Debate There is no "God"


God? God is a consciousness made up of all aspects of reality.
God is not an individual, but the summation of all forms of consciousness, in all dimensional levels.
From this perspective, we are all part of God and God is part of us.
You need not look for God outside of yourself.
Look for the part of God the is within each of us.


New Member
It's not just humans which are spiritual, evidence has shown that many of our more advanced animal cousins such as Elephants, Dolphins, and many Apes engage in ritualistic behavior which at the very least point to basic spiritual concepts such as "death culture".

There is a primal need within thinking life to seek out the divine, instead of clinging to the arrogance of youth and simply denying this fact as inconvenient to our current viewpoint, we need to be creatures who can seek and accept answers to our deepest questions, whether those answers take the form of a purely rational divinity or an infallible one.


Senior Member
It's not just humans which are spiritual, evidence has shown that many of our more advanced animal cousins such as Elephants, Dolphins, and many Apes engage in ritualistic behavior which at the very least point to basic spiritual concepts such as "death culture".

Cows 2.jpg

Once when I was in Northern California, I witnessed something that really made a deep impression on me. I was living in a house that was perched on a small hill. In the living room was a very large picturesque window that overlooked the hill and valley below. Around the house was a fence, and beyond the fence were cows grazing in the surrounding area...but they were very scattered across the vast or two here, one or two there, etc. Then I noticed one of the cows was lying on the ground on her side. We called the owner and after she examined it, she told me the cow was 50 years old, and it was dying. She made the cow as comfortable as possible, and then said it was 'just a matter of time' until it died.

Hours later, I looked out the large window and to my surprise, ALL of the cows were standing in a circle around the cow that was dying...and there were a LOT of cows! They stood this way for some time, perhaps 30 minute...then they all dispersed. The owner came out again and said the cow was dead.

So as that old cow was at her end, getting ready to cross over into the Afterlife, the other cows assembled around her to give her a farewell. This was a very spiritually uplifting experience to witness. To me, it was confirmation that we all have spirits, even animals...and that animals have feelings much deeper than humans realize (which I have always believed, but especially after witnessing this experience.)

Anyway, it was really cool! :)



New Member
I'm an odd person in that I give as much respect to the farmed steak on my plate as I do to the deer I bring down in the forest, this^ reminds me of why.


New Member
I say that because I feel the same and her words remind me of my fear..... I love god... I do. Do I know much past the fact that their is a god?.... Yes I am certain about God. ... the bible , jesus, abrhamic faiths, Dijinn , Angels, Nephenhelm, demons, exorcisims........ to say nothing about the layering of a variety of pagan faiths into the roman catholic church.... and to say even less about every other faith on planet earth and her seven continents. Less certain... I trust in god but lack faith in the word of humanity ...

And yet.... I for all my doubts and stuff.... I love humanity ....
You're another of the sheople. The god you believe is a fallacy foistered upon us by our fellow captor beings. EVERY human is a GOD. There is no "God"; no "Jesus"; and, therefore, no "Satan" or "Lucifer". There WERE Nephilim; but they were not gods in the sense that "we aren't":"they are". Quit believing lies, and start to uncover real truth.

This is a very strange conclusion you have reached given the current data. First of all, it is a fallacy to say that because there is no God, there is no Satan. The truth of the first statement does not prove the second. You further destroy this argument by later suggesting the Nephilim are real, as they are a Judeo-Christian concept/belief.

Another problem I have here is that you have presented your opinion about the Judeo-Christian God based on an unsupported opinion of yours - that it is a fallacy foistered upon us by our fellow captor beings. This would be an interesting argument if you had given us something factual to support it.

I am willing to accept that my own belief in God may not be as well supported as your unbelief, but you have to give me a way to get there. This post was a complete waste of time.


New Member
I've studied NDEs (Near Death Experiences) and Bed Death Experiences (BDEs) for 20 years, including NDEs that happened to children. I've read countless books of personal accounts on these subjects. For many years, only positive information (about Heavenly experiences) was published about NDEs, but over the past recent years, there have been many testimonies about NDEs that visited Hell as well, which I'm very glad for.

NDEs and BDEs are both very good evidence of an Afterlife...and also evidence that Jesus is the Son of God.

Suggested Reading:
Embraced by the Light by Betty Eadie
Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo
To Hell and Back by Dr. Rawlings
I don't put too much stock in NDEs. The ones that I have read seem to contradict each other, so, while I believe most people aren't lying about what they experienced, I don't see the experiences as objective reality as it doesn't get beyond the individual's mind. I really think it seems to support the hypothesis that these NDEs are the result of processes that happen in the brain as someone dies due to the way our cells react and so forth.

That said, I do believe there is a heaven, hell, and an afterlife. I just haven't found NDEs to be a reliable source of knowledge.


Senior Member
Sorry if this sounds too plain, but god is a person, right ?
No he is a Alien......i'm not being sarcastic ether, Seriously he is a Alien.
How did you reach that conclusion?
God is a Being who has been around since long before Earth was found and found to be habitable, Through Years of ET research i have learned that even the ET's believe in God, if you look at the structure of ET system of command it is very pyramid like with the top of the pole being God. Now i come to the conclusion of Good being a Alien by just the simple fact that no Being non ET could live as long as he has which imediatly knocks him out of the Human category so the only other choice is ET.

I also find the Bible to be one big UFO and ET intervention which includes Artificial Incemination abduction and visitations. People aren't worshiping Angels and jesus they are Worshiping ET's and a Alien Hybrid, it isn't magic that a virgin got pregnant it was science and intervention from ET's


Senior Member
What does science say. Basically, that we came to be via the process of evolution which depends on radiation to cause mutations as its engine.

That is like me telling you that my car engine runs on sugar. Also, that it is moving, but so slowly that it only moves one inch in 100 millions years.

Please, sugar will destroy an engine. Also, the car is not moving. Radiation will destroy you. Mutations are bad for us. Yeah, not just as an individual person. They are bad for a species. Genetic defects will not make us improve.
