Switching Consciousness to Different Timeline


Active Member
I apologize for any misunderstanding but my original post was for everyone. I am here to have interesting discussions and hear other points of view. There is so much information on the internet that it’s just better to ask about other peoples’ personal experiences. It’s also fun to brainstorm. I don’t trust much of the disinformation that is out there. Besides, this a discussion forum. We talk. It’s fun to do.
I agree, theres a lot of shit out there, which is why it's important to also work on discernment so you can find the good stuff.


Temporal Engineer
If one wanted to switch their consciousness to a parallel timeline, how do you suppose they would go about doing it? Meditation? Concave mirrors?

Any ideas?

You've been doing this all your life. Everyone does it. Every time you make a decision that you implement into your life is a switch into another timeline path. It's called freedom of choice. Just know that there is a counter timeline where you decided not to do that. Our brains are wired to filter out the unwanted choice. Scientists have discovered a quantum reality where both outcomes for a decision actually exist. The entangled photon experiment is what I'm referring to. If you want to go to another timeline where the past history is different, consider making a decision that would be totally out of character for you. My favorite experiment was to change my daily habits. Try driving home from work by taking a different route. Put your clothes on from the perspective of someone with slovenly habits. Like getting more life out of dirty underwear by turning them inside out. Wear a shirt inside out. Maybe a different shoe on each foot. Kind of like trading places with an alternate you! And pay attention to changes in your immediate environment! I noticed that my key wouldn't open my front door anymore. The key teeth are always pointing upward when inserting key into lock. Except they now point downward. How about the color of your car? Is it different? Killing yourself is a major change you can't undo. Chances are you wake up in another timeline where your attempt failed. Or did it? You find out that you now have 3 kids instead of 2. Your spouse is a different person. You now have a brother!

I'm now entertaining a different explanation for my Doppelganger. I've shared my Doppelganger story several times on this forum. I suspected it was actually me from the future after inventing a time machine. But what if my Doppelganger is just me that chose an alternate choice to one I made. Other people can see the other me. But I can't! That would fit with the observed sightings.

Last week I recommended watching a new show called "Constellation". There are elements in this show that depict all of the above. And the writers of this series are very good at getting you emotionally attached.


You've been doing this all your life. Everyone does it. Every time you make a decision that you implement into your life is a switch into another timeline path. It's called freedom of choice. Just know that there is a counter timeline where you decided not to do that. Our brains are wired to filter out the unwanted choice. Scientists have discovered a quantum reality where both outcomes for a decision actually exist. The entangled photon experiment is what I'm referring to. If you want to go to another timeline where the past history is different, consider making a decision that would be totally out of character for you. My favorite experiment was to change my daily habits. Try driving home from work by taking a different route. Put your clothes on from the perspective of someone with slovenly habits. Like getting more life out of dirty underwear by turning them inside out. Wear a shirt inside out. Maybe a different shoe on each foot. Kind of like trading places with an alternate you! And pay attention to changes in your immediate environment! I noticed that my key wouldn't open my front door anymore. The key teeth are always pointing upward when inserting key into lock. Except they now point downward. How about the color of your car? Is it different? Killing yourself is a major change you can't undo. Chances are you wake up in another timeline where your attempt failed. Or did it? You find out that you now have 3 kids instead of 2. Your spouse is a different person. You now have a brother!

I'm now entertaining a different explanation for my Doppelganger. I've shared my Doppelganger story several times on this forum. I suspected it was actually me from the future after inventing a time machine. But what if my Doppelganger is just me that chose an alternate choice to one I made. Other people can see the other me. But I can't! That would fit with the observed sightings.

Last week I recommended watching a new show called "Constellation". There are elements in this show that depict all of the above. And the writers of this series are very good at getting you emotionally attached.

Great response, Einstein. I should do this and document changes. Could be an interesting experiment. I just hope I don't end up in a world that's worse. hehehe. (Funny, not funny).


I was just thinking about this. If our decisions cause us to change timelines, wouldn't we see changes ALL the time? What if we accidentally make a huge leap, and the change is so big that you're labeled crazy for being concerned. Example: You manage to switch to a timeline where the Nazi's won and we're all speaking German. What is stopping that from happening?


Killing yourself is a major change you can't undo. Chances are you wake up in another timeline where your attempt failed. Or did it? You find out that you now have 3 kids instead of 2. Your spouse is a different person. You now have a brother!

Sometimes I think we switch timelines when we die.

Last week I recommended watching a new show called "Constellation". There are elements in this show that depict all of the above. And the writers of this series are very good at getting you emotionally attached.

I need to watch that. Has anyone ever asked astronauts if they've experienced timeline changes?


Active Member
You're kinda right, if you consider the parallel variations to be close, similar and further apart from each other, the variants of you that die off in the similar and further away timelines can be felt once you begin feeling into timeline potentials, you can almost but not quite see them too if your clairvoyance is very well practiced.

If you want a film to watch about it, Everything.Everywhere.All.At.Once.2022 is a pretty good choice. Jet li's The.One sorta covers the idea but not in as much revealing hidden esoteric knowledge terms. It speaks more metaphorically to the idea of higher self fractalization
