The Masters of our own evolution


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Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

kc wildman said:
evolution is very real, you,me,him,us, are all a diffrant person today than we were last year.
it has taken every where I have been, and everything I have done, to make me who I am today.and next year I will be someone diffrant still. this I can know to be true.
thats about as far as darwin can go

Adaptation and evolution are similar but not the same.
So kc what do you think about the flu shot?
It is developed based on the theory of Evolution.
Because each year the flu bug mutates to be stronger than the previous year. It wants to survive. Even with the flu shot it survives.
If we gave everybody in the world a flu shot it would not stop the flu.



Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

gonzogirl said:
Adaptation and evolution are similar but not the same.
So kc what do you think about the flu shot?
It is developed based on the theory of Evolution.
Because each year the flu bug mutates to be stronger than the previous year. It wants to survive. Even with the flu shot it survives.
If we gave everybody in the world a flu shot it would not stop the flu.
close but not quite.
adaptation is the first part of evolution. if the creature is unable to adapt to its enviroment it evolution. only through addapting can it survive. also to me this is where darwin falls flat, cause we as humans, do not addapt to our inviroment. we mannipulate our inviroment to put on clothes/coats, build shelters,make tools ect.ect. with the flu I think its more like, what dosen't kill you, makes you stronger, so yes, it would be a case for the darwin's to crow about.and yes again, even if everyone on this mudball got the shot, it would not die, as you said, every year it's a diff.viris. so that brings us back to the Immune system getting weaker with every dose of meds we take.will this lead to the boy in the plastic bubble???? it looks like a real poss. have we as a people gone far enough into the fix it with meds. future, that we can no longer survive in the no meds. past??? not quite yet, but I think we are to damn close for my liking. now do this mean we have taken an evolutionary step?????? I think not, more like a de-evolutionary step, we as a people are fast becoming less than we use to be. I.M.H.O.


Active Member
Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

kc wildman said:
close but not quite.
adaptation is the first part of evolution. if the creature is unable to adapt to its enviroment it evolution. only through addapting can it survive. also to me this is where darwin falls flat, cause we as humans, do not addapt to our inviroment. we mannipulate our inviroment to put on clothes/coats, build shelters,make tools ect.ect. with the flu I think its more like, what dosen't kill you, makes you stronger, so yes, it would be a case for the darwin's to crow about.and yes again, even if everyone on this mudball got the shot, it would not die, as you said, every year it's a diff.viris. so that brings us back to the Immune system getting weaker with every dose of meds we take.will this lead to the boy in the plastic bubble???? it looks like a real poss. have we as a people gone far enough into the fix it with meds. future, that we can no longer survive in the no meds. past??? not quite yet, but I think we are to damn close for my liking. now do this mean we have taken an evolutionary step?????? I think not, more like a de-evolutionary step, we as a people are fast becoming less than we use to be. I.M.H.O.

Well kc you shurrrr know your shit. You can look at that way...Adaptation is changing with the surroundings. The difference would be that in Evolution the gene mutates to be able to withstand things that are considered an "assault" or "bad" This happens through the generations...
Just like Darwins Finches. The finches on the Galapagos Islands were all within the same species...and lived in the same surroundings..but yet the beaks were diff. shapes based on the preferred foods of the birds...this occured over generations.
All the same surroundings for the finches yet a mutation occurred in the birds to have different beaks..this occured in their genes...
And it only had to do with food and not the elements...of the surroundings

But knowing you kc you will say that evolution is just an extended version of adaptation and it is all controlled by GOD.
Yeah then I will say..Why would God feel the need to change things in which were created perfectly...
But this is an endless isnt it..
We still have our missing link dont we?:D


Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

not realy,but thanks for the comp. I have a basic understanding of a few things, but I wouldn't say I know much about anything.seems every time I think I got somethin figured out DAD shows up with a good smack, and I don't know shit from shine-ollah. huh????W.T.F. is shine-ollah?????? anyway.
or maybe the 2million finches that showed up for the mating season were fighting for the limited food, and the beaks changed/mutated because some of them,smaller/weaker were forced to find another food.addapt to the changing enviroment and the nutrients weren't thier. mal nutrition. but hey if I remember rite there has never been even one missing link found anywhere. for any creature or human, besides I thought the whole of the evo. point was, that everything addapted/changed/evolved to survive in its enviroment and that was the evo. process. and last but not least, I thought I was the missing link,ya know, the white ape that talks.aahhheehhhaaahhhyeh thump,thump,thump. he screamed while beating his chest. come simba its time to go ungawah.


Active Member
Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

kc wildman said:
not realy,but thanks for the comp. I have a basic understanding of a few things, but I wouldn't say I know much about anything.seems every time I think I got somethin figured out DAD shows up with a good smack, and I don't know shit from shine-ollah. huh????W.T.F. is shine-ollah?????? anyway.
or maybe the 2million finches that showed up for the mating season were fighting for the limited food, and the beaks changed/mutated because some of them,smaller/weaker were forced to find another food.addapt to the changing enviroment and the nutrients weren't thier. mal nutrition. but hey if I remember rite there has never been even one missing link found anywhere. for any creature or human, besides I thought the whole of the evo. point was, that everything addapted/changed/evolved to survive in its enviroment and that was the evo. process. and last but not least, I thought I was the missing link,ya know, the white ape that talks.aahhheehhhaaahhhyeh thump,thump,thump. he screamed while beating his chest. come simba its time to go ungawah.

Great point kc...One to think about ...
Maybe you are the missing link, Tarzan....
You should check into that....:D


Re: The Masters of our own evolution

I do believe that the real danger now is that the weak people which have an inferior immunity system are kept alive. In the old days they just died off before they could reproduce. Today they are kept alive and pass their defective genes to their offspring's. This does weaken the whole human race. Finally there will come a point when everybody will have to swallow a hell of a lot of medicines just to stay alive. That will be the end of humanity. The only way out would be to sterilize children with defective genetic makeup so that they can not pass it on to their children. This of course is highly unlikely for humanitarian reasons. It probably will happen in the not so near future, this will lead to the most repressive government imaginable.


Re: The Masters of our own evolution

Numenorean7 said:
3 words: Brave New World

Yes it probably will finish like that. But speaking in the interest of the survival of humanity it might have to be exactly like this. Otherwise the total racial gene pool will be weakened in such a way that the survival of humanity can not be assured. For the defective babies there is of course always dean Swifts modest solution. I hope not of course, or we have the Soilent Green solution.



Active Member
Re: The Masters of our own evolution

Well I am glad that Swifts Essay was satirical in thought....I mean feeding poor children to rich people as a way not to burden society.....I mean the nutritional value has to suck....Poor kids dont eat that well. Especially in Ireland in the 1800/s
Satire........i mean no disrespect..


Active Member
Re: The Masters of our own evolution

I take offense cus I'm Irish :p

Do you guys really think it will come to sterilization? I mean, like, this world does get more and more absurd by the day, but I don't know if it would come to that. Maybe a hundred years from now I'll think differently (of course I'll live that long with todays medicine).

Both of my cousins are sterile, and it saddens me to a great extent.

Ps, I wasn't offended :)
