Time Line Changes and Multiple World Line


For those of us who have experienced time line changes or believe they exist, do you think these disprove the multiple world line theory, or do you feel that since zero divergence is mathematically possible, a time traveler can manipulate his original timeline and that is what we are experiencing?


Are timeline changes natural? Are they the universe's response to right the wrongs, kind of like what Earth's mother nature does?


Junior Member
I have never experienced such thing nor do I believe they occur.
Assuming one felt them it would prove that other timelines exist as they literally just moved to another one.
HOWEVER, most people who claim to have felt timelines changes are either paranoid or completely delusional - influenced by the internet. If one was to change the past there is no way you would notice it.

Timeline changes are not natural, anything that happens (Or will happen) was already decided by the universe. There are no right and wrongs, all is expected and shall exist.

The universe is perfect, Is it not?


Senior Member
For those of us who have experienced time line changes or believe they exist, do you think these disprove the multiple world line theory, or do you feel that since zero divergence is mathematically possible, a time traveler can manipulate his original timeline and that is what we are experiencing?


Are timeline changes natural? Are they the universe's response to right the wrongs, kind of like what Earth's mother nature does?

I think you might initially be referring to the Mandela Effect Paula....I suppose Time-Line changes could become a "natural occurrence" when Time-Travel is a regular Government activity....Although i believe that those changes would occur within an alternative Time-Line, without anything being changed or altered in this Time-Line :)..


Temporal Engineer
My belief coincides with observation. There are many timelines already in existence. We are restricted to experiencing only one timeline in the present. We can choose to move to another timeline through our actions. Now all I need to know is what action I need to enact to move to the timeline where I win the lottery.


HOWEVER, most people who claim to have felt timelines changes are either paranoid or completely delusional - influenced by the internet. If one was to change the past there is no way you would notice it.

We look forward to seeing your research proving all people who have experienced timeline changes are delusional. Have you interviewed and studied a lot of people?
What data supports your conclusion?


My belief coincides with observation. There are many timelines already in existence. We are restricted to experiencing only one timeline in the present. We can choose to move to another timeline through our actions. Now all I need to know is what action I need to enact to move to the timeline where I win the lottery.

ha.... well, you probably won in at least one timeline. How am I accidentally switching universes? Maybe we never die. Maybe we end up on another timeline.


I think you might initially be referring to the Mandela Effect Paula....I suppose Time-Line changes could become a "natural occurrence" when Time-Travel is a regular Government activity....Although i believe that those changes would occur within an alternative Time-Line, without anything being changed or altered in this Time-Line :)..

by natural I meant a change happening on its own without human intervention or time travel.


Junior Member
For those of us who have experienced time line changes or believe they exist, do you think these disprove the multiple world line theory, or do you feel that since zero divergence is mathematically possible, a time traveler can manipulate his original timeline and that is what we are experiencing?


Are timeline changes natural? Are they the universe's response to right the wrongs, kind of like what Earth's mother nature does?
I believe that natural changes in timeline are natural for example in quantum universes theory every thought and choice you make in this universe could be different in another ultimately creating a new timeline theres also a possible natural time travel occuring with atoms and subatomic particles probably next to black holes which brings changes not only to this timeline but to others as well all though in not as big of a scale as a time traveler. I am a firm beliver that right and wrong dont exist in the multiverse as it opperates on possibility and probability which is why we humans exist in the first place. Speaking of multiverse theory i believe both quantum universes theory and bubble universes theory to be true basically what I mean is there are bubble universes in a multiverse each one being part of the same timeline which is where the quantum universes theory comes in with each possibility creating a new timeline in a different dimension. Also I believe that zero divergence applies only to natural time travel since the changes are miniscule.


Junior Member
I believe that natural changes in timeline are natural for example in quantum universes theory every thought and choice you make in this universe could be different in another ultimately creating a new timeline theres also a possible natural time travel occuring with atoms and subatomic particles probably next to black holes which brings changes not only to this timeline but to others as well all though in not as big of a scale as a time traveler. I am a firm beliver that right and wrong dont exist in the multiverse as it opperates on possibility and probability which is why we humans exist in the first place. Speaking of multiverse theory i believe both quantum universes theory and bubble universes theory to be true basically what I mean is there are bubble universes in a multiverse each one being part of the same timeline which is where the quantum universes theory comes in with each possibility creating a new timeline in a different dimension. Also I believe that zero divergence applies only to natural time travel since the changes are miniscule.
Also only the timetraveler would be able to experience changes in the timeline no one else unless youre mentally ill a god or are able to send information through the multiverse and time


New Member
You will never see a time traveler until you become one yourself. When you move back, it splits a new reality based on the additional probability of you arriving. It's no different then what happens naturally going forward with probability acting out every possibility. It's seemingly paradoxical because for the people whose timeline you go to, they've seen a time traveler. But even from that line, you could wait and never witness another. That's why you always want to keep a door open so you can go back, otherwise you're trapped in a new reality, and can never return to where you came from.

Although you could go back to when you went back and go through the doorway and end up in a parallel reality identical to the one you left to begin with. :p

At least that's my theory on it for now.
