The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla

@TimeFlipper , I fully understand ur concern, but for the sake of curiusity, it is worth to take the risk to make a leap in knowledge, than to avoid self harm and stay as clueless as rest of humans, who grow up and die enslaved to bills and superficial TV shows.
Is that not like asking " For the sake of curiosity, is it not worth it to gaze into the barell of this pistol while I pull the trigger?"
For if you do not look, you could never know?
See into what is not shown:)

I shall promote you to the role of,"The Sage Of Paranormalis", my old friend (y) :D..
FYI, a Sage in classical philosophy is a person who has attained the wisdom which a philosopher seeks, and not the culinary herb that is used in cooking, for example, Sage and Onion :D..
I shall promote you to the role of,"The Sage Of Paranormalis", my old friend (y):D..
FYI, a Sage in classical philosophy is a person who has attained the wisdom which a philosopher seeks, and not the culinary herb that is used in cooking, for example, Sage and Onion :D..

I guess my reference on another thread to "who guards the guardians" (or, put another way: who watches the watchmen) wasn't enough to lift me to the level of Paranormalis Onion.
