The Brotherhood of Shaving: Reform today's scruffy Men; turn bums into Gentlemen!


Senior Member
Just because you dont fit Samstwiches definition of classy by no means does it mean you are not one handsome dude. ;)

Actually, it's pronounced Samstwitch (for Sam's twitching one's nose)...not Samstwiches. That almost sounds like sandwiches, mispronounced samwiches. :ROFLMAO:


Senior Member
If i shave i look like i am 12, plus i like having my beard if i didn't like it i wouldn't have it, i don't care so much as to what others think about it, it keeps me warm in the cold months of a minnesota winter.


Senior Member
Neil Fallon and his burning beard laugh at your well trimmedness ideology

Hey, I'm not over posting on your Beard thread preaching that you should shave, now am I. I've got my own thread here on The Brotherhood of Shaving to make my points about the clean-shaven look. But here you are on my Shave it off thread preaching to me about keeping your beard.

All you guys who want to keep a scruffy beard, you have the right to do so. And ladies who like the clean-shaven look will look elsewhere for a man to meet their fancy.

To be fair, all you scruffy bearded men should get the ladies who refuse to shave as well, like Miss Sikh here (hairy arms and legs included). Then you could cuddle up with each other and keep real warm in a haze of fur. :ROFLMAO:

sikh_uni Bearded Lady.jpg
