Time Travel Institute Is Open


Hey everyone,

It came to my attention last week that our friend @Cosmo at TTI decided to shutdown the Time Travel Institute forum and archive it permanently. While the forum is locked in a read-only format, the content in itself is still 100% available and readable, thankfully.

Time Travel Institute

A short time ago, a member we knew on Paranormalis as @JimmyD posted a bunch of menacing messages on TTI and for some reason posted a very serious death threat that was subsequently reported to his local police department. Because he recently posted threats on Paranormalis as well, I gave to Cosmo additional information about the guy, in order to provide enough evidence of his dangerous online behaviour to the concerned authorities. We haven’t heard from JimmyD since then...

Psychos like JimmyD are the #1 threat to communities like ours and TTI. Cosmo had to deal with a lot of weirdos over the years, but sadly, this very case was the last straw, as you can read bellow.
He's been saying stuff like this to us for a while, all of it creepy and disturbing, but today's the first time he's escalated to the point where he's suggesting that people are going to die. I've called the Louisville PD to file a report, our local PD to file a report and have also sent this information to his ISP. With everything going on in the news lately, shit like this is the last thing people should be saying online. I'm not willing to be the guy who didn't say anything, then a week later he's on the news for shooting up a school. Fuck that.
At this point, I really and truly don't have time for this kind of thing anymore. I'm going to make a flat-file version of the site to put up on GitHub this weekend. All the posts will still be readable there, but my time as a site owner has come to an end. Time to walk away.

This Hula guy is just one of many of the kind of deranged people sites like these attract, and I just have no interest in continuing to foster a place where people like him can escape even further from their reality and continue to harm themselves. It's irresponsible and I want no part of it.

John Titor's identity revealed to be Morey Haber

I’m sad to see that the TTI forum will no longer exist… as a forum community. Thank God, the content is still available.

I don’t usually post news and updates about other websites, but I figured everyone here deserved to know that a friend site of ours closed down recently.

You can reach the TTI Archive at Time Travel Institute

Farewell TTI



Senior Member
We might get more traffic because of this closing.

Gotta look on the bright side.
Plus, Cosmo said he was trying to establish his other forum "Curious Cosmos." Maybe this'll get that ball rolling better.



Senior Member
welp par for the course...this subject matter attracts the most unstable.
it's ok, not that big of a deal.
statistically very very few of schizophrenics commit violent crime.

had one stalk me for years, death threats and all.

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Yeah, JimmyD is banned and won’t return. We haven’t heard from him since he was reported to the police. I doubt he’ll come back.
