show any oversight of how drone flights could affect the privacy and civil liberties of Americans.

The advocates run a U.S. drone census that aims to track drone flights made in the homeland by the U.S. military, law enforcement agencies, local police departments and universities. Part of that effort has involved requesting the FAA to release documents showing what agencies and organizations applied for licenses to fly drones in U.S. national airspace.

Drones flown by the Air Force near places such as Virginia Beach, Va., have the cameras and sensors to track moving ground targets for hours at a time. The Reaper drone capable of both spying on people and firing missiles at them has spent much of its time prowling the skies above Nevada, California and Utah. [Rise of the Drones: Photos of Unmanned Aircraft]

Some Air Force operators have even practiced surveillance missions they might carry out in Afghanistan by tracking civilian cars on the highways, according to a New York Times report.

The Air Force proved the most accommodating by allowing the related FAA records to go public. The Marine Corps chose to redact so much material from the records that the EFF had a difficult time figuring out the Marines' drone programs.

On the civilian side, the drone records show how many U.S. law enforcement agencies want to use drones for spying on drug activities in the war on drugs. But some police departments — specifically the Orange County, Fla., sheriff's department and Mesa County, Colo., sheriff — chose to withhold some or most of the information about drone flights by claiming that public information could threaten their police work.

The FAA released the new batch of documents more than a year and a half after the EFF filed its Freedom of Information Act request, but has yet to release more than half of the available drone records. The EFF called that "unacceptable."

"Before the public can properly assess privacy issues raised by drone flights, it must have access to the FAA's records as a whole," the EFF said.


where the wild things are
This is simply another excuse by the Government to regulate our basic rights, and limit freedom, so as to be able to more effectively control the people by silencing the nay-sayers. It's easier to stay in the dark, than to actually fight for these aforementioned rights. But the government wants you in the dark, so they make it easier to stay there. They make examples; and that's what the drones are intended to do. Find the people who are organized, and pose a threat to the framework of the republic, violent or non-violent, and keep them from influencing others. Whether it be label them a domestic terrorist, or infiltrate their organizations, and plant false evidence. In the times to come, I can assure you, you will see that when it becomes time to push and shove, there will be more pushing and shoving than what anyone expected.

They'll never silence me!

But I totally agree with you.


Senior Member
They want to confiscate our guns and put drones all over our skies and if any of us offend dear leader BOOM! that is the end of the offense.

In the OP video I could not nail that fucker with a shot gun... but a rifle would of been able to nail it.. it was low flying....

Also hackers can steal them.

For us non hackers I would recommend coil guns. You can build an effective coil gun for alot less than 32,000 .

In fact coil guns are one of the things the system fears the most. Coil guns don't make noise when they fire so the latest system of tagging snipers by the sound of the gun shot wont work.


Police & Feds feverishly surveilling gun-confiscation opponents on internet

You are being watched.

Take that for what it is.

Their are only two kinds of people left. Those opposed the the tyranny and those that are wrong.


Senior Member
They want to confiscate our guns and put drones all over our skies and if any of us offend dear leader BOOM! that is the end of the offense.

In the OP video I could not nail that fucker with a shot gun... but a rifle would of been able to nail it.. it was low flying....

Also hackers can steal them.

For us non hackers I would recommend coil guns. You can build an effective coil gun for alot less than 32,000 .

In fact coil guns are one of the things the system fears the most. Coil guns don't make noise when they fire so the latest system of tagging snipers by the sound of the gun shot wont work.


Police & Feds feverishly surveilling gun-confiscation opponents on internet

You are being watched.

Take that for what it is.

Their are only two kinds of people left. Those opposed the the tyranny and those that are wrong.
A little at a time they have taken away our rights by changes made thru Executive Orders. Drones have been developed for enforcement...most people (notice I didn't use the baa word) just don't know it. Build them and practice by using them in foreign countries. Most don't think anything is going on until they are picked up or shot at. Your neighbors, if any are left will be told that you were the bad guy, a threat to their survival. Long know who will be the chant of the day in the time we will be living in.


Senior Member
Attend your city council meetings.

Deal with the problems there.

If words fail to deal with the problem use another approach.

It is sad. It sucks. I for fucking sure do not want to do it.... but even more, I don't want to be the victim of an accidental drone strike.

We live in oppression.

Their are only two kinds of americans.

Those against the tyranny and others that are wrong.


Active Member
Wow, I don't know how I missed out on this conversation for so long. I'm going to play both sides of the fence here, having seen it from both sides. A "drone" is nothing more than a remotely controlled vehicle. We've been using them for decades. It's just that technology is now at the point to where we can put really small high detail cameras on just about anything and send it up in the sky. Also keep in mind that drones don't just pertain to aerial vehicles. We have them underwater and on land, and even put them on other planets.

The new radar system. Well, I work for one of the companies that are implementing this. Most people don't realize that the air traffic system we use today was developed back in the mid 1900's. The military have been asking for an updated system for years, but only recently with more and more airlines going out of business have they also started asking and so.. who has the largest budget to pay for R&D on it? The military... So the premise behind it is to fit twice as many airplanes into the sky at one time. FOr the military it will allow them to double the amount of aircraft in the sky, and for the commercial airlines, it will allow them to potentially increase profits by putting more aircraft in the sky.

Then realize that we have had satellite systems in place since the 80's or before that can read the license plate off your car. We've had phone tapping systems in place since almost the day that phones were invented. If you've got an extra handset and some alligator clips, you can tap someone's phone.

I can go on and on all day long as to what the governments of the world have the capability to do. Point here is that the only reason it is coming about now a days is that everything you are afraid of has been in place for decades. It's so infused into our society now that the government isn't afraid to let you see it.. So they put out images of it, everyone freaks, and Uncle Sam is sitting back laughing at our plausible future uses when he's already making those happen.

Another thing.. the EMP gun.. An EMP gun is used to fry something usually at specific ranges. The only EMP event that I know of that can take out the broad spectrum is a nuclear blast. So basically you're going to have to have a small arsenal of EMP guns for different frequencies. Building a variable freq gun I don't think would be very efficient. And if you want a narrow beam, and strong one.. I'd look at reverse engineering a direct tv box and pump it through a modified dtv satellite antenna. What you want is something to do a small spectrum of the freq chart in short, high intensity bursts. Those cell phone jammers that people are making these days.. if you can pump more power through one of those and do it in short bursts.. that would be a targeted EMP device for cells.. and you would be my hero if you did it. Although to do so is supposedly against several laws, so my disclaimer is that I do not own, nor am I thinking about making an EMP device for myself or for anyone else. But you could make a really neat toy by taking the gas tube from a laser engraver and rigging it up to the laser of your blu ray device/ps 3, and have your neighborhoods very own first ever laser gun to wear in a backpack and carve your name in things like a ghost buster or just align the laser to a certain gas that vibrates at a certain freq and said laser could then theoretically be used to jam cameras on said drones.


Temporal Engineer
I'm not too worried about the drones. Just like radar jammers, there will be drone jammers that will disrupt the frequencies that control the drones. Just turn on your home made drone jammer, and point it at the drone, and watch it fall out of the sky. Of course make sure you have your stealth hoodie on when you do it.


Active Member
You'd have to be inconspicuous about it. Like never set your jammer up in the same spot twice. Cause if there is a pattern of the same area a drone going out, then in will come the cavalry.

I watched in awe a few years ago as a tv station took over a particular spot on a commercial satellite that was being used. Well how a satellite works is that the one pushing more power wins. So this tv station was winning in this case. A few hours later this tv station's equipment was toast. They pushed enough power back down to their equipment from the satellite to fry everything. And that was from a commercial satellite. Let's just say that a few of our mandarin speaking friends were shaking their heads for a few days over that one.

So what you'd want to do is not take out the entire drone. You'd want to just blind it temporarily. I have a theory.. and this is just a theory at this point let's call it. You could theoretically set up an invisible frequency wall around a defined perimeter. Where anything passing through this fence that matches your set frequencies would be blocked for a certain amount of time. It's the same theory behind these fake cell sites. You have to push the same frequency and power as your target. then all transmissions won't be lost, they'll just be targeted to your equipment now which will only transmit back garbage. Think of this as an invisible dome. A target moves towards your dome and is working as normal. Then once it breaks the barrier of your dome wall, the communications are rerouted through your equipment so that the target can continue it's flight path while at the same time not be transmitting video or data. Only its telemetry. Then once the target passes back through your dome again, it will resume normal operation.

Now the complete downside to ruin everyone's fun ideas. There are guys that do nothing all day but sit and wait for a phone call to go to a certain area and find the source of certain signals. And any joe schmoe can do this. All you need is a spectrum analyzer and some sort of antenna. Cable companies do this all the time. They have guys that their job is to do this every day to "locate signal leaks". The FCC regulates that only a certain amount of signal leakage is acceptable. So the cable companies have to be on the lookout for this. The FCC also maintains through the use of private citizens; certain.. rats let's call them. People that look for rogue signals like unlicensed radio or tv stations. I'm not sure on all the legal ramifications, but let's just say that one way or another, they will find a reason to lock you up for transmitting a rogue signal that is not registered with them.


Temporal Engineer
You'd have to be inconspicuous about it. Like never set your jammer up in the same spot twice. Cause if there is a pattern of the same area a drone going out, then in will come the cavalry.

I watched in awe a few years ago as a tv station took over a particular spot on a commercial satellite that was being used. Well how a satellite works is that the one pushing more power wins. So this tv station was winning in this case. A few hours later this tv station's equipment was toast. They pushed enough power back down to their equipment from the satellite to fry everything. And that was from a commercial satellite. Let's just say that a few of our mandarin speaking friends were shaking their heads for a few days over that one.

So what you'd want to do is not take out the entire drone. You'd want to just blind it temporarily. I have a theory.. and this is just a theory at this point let's call it. You could theoretically set up an invisible frequency wall around a defined perimeter. Where anything passing through this fence that matches your set frequencies would be blocked for a certain amount of time. It's the same theory behind these fake cell sites. You have to push the same frequency and power as your target. then all transmissions won't be lost, they'll just be targeted to your equipment now which will only transmit back garbage. Think of this as an invisible dome. A target moves towards your dome and is working as normal. Then once it breaks the barrier of your dome wall, the communications are rerouted through your equipment so that the target can continue it's flight path while at the same time not be transmitting video or data. Only its telemetry. Then once the target passes back through your dome again, it will resume normal operation.

Now the complete downside to ruin everyone's fun ideas. There are guys that do nothing all day but sit and wait for a phone call to go to a certain area and find the source of certain signals. And any joe schmoe can do this. All you need is a spectrum analyzer and some sort of antenna. Cable companies do this all the time. They have guys that their job is to do this every day to "locate signal leaks". The FCC regulates that only a certain amount of signal leakage is acceptable. So the cable companies have to be on the lookout for this. The FCC also maintains through the use of private citizens; certain.. rats let's call them. People that look for rogue signals like unlicensed radio or tv stations. I'm not sure on all the legal ramifications, but let's just say that one way or another, they will find a reason to lock you up for transmitting a rogue signal that is not registered with them.

Perhaps you could install a drone jammer in an an RC aircraft. A moving transmitter is not as easy to pin point.
