The New World Order


The New World Order

I've read a bit about this subject, and after each article I read, it was more and more obvious that the NWO Conspiracy "could" actually be more than only a theory. Everything seems to fit together at some point. Big companies, UN, control of the masses, etc.

What do you think about that, can it be real ?
I'm not sure, but in my opinion, I keep in mind that the NWO conspiracy could be real. I mean, if it is real, It will not be a surprise to me.

Here are some links.
Cosmic Mind: The Cosmic Mind : Musings From The Universe: The Eyes In The Sky - Mexico

Some say ETs are part of this plan, Greys, Reptilians. Other say that Bush and Blair are part of the plan that leads to the NWO. If "they" ever succeed in creating a NWO, they will be able to control us like we can't actually imagine. It means no more freedom.



Re: The New World Order

I have no doubt they are hard at work bringing it to a reality as we speak good find 7


Active Member
Re: The New World Order

Well I think that EVERYTHING ~ even real weird stuff ~ has a kernel of truth to it. So I think that the NWO is real ..I just dont know about all the reptillian and other stuff. But yeah I think that it is prolly easier than we all think. I mean, money can do alot! Can buy so many favors and money can cover up those favors..get rid of people and create "new" people...
Some people think that the water system is full of ingredients for mind control but, I have a well up on my property so I dont think mind control is an issue for me..That is if I had a mind to control to begin with! :rolleyes:



Senior Member
Re: The New World Order

I wouldn't care if it were.

But the fact is, nobody's in control and if some group took over the world, they wouldn't be able to control it either.

But they might do a better job than nobody, which is what we gots now.



Re: The New World Order

while it may appear that there is no one at the wheel of this bus.
the W.M.F./BANKERS are very much in control of the markets, and there for they control a good part of the people.(think it was J.P. Morgan might have been Rockafeller once said, I don't care who is elected I control the money so I control the country,or some such crap) unless you happen to be lucky enough to live under a bridge along the river. sorry Harte, but this one is a given. we are controled on so many levels, by so many diff. groups. its hard to put a finger on any one to say, aahhhaaa there they are. but I realy feel/know that very soon even you will be hard pressed to say theres no N.W.O.


Senior Member
Re: The New World Order

kc wildman said:
while it may appear that there is no one at the wheel of this bus.
the W.M.F./BANKERS are very much in control of the markets, and there for they control a good part of the people.(think it was J.P. Morgan might have been Rockafeller once said, I don't care who is elected I control the money so I control the country,or some such crap) unless you happen to be lucky enough to live under a bridge along the river. sorry Harte, but this one is a given. we are controled on so many levels, by so many diff. groups. its hard to put a finger on any one to say, aahhhaaa there they are. but I realy feel/know that very soon even you will be hard pressed to say theres no N.W.O.

If the Bankers are in control, you can bet your ass that right now they wish they weren't!



Re: The New World Order

Whatever the power in control, we can't do anything, we're only sone little sheeps. The best we can do is to "know" that we are controled.

If NWO ever gets a reality, they'll never be able to control the world, like Harte said. Imagine, some countries have problem to control their own people. Imagine a world gov... !!

It would be something like the Galactic Empire in Star Wars. That's the best exemple I can find in the moment.



Re: The New World Order

well if I understand the game thats afoot.
the bankers are betting heavy on the total collaps of the current money system of hands on cash in your pocket trading. as it allows you to control your money. when the dust settles they will bring out a card/chip that will remove the holdable money. then all sales public and privet will be done by the new banks/transaction centers and the means will be credits. the goal as it was explained to me is to get there cut. the pricks want it all
like duke and duke in the movie TRADING PLACES with Eddie Murphy
no matter what happens to the markets we get our commission


Active Member
Re: The New World Order

Harte said:
I wouldn't care if it were.

But the fact is, nobody's in control and if some group took over the world, they wouldn't be able to control it either.

But they might do a better job than nobody, which is what we gots now.


We got too many groups trying to control everything and thats messing me up! Ship of fools is where I think we are sometimes...:p


Re: The New World Order

aint it funny how that works just come up with 20 or so groups and no one looks to see whos in charge of the 20
