The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can


Active Member
Re: The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can

It's good that I am.
Alot of people think that the events that are happening right now in the world are the beginning of the end for the world. I wonder how long it will take to go through the process ...the whole apocalapse thing.....I look at the title to this thread and I wonder if things arent going fast or if it just seems that way....


Re: The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can

gonzogirl said:
It's good that I am.
Alot of people think that the events that are happening right now in the world are the beginning of the end for the world. I wonder how long it will take to go through the process ...the whole apocalapse thing.....I look at the title to this thread and I wonder if things arent going fast or if it just seems that way....

I do not know, you could be correct, but I do believe that it will speed up like anything after the US election, the way both pretenders talk I do believe that we are heading at an ever increasing speed for a total war, at least in the northern hemisphere. My daughter is now in India trying to convert the heathen ha ha ha, sorry I could not help that, but I want her to be here in reasonable safety. Well within the next 3 month we will see.


Re: The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can

while I don't see the world coming to an end . I will say that the imploion has begun. I to think the pace will quicken from this point forward. with the collasp of Iceland. the domminnooos started clicking. years were spent lineing them up in nice pretty rows on the floor. all we can do now, is watch the show. watch the sky, watch everything. be aware of who comes arond. what they are doing. we this genneration, if we are not very care full will wake up as a slave labor force on the ground our fathers died to give us. we have willingly mortgaged the country to feed our own lust for pleasure and comfort. we danced at party, we drank the wine, we ate the roast cow. well the partys over and its time to clean up.

Chip Lewis

Re: The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can

kc wildman said:
while I don't see the world coming to an end . I will say that the imploion has begun. I to think the pace will quicken from this point forward. with the collasp of Iceland. the domminnooos started clicking. years were spent lineing them up in nice pretty rows on the floor. all we can do now, is watch the show. watch the sky, watch everything. be aware of who comes arond. what they are doing. we this genneration, if we are not very care full will wake up as a slave labor force on the ground our fathers died to give us. we have willingly mortgaged the country to feed our own lust for pleasure and comfort. we danced at party, we drank the wine, we ate the roast cow. well the partys over and its time to clean up.

IOW: "It's time to pay the piper."


Re: The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can

well boys and girls the band is playing taps. shit will start to happen pretty fast now. the best we can hope for at this point, is to hold on till summer. if the shit goes down in winter. we will see a world we can not even begin to comprehend. to steal a frase.
"pretty much the worst parts of the BIBLE"
at least one public official has begun to call the thieves buy there company names BOA was the first to be called out on the carpet. but is anyone even listening, do they even know how.
hey 7 how are you doin up there friend?? are you safe??? do you have the stuff you need to hold up for a while if need be?? the news I am hearin bout up north aint all that good. always remember you and yours are welcome at my camp fire. that goes for any of you nut cases that hang out here on the fringe with me. it won't be a picnic in the park, but we will be ok. my DADDY owns this mudball, and for HIS own reasons HE looks after my dumb ass. HE has to, cause most of the time I don't even know when to duck. and don't worry to much bout finding me. you just get your asses to smithville. its a little north of Kansas city Missouri. on every road map. when you show up I will know. its a small town I will find you. not to mention newbees are easy to spot. I mean it guys, when the time comes to run for your life. and it will, remember this post. I can't help the world but, I can help those who are here with me.


Re: The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can

Well, I'm not better prepared that I was a few months ago. The closest real city is at 90mins from where I live. Local economy does well in the region, and I'm working in a place involved in local economy. We've got a small slow down since last summer, it's a little more quiet than it used to be, but nothing big or unusual.

I don't have an EE bag, no guns, no stockpiles of food/fuel. I'm just not prepared. Perhaps I didn't hear the call yet. I just don't see how it could become that bad, for now. Like I said earlier. Yeah, maybe the $hit will hit the fan, but I don't see how it could affect me so bad here and very soon.

I don't think Canada's political mess is that bad. It will probably pass. The only thing that worries me, is that while the other are working against the recession, we canadians are in a mess with the gov, and we'll maybe have election again, 2 months right after the last one. Let alone the election in Qc, I went voting yesterday.



Re: The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can

well 7 unless you can grow or produce all the things you need to live when the hammer falls. you like me and everyone ells will be at the mercy of a supply system that is broken. as the people stop buying things, the trucks stop rolling and so on ect. it will happen fast enough to suprise most everyone. thats when the problems will start. the stores won't be able to order anything, or should I say they won't get any deliveries. and its commin straight at us quick, fast, in a hurry. even as we speak the shipping industry is crashing. people are just not spending money they don't have anymore. every day the jobs keep getting cut. the snowball is rolling down hill now and we can't stop it till it breaks on the rocks below. I hate to say this shit but it must be done. I can't not tell the people to watch there ass. the T.V. folks are are making it worse with every lie they spit out. while they hide the looting the bankers are doin. as they strip every bit of wealth from the people. soon the camps will be manned and the chipping will start. all those who won't or can't pay the banks there debts will be rounded up and sent to the camps to be sold for there debt. them and there kids will be sold into servitude. just as they were in the days on NOAH. they will be again. it was forseen as visions given to men and told to all of us in the book. sadly only about 10% of the people realy believe it and will act accordingly. p;ease watch very closely the things that are happening around you it may save you from the horrers to come.


Re: The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can

I don't doubt it will come quickly and by surprise. I can't really grow anything, I don't own any land that could be used for that prupose. I guess I could store some food in order to survive a few months, and make an emergency plan.

KC, do you grow your own stuff, and what about your stockpiles of food, do you have any ?

I think an EE bag could be a good start for the first few days. I'll think about it, and see.



Re: The implosion is accelerating; prepare while you can

yes I have been gathering all sorts of stuff for years, mostly things I can use to make what ever I might need. nuts and bolts stuff odd lengths of wire and ropes, scrap metal. some dried beans and rice but not a stockpile by anyones standerds.and while I don't own any land other than a lot the house sits on. I am surounded by farmers and its a close nit bunch of rednecks. we look after our own. I have been in the building maint. trade for 20 years so I have learned how to fix most anything with bolts and can drive anthing with wheels. one of my hobbies is wood working you know makin chairs,tables,beds that kind of stuff. so what ever I don't have I can trade repairs for. I never saw much of a need for guns other than to hunt. so I don't have a lot of those, but the farmers got a truck load. and they all like me for some strange reason. that is spooky to, cause I mostly don't play well with others. they all thought it was just neater than sliced bread when I put a 110 cc. motor on my boys peddel bike and turned him lose in town. it realy pissed of the cops too. they had no laws against riding a peddle bike on the roads. sorta made my own moped but it was fast, topped out at 50 mph. from then on I was in like flint. often the best plan is to make friends, no one can stand alone. and what you need they will have. we all have skills we can trade for goods. money won't work much longer, no kind of it paper,gold,silver none of it. sound like your off in the woods so you should be ok ya might get some books on animal trapping and hide tanning. see if ya can find some hand tools saws,axes,knives things you can use to make what you need. kinda like mountian man stuff so ya can live off the land. good luck and you know where to find me. for HIS own reasons DADDY seems to want me right where I am now. I have tried to move away from here many times, only to have it fall apart infront of me.
