TheSerbRyder_ReTurns' Views on John Titor


Senior Member
Serb, why don't you just give out the link where people can read instead of posting each msg in separate msgs? This thread is becoming a giant now.

I have seen this kind of tom foolery before... I would bet Sam has too.... People do these kinds of things.... Serb here has no idea where to find the bulk majority of the original postings so he is relying on oliver willams site to spam the heck out of this thread and make it all about himself.....

He's trolling.

Scroll up ... I edited and added a link above about the "IT" John was referring too.
Multiple World theory and parallel universes have never been proven. It only exists as a way to explain various findings in quantum mechanics. Just because people talk about it doesn't mean it's real.
I agree with you that an explanation doesn't make it so. However you can build a model to describe physical behavior. Even if the model is not complete, its "truth" can be measured by how well it predicts the behavior it describes.
Serb, why don't you just give out the link where people can read instead of posting each msg in separate msgs? This thread is becoming a giant now.

cause then your gonna be looking real hard to find these "gems" im giving you, go to and go to posts by date, im in january 2001, enjoy looking through all his posts for each month, your welcome for me doing the work for you
I have seen this kind of tom foolery before... I would bet Sam has too.... People do these kinds of things.... Serb here has no idea where to find the bulk majority of the original postings so he is relying on oliver willams site to spam the heck out of this thread and make it all about himself.....

He's trolling.

Scroll up ... I edited and added a link above about the "IT" John was referring too.

im not trolling, im posting johns writings more than anything
I am being technical about inconsistencies and alleged claims on your part. To be frank you have reached a serious level of annoying and you totally need your own thread just like "rens general comments" thread.

Where did multiverse come from as a theory? Where is the evidence of its existence?
I believe the closest non-related evidence for multiple universes right now comes from the physics (derived from special relativity) of rotating (Kerr) black holes. If you examine a typical Penrose map, science agrees that you can travel to "other universes" through these cosmic oddities. They can't be different places in your own universe (worldline) because you would have to violate the speed of light limit to get there.

Since the existence of multiple universes is a reality from my viewpoint, please allow me to disclose an idea we toss around a bit in 2036. Since all possibilities, outcomes and events are occurring and exist simultaneously; it would mean there are multiple universes out there where "you" are living a day behind and a day ahead of the "you" on this universe.
There are some who believe that memory is some sort of information transfer or communication with the "yous" in the past, across worldlines or universes. Although this is seemingly quite ridiculous, if you think that could be true, than physics tells us that the same information transfer from our future selves on other worldlines is not only possible but certain. Could it be that fantasy or "what if" scenarios are actually future memory from an alternate "us" on a future worldline?
According to physics, there is no reason why this cannot be true.

john comes to my defense
No it was GINGER also more commonly known as the segway.

This is even explained later in Titors postings... The Ginger part anyways.... it wouldn't be called a segway till sometime later.

Before the reality of the segways was released their was a big marketing campaign on "IT"

here have a link

you honestly think that IT? HAHA oooook why would anyone wonder how a segway is being dealt with in the news? and why? would it matter how it made anyone feel? looks like censoring was done at more places than ats, what an epic failURE... and i have to ask were you there?
He said their was a debate to keep the one they had or return back to the original. Regardless of that your avatar still has seven stars... not five like you first claimed and would of likely run with if none of us had paid closer attention....

An eye for detail is a great thing indeed.

I mean if we wanna get technical about the stripes on the face of your avatar I count 6. Anyone else?

no it has 5 stars, and 3 fragmented stars, maybe if i showed you the other 2 pics, you'd salute the general when hes talking, correction 5 stars, and 2 fragmented stars, which are not stars, they are fragments of what were stars


Serb, I moved most of your latest posts since the fax part of the Expert Titor topic in here. You basically hijacked the by posting massively afterwards.

You can share ideas as much as you want, but please, don't go as far as hijacking a topic in order to make your point across.

