The FBI Mysteriously Close New Mexico Observatory

Do you actually believe this? Personally I don't believe in Nibiru. People make stuff up all the time.

Did you read the article? Yeah I know Nibiru don't exist. But the observatory was not closed because of some conspiracy or government cover up....or some fake planet approaching Earth....It's fake frigging news is what it is.
ITS A GUNDAM.... but no... the FBI overstepped. It should be investigated further. Hope that sheriff is worth his weight.
That'll be the day - once the feds are involved you can forget making any progress going forward through local/district police.
They are clearly covering something up, who knows what it is, but it's comical.
I'll help you with your research. Closing an observatory for no actual reason. I can see the science community closing one down. But the fed locking it down? there is something in that, and it is way more that just child porn on a laptop. Count me in. Send me a private message with what you have looked at and what you still need to look at and I will look.
Thank you but not sure what else can be done at this point. Wish we had more to go on.
Did you read the article? Yeah I know Nibiru don't exist. But the observatory was not closed because of some conspiracy or government cover up....or some fake planet approaching Earth....It's fake frigging news is what it is.

Sure. Everyone has an opinion. But I do believe the FBI cover story is also a lie. They have a history of lying to the American people. The only real fact I see is that the Observatory was closed down and unmanned for a window of time.
Sure. Everyone has an opinion. But I do believe the FBI cover story is also a lie. They have a history of lying to the American people. The only real fact I see is that the Observatory was closed down and unmanned for a window of time.

Coming from a conspiracy theorists....
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So!!...The New Mexico Observatory is very close to Roswell...
Ive got it now, the space ships circling the Sun were gathering to locate their parents who crashed in the UFO back in 1947 at Roswell :D..
Panic over....Once again the TimeFlipper solves another mystery! :cool: :LOL:..
Sure. Everyone has an opinion. But I do believe the FBI cover story is also a lie. They have a history of lying to the American people. The only real fact I see is that the Observatory was closed down and unmanned for a window of time.

The "official story" is probably a lie. Whether it's aliens or just espionage, I dunno. I don't think it would make sense, however, that an entire alien fleet would be traveling that close to the Sun unless their ships don't melt and they have no problem with being bombarded with radiation.
The "official story" is probably a lie. Whether it's aliens or just espionage, I dunno. I don't think it would make sense, however, that an entire alien fleet would be traveling that close to the Sun unless their ships don't melt and they have no problem with being bombarded with radiation.

Take off the tin foil hat so your head can breathe...
