The Crop Circle Thread


Re: The crop circle thread

WhiteLight said:
Unless their working with the landowners to not report anything till their done.

Thats probably what it is. With heat bending that's fairly easily done with heat guns, if the operator is careful he would not leave any evidence. The only questionable item would be the time factor, I do not believe that a single person could do all the work. It would have to be a team effort.


New Member
Re: The crop circle thread

When people are going to wake up to these crop circle hoaxes? Didn't you know that you can use a spraying chemical to make the 'grass, weeds, etc' bend backwards? Paraquat mixed with a solution of sodium and boric will do the trick. When people go out and spray the stuff on grass or hay, whereever its at, as long it has a 'live' contact, the chemical will only adhere to the grass, as an example and will not do anything until it rains or get wet.

The grass would then begin to "bend backwards" in a pattern of how you sprayed it in the first place. People think crop circles require team work, actually which isnt true. It can only take a man with a pump pack on his back to spray a large 'pre-crop circle" like in a hour or less. When it gets humid or when it rains, the mixed chemical starts a reaction to the water.... then when it dries up, the chemical itself becomes inactive and undetectable including any remaining chemical becomes inactive upon contact on soil.

Viola! You got a crop circle! :)

Dont believe me? check it out on google. :)

Paraquat itself is poisonous.. so those who are visiting those 'crop circles' out there, would need to check the chemical composition of the damaged grass.... so stay away from these supposed 'crop circles'.. idiots who are making them are actually kinda poisoning you in a way.


Re: The crop circle thread

Here is a brand new crop circle located in UK.

I wonder if anybody knows how to understand the symbols in the crop circle. It looks like a spacecraft picture, it could be a schematic or something. Like all other crop circles, this one is probably made by human beings. They're getting better and better. I can't believe these people making crop circles never get busted at all.


Crop Circle at South Field, Nr Alton Priors, Wiltshire. Reported 27th June** 2009


Senior Member
This is a crop circle, which is located in Gray, TN. It is of interest to me as I work with people from Gray and have been in the area several times. I'll have them go talk to the people and see what they can find out.

