Time travel question


Senior Member
you hear one thing and think you know everything. your only here to discredit everyone and prop yourself up. but all i see on your post are you wining like a bitch at anyone and everyone. you should go back to whatever you do at home and leave all this to us. your imput is only subjective anf your science is old and lacking. radio wave this radio wave that, christ get a life. not everything is just radio waves. do your reaserch. i am over trying to talk to you as your so shut off its scary. BYE BYE.

Oh come off it, you started off by replying to my posting which was intended for the OP hitchhicking and im not whining at everyone as you suggest, iam simply replying to YOUR argumentative and ignorant postings :D....An electromagnetic Radio Wave is never just simply "old science" as you put it, its part of hundreds of Radio Stations that transmit music and speech every minute of the day 364 days of the year, and will be doing so for many many more years to come (y)..

My input as you put it, is gathered from the experience of a hobby, which is being a licensed radio operator and its never "subjective", choose your words better, and the three stages which is your only input, is just a basic radio wave :D..Its a shame that i scare you but when you eventually grow up and start reading through the postings on Paranormalis from the many informative members with accurate information, you wont be scared anymore, because you will have eventually started to learn something useful :D....Ive left this thread now, and im hoping that the original OP will come back soon (y) :)..


Senior Member
At 71 yrs going through time an x car salesmen.

You would have done it by now.

You seem to think you need a machine of sorts, if you dont have the mind in the right order your
not going anywhere. Probably why you still on your search.
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Junior Member
At 71 yrs going through time an x car salesmen.

You would have done it by now.

You seem to think you need a machine of sorts, if you dont have the mind in the right order your
not going anywhere. Probably why you still on your search.

And you have found the way to travel?


New Member
This reminds me of the study of metaphysics. Some people spend their entire lives contemplating the metaphysical theory of time travel.


Junior Member
waves are more then that you cracknut. think you need to watch some more movies a. and maybe sit on your ass and bitch about me you slob. grow up and just leave me alone or ill have to show everyone who you rely are and no one likes a winey twat.
