The Language of the Spirits


The reason some spirit messages seem jumbled is because with using human tools to make contact without the psychic muscles to receive it and analyze the information there will always be flaws. Don't try to run a marathon if you can barely get up the stairs. Also the creative right brain is the one receiving the messages and then the left brain tries to make sense of it in some linguistic sense. This is why it is always better to communicate to spirits in visual images and emotions at first until you can learn to structure your thoughts to represent concepts in a more pure sense of what it is and not the name it is given. If you want more information or want to talk with other experts you can check out my site magickal-marketplace


Senior Member
This is why it is always better to communicate to spirits in visual images and emotions at first until you can learn to structure your thoughts to represent concepts in a more pure sense of what it is and not the name it is given.

Since the spirit is you in energy format...may be learn to connect...everyone can up to 12 years of education is the key to get better at it....


Junior Member
Agreed with Adam, however I'd like to add in my metaphysical experience that sometimes the tool makes the job, in that depending on what tool (or lack of tools) you are using to communicate with spirits, you'll get different levels of clarity in your answer.

For the people that aren't metaphysically experienced, in that they don't practice magic or a similar discipline or field, I'd say a spirit box would be the way to go. For those that are, if evocation doesn't fit the bill/you aren't good at it, I would recommend asking the spirit (usually aloud) to speak to you, either by tarot cards or pendulum or another form of divination. From there, you interpret the message.
