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I first started drumming in bands when I was 12.
Lots of people requested Wipe Out, It seemed to be the Litmus Test for all drummers, lol.

Requests for the song followed me for a long while.
A band I was once in knick-named it 'The Toilet Paper Song.' :D

Yes, the tune Wipe Out and Sandy Nelsons, Let There Be Drums, also from 1963, placed the emphasis onto a drum kit instead of the usual guitar and group sounds of the day...But of course, good drummers of the day were listening to records of Gene Krupa ;)..

Fortunately I have an older sister who was in charge of record shops in 1960, and she had access to music that the general public didn't have...I was listening to music played at home, featuring Benny Goodman and GK, in my early teens..

She fell in love with a photo of Gene Krupa and got hold of records from his drumming days back in the late 1930s to the 1940s 50s,60s etc etc...She was obsessed with Krupa, and knows more about him than any other person in the whole wide world!

Krupa was responsible for bringing the drums more into focus when he performed to the music Sing Sing Sing...Unfortunately in this video the sound technicians were more involved in producing the whole "Band Sound", instead of sticking a couple of AKG D12 microphones in the front of his drum kit...The damned musicians tended to drown out Krupas drumming...

FYI, Keith Moon (The Who Drummer) developed his drumming style from Krupa, but still lacked that unique talent Krupa had!!...Enjoy the video..



Neil wrote 99% of RUSH's lyrics. He was a deep thinker with a wild imagination who wrote amazing lyrics.

Not to mention a truly humble person whom never let stardom rule his life
in fact he shied away from the limelight.

-- Limelight Lyrics by Neil Peart
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Witch Hunt

Senior Member

Odda, Norway
