Time Travel Book Reviews


Senior Member
Post your review on a Paranormal/Time Travel Book you have read.

Alternatively post Paranormal/Time Travel books you have not read but wish to.



The Time Travel Handbook: A Manual of Practical Teleportation & Time Travel



The Time Travel Handbook: A Manual of Practical Teleportation & Time Travel


Senior Member
Some of the info is here, but there is more in the book.

The pictures contain no information at all, just fancy meaningless names that were probably first used in some childrens comic books, for example, Polyphase Warp Harmonic Field Array, Warp drive continuum booster, and finally the Zero Time Generator, that iam hoping our member @Treversal can share more information with us such as to how he built it and the source of the circuit details :)..

Furthermore it would be useful to explain the purpose of the Zero Time Generator, and allegedly the original reason why Tesla invented the device back in the 1920s, which would become an essential device on the destroyer escort ship the Eldridge during the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment...From my own recollection, only one Paranormalis member explained the purpose of the ZTG accurately, although its full name should be a big clue :)..
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Senior Member
My own list of good Time-Travel books to purchase: I know Amazon and Ebay sell all these books in new or used condition at very inexpensive prices :).

The Philadelphia Experiment, written by Charles Berlitz and William Moore..

The Montauk Project: (Experiments in Time) Written By Preston B Nichols and Peter Moon..

Montauk Revisited: (Adventures in Syncronicity) Written By Preston B Nichols and Peter Moon..

Pyramids of Montauk: (Explorations in Consciousness) Written by Preston B Nichols and Peter Moon..

The Music of Time: Written by Preston B Nichols and Peter Moon..


Can you explain briefly how you made the ZTG and from what design source please? :)..
I had pictures of it on Anomalies but none of my own. This was long ago, I became interested in TT back in 2001. And the design was mostly based on the ZTG in that book. It had two thin close copper plates in the center, it was in a vacuum, the shape was like in the picture made out of thin green plexiglass, there were 6 rotating electromagnets and 6 opposing oscillating electromagnets. The magnets could all be adjusted to either rotate or oscillate at different speeds. I bought and gutted a lot of these kinds of levitating globes to get the parts I wanted and lied to supply companies because the copper was dangerous -I said I was a researcher to get it. Kind of the truth. It`s been forever but that`s mostly the design. I wanted zero. Zero time, zero air, zero molecules, zero light, nothing in the center - a zone of nothing and then like cracking a safe by searching for the right combinations - of frequencies - I adjusted the different magnets to many different settings. My watch changed - but it was metal/mechanical - was it just the magnets?

