Time Travel Communication: Sending Messages Through Time Can Be Possible – Says Professor

walt willis

Senior Member
One of the things that Phil Corso's brother-in-law told me was hard to understand until now.
He ask me to listen to the sound of a pin dropping on the table and then ask if I could hear the sound.
Then he waited for a minute and ask if I could still hear the sound.
Do any of you on this forum understand why he did that?
Now I do understand what he was trying to tell us...
It made no good sense at the time, but now I see his point.
He said that the sound did not go away, but we left the sound behind.
Hope you all get it...It only took me from 1965 till now.


Time Travel Professor
Phil Corso's brother-in-law, showed you one of the Time Travel
components needed in real Time Travel 101.

walt willis

Senior Member
No, it was he told me about other work being done at the NM lab in 1965.
Corso's nephew Jimmy told me he held back on putting time travel information in his book because it may have been to hard for most people to take the book seriously.
As it turned out people still did not believe what he wrote anyhow.
I called Jimmy a few months ago to say I was regretful for not having told his father about seeing aliens face to face as a child.
I was given so much secret information and gave nothing in return.
I still don't know why he told me...
Maybe he learned that my SAT test scores were in the top 10% nation wide or maybe it was that I always stayed after class to help him clean up?
He did explain how it all worked to build the hollow donut filled with mercury and how they used it to reduce gravity by around 89%
It had the same effect on time and inertia and used super conductors to somehow spin the super conductive mercury at about 50 to 60,000 RPM.
I believe that aliens use mater and anti mater to pass the speed of light and the anti gravity drive to move around near planets.
