The FBI Mysteriously Close New Mexico Observatory

You have a complex mate:D


Stay in your box its safer.

No thanks, I think outside the box, But seriously, If their was some sort of threat that warranted taking over observatories for military monitoring purposes would you support a conspiracy of silence just to prevent a mass panic as well as our individual ability to privately prepare? To say nothing of the disregard of constitutional rights.

I still wanna know why were the observatories taken over.

Hmm the answer is out... Closed over Child Exploitation.

Mystery solved around observatory near Roswell shut down by FBI

answer only come after the sheriff starts getting onrey

……. BUt why order an evacuation? why shut down the post office? Why not just investigate the Janitor instead of disruptin operations for so many days...… Meh... Probably just a cover story.

Regardless No doom.
We aren't going to find out anything from the media.
Anyone awake to help me do some research ?
Was thinking we could split up some of the locations and see how close any: military bases, nuke launch sites, and / or known outposts are in relation to the observatory's that were closed.
I'll help you with your research. Closing an observatory for no actual reason. I can see the science community closing one down. But the fed locking it down? there is something in that, and it is way more that just child porn on a laptop. Count me in. Send me a private message with what you have looked at and what you still need to look at and I will look.
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Here is the latest I could find on the ET invasion fleet.

I`m very certain i have the answer for the alien space ships gathering around the Sun, and the men gathered around the facilities radio antenna!! o_O..
The alien space ships just needed some warmth from the Sun as all the heating systems in their crafts had stopped working...
And the reason for the guys gathering around the facilities radio antenna was simply because it was a very cold day and they had all left their gloves at home, and the antenna was concentrating the Sun`s rays and reflecting the heat upwards for them!! :D..

Seriously though, the video clip was very good, thanks once again to your own time spent, researching for Paranormalis :cool: :)..
ITS A GUNDAM.... but no... the FBI overstepped. It should be investigated further. Hope that sheriff is worth his weight.
Heres your aliens:

An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation wrote in the affidavit that she was "investigating the activities of an individual who was utilizing the wireless internet service of the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, to download and distribute child pornography."
The FBI affidavit identified the suspect as a janitor under contract to clean the facility, whose laptop was found to have been used to connect to the observatory's wireless system.

New Mexico observatory closure stemmed from FBI child porn probe: documents

So there is no government conspiracy or cover up and the old fake ass Nibiru has nothing to do with it.
