Time Machines?

the hdr takes into consideration the person's time energy fields so you don't end up dying, bursting into flame or getting stuck in solid objects like the soldiers. That's what Tesla tried to synch up, human time fields with the coil's time fields. Hdr incorporates a human into the system so it's safer.
If you consider that the Philadelphia Experiment incorporated 2 very high energy counter rotating beans encircling the DE173 destroyer
at specific frequencies and an electronic device that ensured the ship would return back into our dimension, plus a Delta T Antenna that controlled the time aspect of the 2 counter rotating beams, I don't think that the HDR incorporates these...

The part where you mentioned the persons time energy fields being protected was commented on by Tesla as you said..
However, the device that was invented to protect the crews energy fields was produced at a later date than the Philadelphia Experiment,
and it was made by John Von Neumann...But it was not a part of the original experiment...John Von Neumann first had to discover why the crew above deck had their energy fields disrupted by the time travelling..:)
there was several experiments with several devices. Carlos Allende lied quite a bit. No Philadelphia naval yard worker ever saw anything. Was a few shore experiments then later they utilized totally different equipment on the USS martha vineyard off the coast of long island near the wardenclyffe and brookhaven locations. Teleported from long island sound to newport news(south of norfolk but same bay) and then back again.
Sure they used air coils on the deck, also later they used rotating drums wtihin cylinders powered by hho gas. The slowed time charged water vapor gas diffracted the light and caused invisibility and the rainbow shimmer as it disappeared. Regardless all the different setups work.

just need to produce slowed time which you can easily with coils or capacitance.
The delta-t antenna is just a fancy way of saying concentric coils. Attracting magnetic fields produce slowed time so does the north pole of the magnetic field. Your octahedral delta-t antenna is just that. Attracting magnetic fields at right angles.
Remember, the whole thing started when they found stuff going missing on film at the high current output ship hull welding drydocks. They brought in Townsend Brown to investigate and proved tools and other random stuff goes permanently missing or teleports when the massive 1 million current impulse welder fired.
there was several experiments with several devices. Carlos Allende lied quite a bit. No Philadelphia naval yard worker ever saw anything. Was a few shore experiments then later they utilized totally different equipment on the USS martha vineyard off the coast of long island near the wardenclyffe and brookhaven locations. Teleported from long island sound to newport news(south of norfolk but same bay) and then back again.
I didn't remark on Carlos Allende being the informant on what I explained about the Philadelphia Experiments electronics :)
But at that time during the war..1943, all experimentation was done by the US navy at sea, and of course there would only be the crews and scientists present on the docks :)

Also at that time, the experiments that followed were still being done by using the 2 very high energy counter rotating beams..
The scientists all had time frames to work in because of the war, and also a lot of work was being done to create the atomic bomb before the Germans created theirs..It was the work on this that finally put time travel experiments on hold until after the war :)
but a huge naval destroyer disappearing in the middle of the busiest naval dock in ww2?....c'mon
What do you mean by beams?...magnetic fields don't form beams.

Nikola Tesla died jan7th, 1943. Px experiment was in august 43. Shows it wasn't just one experiment but several.
The delta-t antenna is just a fancy way of saying concentric coils. Attracting magnetic fields produce slowed time so does the north pole of the magnetic field. Your octahedral delta-t antenna is just that. Attracting magnetic fields at right angles.
Actually the Delta T Antenna used "electro-magnetic fields" to control the time function of the 2 counter rotating fields around the ship :)
I have no idea what any of that means. The only interpretation is the Delta-T produces it's own time field and they used that as a stable reference like a control in relation to the 2 bucking or attracting counter rotating mganetic fields which make their own time field.
