The Syrian regime will fall...

I presume the warning above is more palpable to you following today's events. Be aware that fighting will continue even after Assad's fall. In the mean time do everything you can to pressure domestic and world leaders into stopping the Syrian regime from utilizing its chemical weapons stockpile. Your worldline can be saved from this would-be catastrophe. More indirect support for the Syrian rebels could be enough to prevent or at least minimize the potential consequences.

We can't convince our leaders to even give us a break on gas or taxes i highly doubt mentioning chemical warfare will be any better.

Syrian chemical stockpiles were mentioned in yahoo news today. Hoping the world powers can secure them before they are used.

Syria is bombing their own capital city as we speak.

I don't think it takes a time traveler to make these predictions. The middle east is poised for the worst. Let's hope humanity and sanity prevail.
Technically Syria is still at war with Israel. I hope Syria doesn't attack in a final desperation move. Israel is a powder keg. I respect Israel's strength and determination amid a world that wants to see them destroyed. Unfortunately their quickness to retaliate could throw the whole region into war.
I don't know.. I think Israel has it's sights all set on Iran right now which is leaving them blind to everything else around them.
I don't know.. I think Israel has it's sights all set on Iran right now which is leaving them blind to everything else around them.
This is true but I guarantee they are watching the events of Syria very closely. Our little time traveler is probably correct but many could predict this just from watching the news.

Why is it that time travelers become members make a prediction then disappear never to be seen again? Probably because the same people try and try to be right by using multiple user names in an attempt to guess what is to come. Once they are incorrect they disappear and pop up under a different name a month later.

It's sad that I've become so jaded. It's sad that I can't believe anyones words. It's sad that people exist that want to feel powerful and special and sink into lies and deception in order to appear like they know what is going on.

I'm trying to keep an open mind about time travelers but it is becoming hard for my rationale to accept.
I presume the warning above is more palpable to you following today's events. Be aware that fighting will continue even after Assad's fall. In the mean time do everything you can to pressure domestic and world leaders into stopping the Syrian regime from utilizing its chemical weapons stockpile. Your worldline can be saved from this would-be catastrophe. More indirect support for the Syrian rebels could be enough to prevent or at least minimize the potential consequences.

In direct support ... WTF..... They can sink or swim without us for all I care... 214 Cruise Missiles Aimed at civilian targets in Libya ... that is how the open Libyan war started.... Who has given Syrian rebels training guns and money? The same CIA assets in Libya.

This is freaking ridiculous.

IT is obvious we are the villain.

Our Nation is invading nation after nation withoug provacation.

Where we can't go in with out full military might we subvert with our CIA.... then invade.

Supporting their rebels though?

You can get right the flip out of here with that though. They can sink or swim on their own..

One more thing... the limited stash of chemical weapons Assad may or may not have is his business. That civil war is theirs to fight and not ours to intervene in any further.


Also as a rife machine owner I fear no bacterial weapon... Chemical weapons I would have to avoid but I can cure damn near any disease so if he is rocking anthrax I am not even gonna care in the least....
The chemical weapons they have are terrible (mustard, sarine, tabun and VX). They are dispensed via missile warheads. Aside from the inhumane nature of death (melting skin, severe nerve damage etc.). The danger of poisonous clouds drifting to other areas is very real.

I agree that this is an obvious CIA operation and that the rebels are being armed basically by the US. When will we learn that arming rebels to overthrow regimes almost always backfires creating more powerful enemies.
