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The Toaster Selfie Should Be The Only Selfie
The Huffington Post | By Andy Campbell
Posted: 07/17/2014 1:43 pm EDT Updated: 07/17/2014 1:59 pm EDT
This new technology is a toast to America, you guys.
Our country will do anything to win at everything, and nobody could argue that we've won at selfies. Selfie at a funeral? Check. Selfie in space? Done, son. Even our plane crash survivors are taking selfies among the wreckage.
We've won. In fact, you know what? We're tired of selfies. We're tired of seeing our friends' photos of themselves on social media. Let's end the selfie parade now, and introduce a technology that allows only the self-absorbed photographer to see their creation.
Behold: The Selfie Toaster.

The same guys who brought you the Jesus Toaster, Burnt Impressions, can now take your high-resolution image and make a toaster plate that will burn your mug into a piece of bread. That's important.
For only $75, you could start uploading your visage onto a piece of toast, rather than filling your friends' news feeds with duck faces from different angles.
If you're not convinced, check out Mashable's post on the Toaster Selfie, which explains the whole face-toasting process.
That selfish bitch disabled embedding her video. I'll show her, this is the internet. Freedom reigns (for now).

Bahahahahahaha [emoji23] oh my gosh...that is that funniest crap I've seen in a while!!!! What the heck was she doing??! I mean.. my daughter walks around and pretends she us a T- Rex, which is pretty entertaining but she is 8 years old...with an imagination!! Seeing this grown woman strutting down the street is too funny. However....my eyes are burning from seeing her in those disturbingly tight white pants. Eeeh- [emoji30]
That selfish bitch disabled embedding her video. I'll show her, this is the internet. Freedom reigns (for now).

Bahahahahahaha [emoji23] oh my gosh...that is that funniest crap I've seen in a while!!!! What the heck was she doing??! I mean.. my daughter walks around and pretends she us a T- Rex, which is pretty entertaining but she is 8 years old...with an imagination!! Seeing this grown woman strutting down the street is too funny. However....my eyes are burning from seeing her in those disturbingly tight white pants. Eeeh- [emoji30]
It's a good one Bluejay...she must be sending a fashion statement to the world. I keep thinking if I was on a blind date and someone showed up dressed like that and prancing around, I may consider walking into oncoming traffic.
You have all overlooked something!! o_0
She is an alien masquerading as one of us:eek:
When I put on my "aura" glasses to look at the video clip, it clearly showed up an alien exactly the same as in that great movie, They Live!!!...LOL :cool::ROFLMAO:
I liked the way the ref just carried on as if nothing had happened..
I can relate to this in my days as a Ninja black operative lmao :ROFLMAO:
