The meaning of 177


For example, I watched the movie "Jack Reacher" tonight. It is about a guy who was a U.S. Army Military Police officer during the Iraq War -- travels around and mysteriously comes into people's lives to solve problems.

This happened to me once! I lived in Savannah, GA for a year. One day, I wasn't paying attention and ran out of gas. So, I began walking.
All of a sudden, this black SUV pulls up and a fully uniformed Army officer with an AIRBORN patch pulls up, takes me to get gas, BUYS the gas,
puts it in my car, then he pulls a compressor out of the back of his truck and fills my tires!!!! He didn't even say much! It was the nicest thing
someone had ever done for me. So, when TR mentioned the gas tank in his book, I about flipped. I think I'll check that movie out, Ren.


Active Member
Never heard of or read about John Titor until I found this site. I'm not sure how many times I have researched time travel/travellers & never seen his name. I get the jist of the story, but can anyone give me more information or lead me to it? Like actual posts, everything he said n such?? I am very curious :D


Active Member
The flooding you mentioned was caused by hurricane Charley in 2004. John's family was not at his grandparents home on the present timeline via his own tip to his father as he was still with us at the time.


Active Member
I very well am missing a lot of info but are you saying there was an Exit 177 in Florida before Hurricane Charley blew in in 2004?


Active Member
Paula, John was simply stating the obvious with the 177th reference. Special Operations Command is headquartered at McDill in Tampa. The smaller task forces have obscure unit designations, hence, I was paired with the 158th.
On another note, John mentioned that stupid song by the B52s. Have you been to the love shack recently? I think it's between Ybor and St Pete. Realized that he may have left a package there for us. Might need to give the clerk a ring and tell them we need to pickup a package for John Titor.


Paula, John was simply stating the obvious with the 177th reference. Special Operations Command is headquartered at McDill in Tampa. The smaller task forces have obscure unit designations, hence, I was paired with the 158th.
On another note, John mentioned that stupid song by the B52s. Have you been to the love shack recently? I think it's between Ybor and St Pete. Realized that he may have left a package there for us. Might need to give the clerk a ring and tell them we need to pickup a package for John Titor.

I didn't know it existed. Looks like an adult toy store. o_0 Who knows, they could have been leaving instructions to meet places. Ya never know. Why would he have left a package? It looks pretty secluded. I suppose the missing chunk of dirt from time traveling would be filled with grass by now. I won't be going there, btw. LOL.
