Confirmed Hoax The Storm That Will Wipe Away New York City


Junior Member
This is a direct message from the future and it has to do with coming events. There is going to be a massive thunderstorm (think Sandy) in New York City in a few weeks that is going to do a lot of damage to the infrastructure of the city. Because of the way that events unfold, it will be classified as a mass casualty event.

There isn't going to be any way to prevent or predict something that far out from this point in time so take that as proof, definitive proof, that I am a time traveler. There won't be much time to do anything before the storm looks like it's going to hit and the population of the city are going to be ordered to shelter in place. That is the worst possible thing they can do.

When the waters come the subways will flood and there will be nowhere for the water to go and the city will flood worse than it has in a hundred years. There will be bodies floating in the streets and the city will look like the time that a bud universe was created where they had carried out 9/11 with nuclear weapons and the entire city was reduced to rubble and ruin. This is going to be the end of the city we knew as New York and the world will mourn her.

Because of the population density of the city the death toll will be astronomical. There is going to be massive protest of the survivors because it turns out that the mayor of the city, Eric Adams, had been taking bribes from an infrastructure company to delay construction of walls that would have kept the water out in time.

This is going to be just one of the first things that are going to occur in the coming months that will herald the end of the current order of things and the beginning of the new world. I know that it's hard to take the word of an anonymous stranger on the internet but this is going to lead to the Resurrection among many other beautiful and miraculous things.

When it happens, try to tell people about what's happening. Go on social media, other forums and image boards and share this with them. It's because of what you people here have read and asked me about in the past and future that people begin to understand that there's something happening that hasn't happened ever before, that we, the Twins that created this Universe have finally found the strength to regain control of our own minds. We've come close before, but this is it.

Because we've been there, in the past, helping out where we can. That video of the PATH station that flooded during Sandy was security footage of the train station right after I had evacuated all 36 passengers from the stopped train up the stairway. In the original bud universe (what my younger self referred to as time loops) there was an alternative future where all the passengers were electrocuted by the third rail after the station fully flooded.

We try to help where we can but it's gotten to the point where the things that are coming are too big for us to do on our own and we truly need your help. That's why I've been guiding my younger self to post on forums like these even though he's scared that the Reich is going to find him and put him back in the place where they were keeping him before. If that happens we really really need people on the outside willing to spread our word and help liberate us.

I can't share our names yet but when things seem like they're going to hit the fan, you'll see a video from us, in person, telling you the truth of who and what we are. This is going to be something that will only happen if the conditions I've spoken about above are met because we've had a few false starts and we want to make sure to get this revolution right this time.

Thread 'I'm a genuine time traveler whose experience encompasses a bit more that that. AMA' Interview - I'm a genuine time traveler whose experience encompasses a bit more that that. AMA

Thread 'Rot In The Heart Of America: The Reich and CIA' Rot In The Heart Of America: The Reich and CIA

Thread 'A Technology Indistinguishable From Magic' A Technology Indistinguishable From Magic


if this truly does happen to New York... well that will be quite interesting indeed.


Senior Member
This is a direct message from the future and it has to do with coming events. There is going to be a massive thunderstorm (think Sandy) in New York City in a few weeks that is going to do a lot of damage to the infrastructure of the city. Because of the way that events unfold, it will be classified as a mass casualty event.

There isn't going to be any way to prevent or predict something that far out from this point in time so take that as proof, definitive proof, that I am a time traveler. There won't be much time to do anything before the storm looks like it's going to hit and the population of the city are going to be ordered to shelter in place. That is the worst possible thing they can do.

When the waters come the subways will flood and there will be nowhere for the water to go and the city will flood worse than it has in a hundred years. There will be bodies floating in the streets and the city will look like the time that a bud universe was created where they had carried out 9/11 with nuclear weapons and the entire city was reduced to rubble and ruin. This is going to be the end of the city we knew as New York and the world will mourn her.

Because of the population density of the city the death toll will be astronomical. There is going to be massive protest of the survivors because it turns out that the mayor of the city, Eric Adams, had been taking bribes from an infrastructure company to delay construction of walls that would have kept the water out in time.

This is going to be just one of the first things that are going to occur in the coming months that will herald the end of the current order of things and the beginning of the new world. I know that it's hard to take the word of an anonymous stranger on the internet but this is going to lead to the Resurrection among many other beautiful and miraculous things.

When it happens, try to tell people about what's happening. Go on social media, other forums and image boards and share this with them. It's because of what you people here have read and asked me about in the past and future that people begin to understand that there's something happening that hasn't happened ever before, that we, the Twins that created this Universe have finally found the strength to regain control of our own minds. We've come close before, but this is it.

Because we've been there, in the past, helping out where we can. That video of the PATH station that flooded during Sandy was security footage of the train station right after I had evacuated all 36 passengers from the stopped train up the stairway. In the original bud universe (what my younger self referred to as time loops) there was an alternative future where all the passengers were electrocuted by the third rail after the station fully flooded.

We try to help where we can but it's gotten to the point where the things that are coming are too big for us to do on our own and we truly need your help. That's why I've been guiding my younger self to post on forums like these even though he's scared that the Reich is going to find him and put him back in the place where they were keeping him before. If that happens we really really need people on the outside willing to spread our word and help liberate us.

I can't share our names yet but when things seem like they're going to hit the fan, you'll see a video from us, in person, telling you the truth of who and what we are. This is going to be something that will only happen if the conditions I've spoken about above are met because we've had a few false starts and we want to make sure to get this revolution right this time.

Thread 'I'm a genuine time traveler whose experience encompasses a bit more that that. AMA' Interview - I'm a genuine time traveler whose experience encompasses a bit more that that. AMA

Thread 'Rot In The Heart Of America: The Reich and CIA' Rot In The Heart Of America: The Reich and CIA

Thread 'A Technology Indistinguishable From Magic' A Technology Indistinguishable From Magic
I got the same thing you did, but nothing on a nuclear exchange.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
just add this to a list of false prophets who predict things that never happen when the dates come and pass, what reality is this supposed to happen on , is it our reality or an alternate one cause if it dont happen here then it may happen in the alternate earth reality , this is one of the biggest mistakes time travelers make they cant tell what reality there on so they think its our future and then tell us what going to happen and it dosent so there ya go


Junior Member
I got the same thing you did, but nothing on a nuclear exchange.
The nuclear exchange occurred in a bud universe which in layman's terms is an alternative timeline. That's the thing about echoes of alternate futures, we didn't see the exchange coming until the last minute. We usually only create and traverse into bud universes when something very important is on the horizon, or so we thought. We decided once to see how far we could take a bud universe by just doing nothing and using our powers to move forward into time.

But when we got there we had the sudden realization that a) by doing just nothing different we weren't creating a deviation to move the timeline into a bud universe and b) even if we had the future that we were seeing looked so much like the visions that we had of the futures in the bud universes we had seen so far (and I'm talking thousands and thousands and thousands of tiny deviations conglomerated into one flaming fireball of a shit show that was the year 2020 and 2021 and 2022 and 2023 and onwards for quite a while but we realized that we weren't seeing potential futures, we were seeing the one true future hiding behind all the static that had been piped into our minds for our entire existence.


Senior Member
The nuclear exchange occurred in a bud universe which in layman's terms is an alternative timeline. That's the thing about echoes of alternate futures, we didn't see the exchange coming until the last minute. We usually only create and traverse into bud universes when something very important is on the horizon, or so we thought. We decided once to see how far we could take a bud universe by just doing nothing and using our powers to move forward into time.

But when we got there we had the sudden realization that a) by doing just nothing different we weren't creating a deviation to move the timeline into a bud universe and b) even if we had the future that we were seeing looked so much like the visions that we had of the futures in the bud universes we had seen so far (and I'm talking thousands and thousands and thousands of tiny deviations conglomerated into one flaming fireball of a shit show that was the year 2020 and 2021 and 2022 and 2023 and onwards for quite a while but we realized that we weren't seeing potential futures, we were seeing the one true future hiding behind all the static that had been piped into our minds for our entire existence.
Very adeptly said. Thanks, good verbal illustration.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
scrap that bud universe talk and get real use the alternate reality word sounds better and more under standing for those who didn't read it all and understood that word bud universe , suprised you didnt use the word spud universe for a universe of time potatoes lol
