šŸŽ² Forum Game The -Weird Stuff from the Internet- Thread!

15 :p:D
Ok. Press play on the video, skip the ad, then view the photo below it.

View attachment 3142

The ad was the best part of it :D
:eek: Yes TimeFlipper I can see 15 to but that is the easy way out :p but could also be 12 if you see a 4 even when it is not there and just follow the pattern and order of the numbers :D :XD: :p
I dont know how the 15 came up Night, unless i hit the Q key which is under the number one, and then hit the T key under number 5, or i could have wanted to subconsciously type Q5 which is a part of the Radio Ham system, or i could have meant.......................oh i give up :confused::D
