The truth is coming---very soon.


Senior Member
Face it everybody, it's comin' and it's fast approaching like a rocket.
The Pentagon confirmed that every 180 days or so they will release new information about their UFO program.
Trump is talking aliens on Lou Dobbs.

I was never a disclosure type of individual-------
But now------it looks like it's coming.

Something's going on here.

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How soon? Full disclosure or drip feed

This always comes up then the can is kicked down the road.

I'm not convinced we will ever learn anything through these government / political sources, it looks like we are going in circles. :geek:
That's what whistle-blowers are for.
That's exactly what I've always thought. And we should question any info that comes out.
But it looks like information WILL be coming out. They might conclude they're frizbees or Chinese drones or
remote controlled mosquitos from Mars but the fact they're talking about it at all is weird.[/QUOTE]
The US Government officially started investigating UFOs back in 1952, after witnessing during World War 2 that many of their own aircraft were being followed by them without any attacks on the Aircraft....The Germans had also witnessed those UFOs following their aircraft at the same time as the US....The Roswell Incident in 1947 was a very big factor in the 1952 investigations, under the guise of Project Blue Book...

Back in1985 the US President Ronald Reagan was talking about UFO`s and invasion from Extra Terrestrials, this came after his proposals in 1982 regarding the space-based-anti-missile-system known as, the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)...Interestingly, between 1982 to 1988, over 20 scientists working for the British Company GEC-Marconi, "had all died" after working on Reagans SDI...Good grounds for a conspiracy theory, don't you think?....Please give me your thoughts as to why all those Scientists had died..

Face it everybody, it's comin' and it's fast approaching like a rocket.
The Pentagon confirmed that every 180 days or so they will release new information about their UFO program.
Trump is talking aliens on Lou Dobbs.

I was never a disclosure type of individual-------
But now------it looks like it's coming.

Something's going on here.

heard of the event?
Yes----they even made a TV show called that same name back when Obama was president.
I'm not sure I buy into "the event" per se but we're going to get some information.
That's all I'm saying
