Time to Build It

Last month has been pretty rough, but i have 12 dollars to spare, so i thought i might donate some of it. 3$ would be the maximum if i believe in the idea.
my idea are here i draw them i need them to decipher them how to make them properly, thats what i always do, if i come up with an idea i will draw them in a basic schema if you want to contribute, find some info that concern the say idea, thank you all so far
Alright inspiration hit again
here is a revise version of my last idea, i need some form of compact pc to record the frequency going thru the system to be able to travel back to my own time line if not this will only work as a time travel that will butcher thru time sending me god knows where, so there is the plan if anyone can help , cash is on its way for me this is not expensive to build, so all the help i can get from you guys would be greatly appreciated, while i waste my day at this day job, in and out i wish i could count on you guy with tons of free time doing some research and getting me the info i need, as a team, so let me know if you can get me these part i need thank you
Revise BJK FC2.webp
also any sugestion on how i should wind up the steel bar to make it do some proper magnetic field that can fluctuate with the audio frequency , cheers and thank you all
I would have thought with your extensive knowledge claims of Time-Travel and its simplicity, that you would be more than capable of giving DoctorZ the information he requires on winding the transformer...Forget the money aspect :)..
DoctorZ already said in his previous posting that, money is on its way to him..
