Time travel using HZ frequency and crystals ?! Please advise;

steven chiverton

Senior Member
i think outside the box you know where the stamp is near some dried cockroach poop and every time i get some strange results i just have to logg it down in my pc notes i have an open mind my brains keep falling out but still work on thought power alone im going to have a look at mayhems avatar it inspires me somewhat

steven chiverton

Senior Member
the thick crystal alone wont do much it can obsorb a hv arc of electrissity and you can held the cyrtsal up to the arc and you wont feel a thing as if it dampens out the charge somehow i did this years ago and aparts from that it obsorbs your bodys energy and aura well thats all you can coil some wire around a crystal and use it in the hdr but it wont do anything with the em feild of the wire but if your interfaced with it it can only enhance or amp your aura


Temporal Engineer
Hi Steve. Keep up the search. I suspect the frequencies of interest would be the Schumann resonance frequencies. And I believe they coincide with the frequencies associated with our brains. If you want to become part of the circuit use the principles behind the operation of a theremin. It's non contact. But apparently you are part of the circuit with those types of electronic circuits. I've read that the ET's fly their craft with their minds. Perhaps they can internally control their brain frequencies to elicit different types of galvanic skin responses. I'm sure you have seen the hand imprint control panels they use. That seems to tie in with the Gibbs rubbing plate with his newer caduceus coil underneath. The stick reaction is what I am referring to. The coefficient of friction seems to be variable with the rubbing plate. Perhaps that is a property of a caduceus coil. Just remember we do use crystals to create electronic oscillators. Mainly quartz because of the dual property quartz has. It can respond to both mechanical and electrical pressure.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
interesting ets interfaced with the crafts is true and it was the high powerd radar that broke the interface with the crafts resulting in crashes so interfacing with technology dose have its downsides i brought myself an expensive digitech qc 1938 scope and so i can monitor frequencies that i can interface with via a headband design and other tech ides for experiments, recently in an experiment where i ran some frequencies through my body along with the interfacing with a polarity indicator has resulted in a mystery which i have yet to try repeat it but when i do i can use the scope to check the wave form


Senior Member
the thick crystal alone wont do much it can obsorb a hv arc of electrissity and you can held the cyrtsal up to the arc and you wont feel a thing as if it dampens out the charge somehow i did this years ago and aparts from that it obsorbs your bodys energy and aura well thats all you can coil some wire around a crystal and use it in the hdr but it wont do anything with the em feild of the wire but if your interfaced with it it can only enhance or amp your aura
How crystal transference of object takes place is there's either a holography of the object or body and then those potentials are fed into a controller buffer of soke sorts. This is a stored frequency and then that captures trans placed to wherever the director is pointing the transference of that object to go.

So it's timing and frequency of the object, a relay of that active information capture to modulation, then a shunting of these potentials towards a target.

To note the HDR only does half of the aforementioned process, as in a standard use HDR the spirit soul complex goes wherever, while the physical body stays within the start point reality.

Within part crystal frequency mapping either as a hologram or per node mapping, the entire body is shunted through modulation, to relocation potentials.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
my frequency generators i built using the Schumann resonance 7.83 hertz and tesla 369 numbers etc etc i have yet to do more yet so designing these based on numbers is strange so i even used numbers shown to me by mysterious light glyphs on the surface of water subjected to low frequency sound waves

steven chiverton

Senior Member
all these people who upload there videos of sound vibrations on a chaldini plate and the patterns it forms at certain frequencies sure isn't looking at it close enough and trying it with water


Temporal Engineer
I understand how the patterns are produced. A round chladni plate is the best to use. It produces round rings and is dependent on the sound wave propagation time in conjunction with the length of the radius of the plate. The rings form in distinct multiples of "one", with no in between states.

This can be done with water in a round pool with an oscillator at the center producing similar results. But water waves travel much slower that sound waves.
