Debate Time Travel Whistleblower


Active Member
Unless the time cops had the exact temporal co-ordinates to monitor a traveler's movements, the whistle blower would never be caught by the time cops.

The release of the information causes the timeline to shift its position, and thus altering the point of reference which prevents the time cops from ever reaching said whistle blower because they were never technically there.


Senior Member
In December 2005 my late wife and me went to a David Shayler talk in Derby, he is a famous "whistleblower" from MI5...He was jailed for his act and later became a well known conspiracy celebrity on what really happened during 9/11...I purchased his "loose Change" DVD ($2) which shows lots of evidence against the official story...

This video clip is about David Shayler and how the Governments target him with Microwave Hearing..This is a radio beam thats sent to a person with messages that makes that person believe he is receiving messages from God...There is also a second method called, "The Gay Bomb"!!..This is supposed to make enemy soldiers believe that they are women and become less prone to violence!..This is produced by certain chemicals being put into food and drinks...(Shayler now dresses as a woman!)

The reporter on the video clip tells how he believes Shayler has been subjected to those two methods of attack purely to discredit anymore info that he is likely to reveal again in the future..I hope you like this clip..



Junior Member
Not familiar with his story..I'm sure all Whistleblowers face a tough road, hell some politicians were opening advocating Snowden to be assassinated! If hes gone Caitlyn Jenner mode, he Musta come unhinged...
