Time Traveling Aliens help Egypt


Senior Member
OK so time traveling aliens help Egypt by giving them advanced technology such as electrically powered light bulbs and here we are. That sounds strange you say. Perhaps the truth is more strange than we can even imagine.

Rare hieroglyphs showing 'Egyptians with electrical light bulbs are proof of time travel'

Turns out these things are explained by hieroglyphs on the walls of the same rooms.
You can read about it here, or you can continue with your personal fantasy.



Senior Member
OK so time traveling aliens help Egypt by giving them advanced technology such as electrically powered light bulbs and here we are. That sounds strange you say. Perhaps the truth is more strange than we can even imagine.

Rare hieroglyphs showing 'Egyptians with electrical light bulbs are proof of time travel'

[MEDIA = youtube] IvI5yoCUZJ4 [/ MEDIA] [/ QUOTE]
Good posting HDRKID The pyramids also had granite stones in their construction which were brought from the Aswan area and when granite is put under stress (squeezing) it releases an electricity (piezo electricity), drawn from the quartz crystals within it...

When you squeeze a Quartz crystal it pushes atoms closer together or further apart causing net electrical charges to appear..This effect is carried through the whole structure of the crystal so that net positive and negative charges appear on the opposite and outer faces of the quartz crystals...The squeezing process is brought about by many many stones on top of the granite stones (there is about 20% of quartz crystal inside each granite block)

So here we have a source of electricity available in every pyramid, and perhaps the hieroglyphics were a type of "blueprint" produced by the high priests of Egypt or even by visiting Aliens, explaining how "light" was provided in the inner parts of the pyramids....After all, hieroglyphics is a sort of "diary" from ancient times :)


Thanks for sharing again, @Harte. I have a few concerns about the article, but feel free to give me your opinion. Won't be offended.

"many of the passages needed no artificial lighting" -- Who said that these bulbs were used in the pyramids? That seems to be an assumption.

Was the soot from torches? Can we age test the soot and then age test the image of the "bulb" on the wall? Perhaps the soot existed BEFORE the drawing. Besides, if many of the passages didn't need lighting, why does soot exist in the pyramid to begin with?

Could the "soot" be years of dirt or mold?

My theories -- a) Perhaps the image is just an ancient inventor's CONCEPT of a lamp and perhaps experiments were taking place outside of the pyramid or b) the lamp was not used INSIDE the pyramids.

I do know about the lotus flower/god theory, too.

I have to admit that we are making HUGE assumption that the drawing was created INSIDE the pyramid. It could have been done on the block before the pyramid was closed up, so there would be plenty of light.


Senior Member
The guy said the rooms were too small to get torches into them, and even if they did it would be likely that they would have suffocated from the smoke...so no soot was mentioned ;):D


Temporal Engineer
I always thought that light bulb thingy was just a container to hold electric eels. And a way was found to harvest the electrical energy from the electric eel.


Senior Member
I find the comparison of a snake to electricity interesting, as people in ancient times could have easily compared an electric shock to snakebite. Electrical wires are even long and thin like snakes.

That doesn't mean I believe that's what's in the hieroglyphs though.


Senior Member
Good posting HDRKID The pyramids also had granite stones in their construction which were brought from the Aswan area and when granite is put under stress (squeezing) it releases an electricity (piezo electricity), drawn from the quartz crystals within it...

When you squeeze a Quartz crystal it pushes atoms closer together or further apart causing net electrical charges to appear..This effect is carried through the whole structure of the crystal so that net positive and negative charges appear on the opposite and outer faces of the quartz crystals...The squeezing process is brought about by many many stones on top of the granite stones (there is about 20% of quartz crystal inside each granite block)

So here we have a source of electricity available in every pyramid, and perhaps the hieroglyphics were a type of "blueprint" produced by the high priests of Egypt or even by visiting Aliens, explaining how "light" was provided in the inner parts of the pyramids....After all, hieroglyphics is a sort of "diary" from ancient times :)
You can't use that as a source of electricity. It's a one-off. Electrons don't keep coming.
Besides, have you got any info on piezoelectricity in granite?

You're aware, I assume, that there's not very much granite in the G.P.

Thanks for sharing again, @Harte. I have a few concerns about the article, but feel free to give me your opinion. Won't be offended.

"many of the passages needed no artificial lighting" -- Who said that these bulbs were used in the pyramids? That seems to be an assumption.
Doernenberg (the author of the site I linked) is addressing claims that fringe theorists have made when he makes that statement.

Was the soot from torches? Can we age test the soot and then age test the image of the "bulb" on the wall? Perhaps the soot existed BEFORE the drawing. Besides, if many of the passages didn't need lighting, why does soot exist in the pyramid to begin with?
The pics in question aren't in any pyramid. There is soot in most temples and tombs, but a lot of it (even all of it) could have come from explorers, not necessarily the builders.

The Ancient Egyptians had fine oil lamps that worked very well. Literally hundreds of these lamps have been found, from all the dynastic kingdoms.

What has also been found are barrels full of lamp oil. They had tricks to make their oil smokeless, which makes a lot of sense when you consider that oil lamps were their mains source of interior lighting. One thing they did was add salt, IIRC. Also, their lamp oil was specially blended from different oils, and it is proposed that was done to address smokiness.

My theories -- a) Perhaps the image is just an ancient inventor's CONCEPT of a lamp and perhaps experiments were taking place outside of the pyramid or b) the lamp was not used INSIDE the pyramids.
Even considering that what is depicted is some sort of lamp is a non-starter, what with the original artist's own text, right there on wall in the same rooms, telling us what we're looking at.

The pic is in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera. That temple was built in the Ptolemaic Period. That's after Alexander the Great conquered Egypt. When Alexander died in 323 B.C., Ptolemy I became the ruler of Egypt.

The temple in question likely dates to well after Ptolemy I. A hundred years or two after his death.

The temple, in other words, is Greek. The text in the temple uses the Greek name for Horus.

If the artist was depicting a lamp, why do we have no info about Greek electricity?

